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Ex.4 Check your knowledge and understanding the following wods with the help of terminological dictionary: balance, famine, resources, glacier, watermark, distribution, impurity. Ex.5 Find the Ukrainian equivalents the following word-combinations: A: fresh water consumption, world water balance, earth’s entrails, annual fresh water discharge, renewable fresh water resources, tight water balance, unlike other natural resources, in daily industrial life; B: у повсякденному промисловому житті, надра землі, на відміну від інших природних ресурсів, споживання чистої води, щорічний стік чистої води, світова рівновага води, поновлювані запаси чистої води, жорсткий водний баланс Ex.6 Read the text and give its main idea in two-three sentences: Water famine: reality or illusion? The steady growth of fresh water consumption has raised the question how water is there on earth?A modern study of the world water balance was required. A group of scientists tackled the job. Their fundamental work has summed up and generalized data about the scale of use of world’s water resources and rise of consumption up to the year 2000. The monograph World Water Balance and Water Resources of the earth, which is unique in hydrological literature, has been reprinted in English and Spanish by decision of UNESCO. Distinguished Hydrologists consider that the study is at least 40 years ahead of the level of world hydrological science. A Lot and little enough Ours is a unique planet in the system. Oceans and seas cover two-thirds of its surface and perhaps it should have been named water rather than earth. Water is not a rarity even on land; lakes sparkle, ribbons of rivers wind across the continents, glaciers and the vast ice-and-snow shields of Greenland and the Antarctica glitter in the sun. In the northern hemisphere every winter snow and ice cover more than third of all land surfaces. Scientists hold that water was born in the earth’s entrails at the dawn of its life. Somewhere inits depth the birth of water continues to this day. Today with lava, volcanoes annually eject 40 million tonnes of water. Thus, little by little, the amount of water on the earth’s surface increases. Unfortunately, 97.5 per cent of all water reserves are claimed to be salt water. Consequently, fresh water resources account for only 2.5 per cent and the most accessible as little as o.3 per cent. Moreover, the natural distribution is extremely uneven. The annual fresh water discharge into the ocean is the greatest in Asia and South America – 31 and 25 per cent of the total amount respectively, North America accounts for 17, Africa 10, Europe 7, Antarctica 5 and Australia 4 per cent. The river watermark is also uneven during the year. From May to October all rivers discharge 63 per cent of their annual runoff, leaving only 37 per cent for the rest of the year. The authors of the monograph estimate that the annual satisfaction of human requirements runs to something like 2.600 cubic kilometres of water – about 6 per cent of the earth’s annually renewable fresh water resources. According to experts, by the year 2000, considering the growth of population, industry and agriculture the water requirement will reach 6.000cubic kilometers or about 13 per cent. The conclusion would seem to be optimistic: our planet has sufficient water. Why then should scores of countries face a tight water balance/ The reason is that the unevenness of water distribution is aggravated by the still greater unevenness of the geographical distribution of people. The shortage strikes where there is an excess of population and industry. Besides, modern industry, with its manufacture of increasingly complex and diverse products, requires not just fresh, but exceptionally clean, freshwater, the quality of products being highly sensitive to various impurities. Many countries are short of this clean water. Chief Treat Unlike other natural resources water renews itself. This is due to its constant circulation in the ocean – atmosphere-earth-ocean system. No matter how much water is consumed in daily industrial life, its amount does not decrease. With time and under certain conditions water regains its properties and its fitness for drinking. This is probably the reason why water resources for a long time appeared to be unlimited. However, this view has substantially changed in the past 30 or 40 years, when water become a factor which dictates prospects for economic development. In the economy water is a raw material like any other. Scarcely any type of product is manufactured without water taking part in the process in one form or another. The obtaining of a tone of paper or woolen fabric requires the use of 200 cubic meters of clean fresh water, that of a tone of capron 5.600 cubic meters. The use of water leaves it polluted. Newspapers report that all the large rivers in Britain, Australia, Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, Sweden, Italy the United States, the Netherlands, Spain and many other industrially developed countries are completely or partially polluted. Ex.7 Make up the plan to the text and find the answers corresponding every point of the plan. Ex.8 Say what new information have you got in this text. Ex.9 Tell about the most interesting facts for you. Ex.10 Read the theoretical material and make the exercises. Зміст способу компресії Слово „компресія ” походить від латинського ” compression” – стискання. Структури речень в англійській і українській мовах різні. Цю різницю з формальної точки зору, перш за все, можна побачити в структурі речення, в порядку слів, а також в наявності різних конструкцій. В зв’язку з цим при перекладі можливі різні ( зміни ) перетворення речення. Для адекватного перекладу необхідно творчо використовувати ряд способів перекладу, а також вміння надавати їм пояснення і мотивацію. Сутність прийому компресії при перекладі складається в більш компактному ( стислому) викладанні думки на одній мові за рахунок використання семантично більш мілких одиниць іншої мови. Компресія тексту досягається шляхом позбавлення надмірних елементів висловлювань, особливо при так званих „ парних синонімів ”. Розглянемо приклад використання компресії при перекладі. Burning or combustion is the process of uniting of fuel or combustible with oxygen in the air. Згоряння – це процес поєднання палива з киснем, який міститься в повітрі. В даному реченні англійські слова burning і fuel пояснюють значення термінів combustion і combustible і виражають одне й те саме поняття, тому при перекладі вони зайві. Спосіб компресії використовують при складанні конспекту, рецензії, розширеного плану і анотації. Найбільші труднощі викликає анотування науково-технічної інформації. Анотування потребує повного охоплення змісту тексту, відбору і узагальнення основної інформації. Сутність цього процесу міститься в тому, що завдяки „ стискання” матеріалу першоджерела отримати основні положення і подати їх замовнику інформації в вигляді короткої довідки. При цьому відбувається процес згортання матеріалу, його зменшення відносно оригіналу. Складносурядні речення Складносурядне речення складається з двох або більше не підпорядкованих oдне одному речень. В англійській мові вони називаються clauses і об’єднуються в складносурядне речення за допомогою таких сполучників сурядності. а) єднальні( copulative ): and – (і, та), as well as – (так само, як і), both ...and – (як...так і), not only....but also – (не тільки...,а й) б) розділові( disjunctive): or (або, чи, інакше), either...or (або...або) в) протиставні (adversative) but (але), yet (проте), still (все ж), whereas (тоді як) а) It was a warm soft evening in spring, and there were many persons in the streets ( Gaskell) Був теплий весняний вечір, і на вулицях було багато людей. She did not answer him and he went to his room to change his clothes. ( Dreiser ) Вона не відповідала йому, і він пішов у свою кімнату переодягтися. The sun had set and he turned homeward. ( Gordon ) Cонце зайшло, і він повернувся додому. Neither his father nor his mother was like other people. (Dreiser) Ні його батько, ні його мати не були схожі на інших людей. б)Now you must hurry or you’ll be very late for work .( Abrahams) Тепер ти мусиш поспішати, інакше запізнишся на роботу. Put a warm coat on or you will catch cold. Одягни тепле пальто, а то застудишся. I must go or I’ll be late. Я мушу йти, а то я запізнюся. в) I came here earlier but you weren’t in. ( Maugham) Я приходив сюди і раніше, але вас не було вдома. They waited some time for her, but she did not come down again. ( Wilde) Вони чекали її деякий час, але вона більше не прийшла. Складносурядні речення можуть також бути безсполучниковими. The moon went down; the stars grew pale; the sun rose. ( Dreiser) Місяць сховався, згасли зорі, сходило сонце. Ex.11. Find the compound (складносурядні) sentences in the text “Radio electronics in space» and make annotation to this text: Radio electronics in space The formula “radio + electronics = radio electronics “provides us with a good example of fruitful cooperation. To work successfully in any field of science now means to know the fundamentals of radio electronics. A physician has to know the properties of high frequency currents, a mathematician – the properties of fast-acting computers, an astronomer – the properties of radio telescopes, a physicist – the properties of charged particles. Without radio electronics it is impossible to develop cybernetics, astronautics and nuclear physics. Much attention is now given to the frequency stability of generators – the heat of all radio transmitting systems. To establish reliable contact with Mars, the frequency control must be within billionths of a per cent. The role of “electrical pendulum “which sets the frequency of oscillations in highly stable generators is performed by a plate of crystalline, quartz. Like the string of a mystical instrument, this plate can be tuned to a definite frequency. The thinner the plate, the higher the frequency is. The thinnest plates give a frequency of scores of mcps (millions of oscillations per second). The super high frequencies used in cosmic communication are of hundreds and thousands of mcps. To use special multipliers means to active such frequencies. Ordinarily it is a chain of valve or transistor stages, each containing a score of parts. This increases the size of equipment, requires more power and results in reduced reliability. To solve the problem of high frequencies another way out has been found. The oscillations of quartz may be induced not on the main frequency, but on its harmonic overtones. One of the biggest problems is to “tame” overtones in transistor generators, that is where they are most necessary. The frequency “ceiling” for them is usually 100 mcps. The generator used, for instance, in the instrumentation of the US artificial Earth satellites “Vanguard “and “Explorer “, had a frequency of 108 mcps (millions of cycles –мегагерц = 10 гц – per second). Самостійна робота № 11 Текст. Ecology and economy: two sides of the same issue. Лексико-граматичні основи перекладу та вправи: Складання плану та написання анотації Ex.1 Read the theoretical material and fulfill some exercises. Анотаційний переклад Анотаційний переклад - це вид технічного перекладу, мета якого скласти анотацію на іншій мові. Слово" анотація" походить від латинського слова аnnotatio - нотатка. Анотація - це коротка стисла характеристика змісту і перелік основних питань книги, статті, рукопису. Для того, щоб зробити анотаційний переклад, необхідно прочитати книгу чи статтю, скласти план, потім сформулювати основні положення, перелічити основні питання. Стиль анотаційного перекладу книги або статті відрізняється вільним перекладом, дається головна характеристика оригінала. Анотація спеціальної статті або книги - коротка характеристика оригінала, яка висвітлює його зміст у вигляді переліку основних питань і іноді дає критичну оцінку. З цього визначення ясно, що така анотація повинна дати читачу уявлення про характер оригінала( науково-популярна стаття, технічний опис і т.д.), про його структуру (які питання і в якій послідовності розглядаються). При складанні анотацій з друкованих робіт необхідно додержуватися окремих вимог:
З.В текстах анотацій часто використовуються неозначено-особові займенники і пасивно-зворотні конструкції типа: "повідомляється", „описується", „викладається" і т.д.
При складанні анотацій необхідно також враховувати наступне:
Для структури описової анотації характерні наступні складові частини:
The plan for making annotation to the article The plan for rendering the text and some expressions to be used while rendering the text. 1. The title of the article. The article is head-lined… The head-line of the article I have read is… 2. The author of the article; where and when the article was published. The author of the article is… The article is written by… It is published in … It is printed in… 3. The main idea of the article. The main idea of the article is… The article is about… The article is devoted to….. The article deals with… The article touches upon… The purpose of the article is to give the reader some information on… The aim of the article is to provider the reader with some material on… 4. The contests of the article. Some facts, figures, names. The author starts by telling the readers about… The author writes (states, stresses, thinks, points out) that… The article describes… According to the text… The article goes on to say that… 5. Your opinion of the article. In conclusion… The author comes to the conclusion that… I fond the article interesting (important, credible, of no value, too hard to understand)…. Ex.2 Read the text, write down the unknown words, remember the theory about the annotation and make it to this text. Ecology and economy: two sides of the same issue. One key to the sustainable development is the realization that ecology and economy are interconnected - for better and for worse. At present, ecology and economy often reinforce each other in a negative direction, giving a downward spiral of events or unsustainable development. The poverty of the developing countries and the wasteful overconsumption of the developed countries are both in their own way guilty of causing environmental degradation. Environmental degradation in both the developed and developing countries undermines biological production systems and health, which will in the long term limit the potential for economic activities. There are no environmental problems. Not a single one. The basic causes of the problems.. are found in the economic system itself. Lloyd Timberlake, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), United Kingdom (Lillehammer seminar) Luckily, ecology and economy can also interact in a positive way. Measures to improve the environment may seem to be costly drains on the economy in the short term, but evidence is beginning to accumulate that many of these measures are also economic in the long term. Industries are discovering that efficient use of materials and energy – recycling, introduction of new production techniques, utilization of waste heat – are desirable from an economic viewpoint as well as satisfy legal requirements and respond to pressure from consumers. In the developing countries, areas with successful afforestation and soil conservation projects are also beginning to reap the benefits in terms of economics and self-sufficiency. A new branch of economics called environmental economics is based the idea that present economic systems and market forces often create environmental problems because they do not reflect the environmental costs of activities, especially costs that appear at other places and other times. Environmental economics aims to steer development in a more sustainable direction by using various economic tools such as taxes on carbon or other resources, fines levied on polluters, marking of “green” consumer products, and use of incentives recycling of materials (Pearce et al., 1989). These measures, if seriously employed, could greatly improve the environmental situation and force deep changes in all spheres of society. Some say that this will not be enough, however. Ecological economics, another new discipline, questions the basic tenets of modern economics: continual growth and the accruement of interest on capital. Ecological economists are now working on the question of how to create a stable and healthy economy without interest and continual growth (Kennedy, 1988). They argue that production systems should be restructured and that local cycles of capital-extensive production, trade, consumption and recycling should replace centralized, capital-intensive production and waste treatment. These communities would be much like the self-sufficient farming communities of old but would use appropriate laborsaving and environmental technology driven by solar, biomass or other renewable energy. Ecological economists argue that this system would not only be energy- and resource- efficient but would also help restore the human values of small, diverse, self-sufficient local communities. When discussing the issue of growth it may be useful to look to nature as a model. Young ecosystems such as young forests or fields normally have high net growth (accumulation of biomass).As the ecosystem matures and resources become scarce, net growth declines because more and more energy is used to maintain the forest’s large biomass and complex functions. A mature forest is resource –efficient and highly productive in terms of photosynthesis, but has little or no net growth. The growth of individual trees or stands of trees is balanced by death and decomposition of other trees. Compare this to our economic systems. Industrialized countries have experienced rapid economic growth owing to new technology and the exploitation of fossil fuels. Viewed ecologically, however, resources will eventually set limits. Materials and energy may become scarce or production potential may be reduced because of environmental degradation (pollution, erosion, health problems). As a result, industries and communities need to exert more effort to obtain and recycle materials, control pollution, increase energy efficiency, etc. Profits are reinvested, giving low net growth in the mature economy. As in the forest, gross production could nevertheless remain high. The discussion of how to develop economic systems that can safeguard environmental interests has just begun. It will undoubtedly be one of the main points of environmental debate in the years to come, and is a highly relevant topic for environmental education. Самостійна робота № 12 Текст Time to save mankind from thirst?. Лексико-граматичні основи перекладу та вправи: Переклад емфатичних конструкцій. Ex.1 Read the theoretical material and fulfill some exercises. Переклад емфатичних конструкцій Емфатичні конструкції вживаються для виділення того чи іншого члена речення, яке може відбуватися за допомогою інверсії. Інверсія – зміна звичайного порядку слів в реченні з метою виділення тих чи інших його членів; порушення звичайного порядку слів, обумовлено логічними, стилістичними або ритмічними вимогами. Існує декілька типів інверсії. 1. На початку речення може стояти друга частина присудка ( Participle I, II), іменник з прийменником або прикметник, потім перша частина форми дієслова be ( is, are ) і, нарешті, підмет. Між другою і першою частинами присудка можуть стояти прямий додаток або обставина. The fundamental principles of alternating current are presented in this chapter. Included are the basic principles of some alternating current machines. В цій частині представлені основні принципи ( властивості) змінного струму. Тут же викладені основні принципи дії деяких двигунів змінного струму. Як видно з прикладу, в другому реченні вжита інверсія, виділений підмет стоїть в кінці речення. Як правило, завдяки інверсії на кінець речення переміщуються слова, які виражають те нове, що ми бажаємо повідомити, а на перше місце ставляться слова, які позначають те , що нам вже відомо ( наприклад, із попереднього речення). Перекладати спочатку треба присудок, потім підмет. Для зв’язку даного речення з попереднім слід додавати слова „ при цьому”, „ тут же” і інші. 2. На початку речення може бути обставина зі словами: only – тільки, never before – ніколи раніше не, no longer – більше не, not until – тільки після, до ( тих пір) поки не. В цьому випадку інверсію вживають для виділення цих слів і пов’язаного з ними присудка. Never before has a new class of weapon been attended so much publicity as a guided missile. Ніколи раніше не один новий вид зброї не притягував такої великої уваги, як керуєма ракета. В реченнях такого типу перша частина присудка стоїть перед підметом, а друга - після підмета( has a new class of weapon been attended). Якщо присудок простий, тобто складається з одного слова, то перед підметом ставиться допоміжне слово to do ( в особовій формі), а основне дієслово стоїть за підметом. 3. В реченні з інверсією на першому місці може стояти один з сполучників nor, neither, so Carbon dioxide does not burn, nor does it support combustion. Двоокис вуглецю не горить і не підтримує горіння. Сполучник so перекладається словами «також», «аналогічним засобом». Присудок, який стоїть за сполучником so, завжди є неповним, тобто є тільки допоміжним або модальним дієсловом. Weight and lift are closely associated, so are thrust and drag. Вага і підйомна сила тісно пов’язані між собою, аналогічним засобом пов’язані між собою тяга і лобовий опір. Присудок другого речення за змістом виражає те саме, що і в першому реченні (are associated), але воно представлено в скороченому вигляді ( are замість are associated). При перекладі на українську мову присудок першого речення слід повторити повністю 4. На першому місці в реченні може стояти прикметник, за яким слідують сполучники as або though This new branch of science, young as it is, touches on many important practical applications. Ця нова галузь науки, хоча вона і виникла недавно, лежить в основі багатьох важливих практичних застосувань. Такі речення мають допустове значення. Вони перекладаються підрядними реченнями з сполучниками „хоча і”, „ як..ні”, „ яким би ...ні”. які ставляться на початку речення. Модальне дієслово may , який входить до складу присудка речення допустового характеру, як правило, не перекладається. Strange though it may seen, these systems have similar tactical duties to perform. Як це не дивно, ці системи мають подібні тактичні завдання. Ex.2 Read and translate the given international words: ideal a, filter n, centre n, practically adv, hectare n, season n, cubic a, grandiose a, scheme n, interference n, authoritative a, accumulate v, provoke v, effective a, function n, dynamics n, operate v, iceberg n, transport v, serious a. Ex.3 Remember the pronunciation and translation of the following words: convince – переконувати incorporate – включати( в склад) record – записувати, реєструвати claim – претендувати, стверджувати, вимагати cautious – обережний, передбачливий thrifty – бережливо, економно comprise – включати, охоплювати, містити expand – поширювати, збільшувати, розповсюджуватися threaten – погрожувати fail – не мати успіху, потерпіти невдачу justify – виправдовувати hardy – стійкий, витривалий shift – переміщувати, зрушувати advantage – вигода, перевага save – економити, зберігати rule out – виключати tow – тягнути, буксувати rerouting – зміна течії contemplate – обмірковувати, намірятися feasible – можливий, який можна виконати enigma – загадка Ex.4 Form with the help of suffixes –(a) (t) ion or –ment corresponding nouns from the following verbs and translate them. Reconstruct, replace, introduce, develop, consume, discuss, preserve, coordinate, deplete, cooperate, evaporate. Ex.5 Check your knowledge and understanding the following words with the help of terminological dictionary: Effluent, cleanse, crop, loss, area, impact, aeration, permafrost, sewage. Ex.6 Find the Ukrainian equivalents of the following word-combinations: A: cleaning system, industrial wastewater, waste-free system, key consumer, pros and cons, abundant crops, inflict damage, irrigated area, never-ending sources, far-sighted attitude, annual rainfall, artificial cloud control, additional precipitation, arid area, hardy crops, low-salinity sea-water, closed production cycle, urban water, recirculated water system, industrial and domestic effluent, per capita daily water consumption, city aeration, desalination plant, river runoff, permafrost zones; B: зрошувальні площини, доводи за і проти, наносити збиток, нескінченні ресурси, безвідходна система, система очистки, головний споживач, щорічна кількість опадів, багаті врожаї, далекоглядне ставлення, промислові стічні води, щоденне споживання води на душу населення, міська вода, система рециркульованої води, річний стік, промислові і міські очищені води, контроль за утворенням штучної хмари, міські станції аерації води, зони багаторічної мерзлоти, стійкі врожаї, морська вода з низькою наявністю солей, додаткові опади, посушливий район, замкнений цикл виробництва, завод (пристрій) по знесоленню води, очисні спорудження. Ex.7 Read the text and say what new information have you got: Time to save mankind from thirst? Of the 10 years which form the un-declared Drinking Water Decade three have already passed. Mankind has accumulated a considerable experience. Several schemes which appear to be promising have failed to justify themselves. These include artificial cloud control with a view to obtaining additional precipitation. The thus provoked rains frequently fall where they are not needed. The shortage of fresh water is also due to the fact that 80 per cent of it is diverted to the irrigation of fields (250 million hectares of agricultural land, almost 100 million of which fall to the share of the developing countries). Meanwhile stable crops can also be obtained in other equally effective ways – by employing agricultural practices designed specially for arid and by choosing the hardiest crops and their varieties. An interesting experience is that of some Baltic farms, which have introduced irrigation by low-salinity sea water. It is absolutely inadmissible to dump uncleaned sewage into rivers and lakes. The most effective method of protecting the water environment is to shift to a closed production cycle. This offers a triple advantage: saving of water (cleaned, it can be reused), opening the way for extracting valuable substances from the wastes and ruling out harm to nature. Today water recycling in industrial enterprises is a reality. In the former Soviet Union, for instance, recirculated water systems are already functioning in many plants and factories. The volume of recirculated water supply in our country has reached per cent of the total of fresh water used infilling production requirements. Technological progress makes possible the constant improvement of urban water-supply systems as well. In Ukraine more than given are spent annually on construction of purifiers. Now the scale of cleansing structures inmost of our large cities makes it possible to process all industrial and domestic effluent. However, cities expand and with them water consumption also expands. Near – Fantastic Projects Man has long turned his eyes to the immense water resources of the oceans and seas. A; as, their water is undrinkable, but in our time topping up of fresh water reserves by desalination has ceased to be a dream. Several desalination plants are already operating on some islands of the West Indies, in the Middle East and the United States. In Russia on the deserted coast of the Caspian Sea (the Manyshlak Peninsula) the modern city of Shevchenko has sprung up. Each of its 120.000 inhabitants uses daily 400 litres of fresh water obtained with the aid of the world’s largest desalination plant. Many bold original projects are designed to resolve the fresh water problem on a world scale. One proposal is to tow icebergs in order to provide water to the arid areas of Australia, South America< Southern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. The Antarctic ice cap releases into the ocean at least 2.400 cubic kilometers of crystal clear fresh water annually. Another proposal is to transport fresh water in tanks tied into garlands each holding 25.000 cubic meters of water. Ex.8 Name all ways to solving the problem of fresh water. - Explain the most effective method of the protection of water resources - Explain how one can solve the problem of expanding of water consumption in big cities. - What way is solved the problem of water desalination in some countries, - Say in detail about the ways of solving the problem of fresh water in the world scale, which you have read in this text. Ex.9 Translate the following sentences with emphatic inversion: 1. It is the program that ensures the execution of all operations assigned to the computer. 2. It is the programmist that is the connecting link between the computer and the problem it has to solve. 3. It was not until the 20th century that electronic computers were constructed and put into operation. 4. It was 50 years ago, when the first relay machine capable of adding two 23-digit numbers in 0.3 sec was completed. Ex.10 Change the following sentences using the inversion and translate them into Ukrainian: Patterns: A. If I were in your place, I should do this work myself. Were I in your place, I should do this work myself. B. If he had known the subject better , he wouldn’t have failed in his exam. Had he known the subject better, he wouldn’t have failed in his exam. 1. If it were necessary to increase the speed of this particular engine, it could be achieved by using a special device. 2. If the road had been better, we should have been here in due time. 3. If the engineer had been informed of the results before, he would have allowed you to repeat the test. 4. If we had used new methods, we should have saved much time. 5. The plan would not have been fulfilled in time if the people had not worked with such energy. 6. If the oil supply had stopped even for a moment, serious damage might have resulted. 7. If the mechanic were there, he would repair the equipment. 8. If the air within the cylinder were motion less, only a small proportion of the fuel would find enough oxygen. 9. If the book on that subject were available in our library, I should be able to make a gooв report. 10. If he had all the necessary materials, he would accomplish his model in time. Ex.11 Translate the following sentences with the inversion: 1. Discussed in this chapter are some of the general characteristics inherent to semiconductors. 2. Included in this section is a description of a typical airborne liquid oxygen system. 3. Shown on the photo is the equipment available at many airports to start piston-engined aircraft. 4. Described in this book are the rockets space-probing craft including the sputniks.5. Associated witheach electron is a wave, which is propagated in the direction of the motion of the electron. Самостійна робота №13 Текст Chornobyl nuclear accident. It is twelve years after the world’s worst nuclear disaster. Лексико-граматичні основи перекладу та вправи: Складнопідрядні речення (додаткові, означальні) Ex.1 Read the theoretical material and fulfill some exercises. Підрядні додаткові та означальні речення Підрядні додаткові речення ( object clauses ) виконують функцію додатка до дієслова або прикметника в головному реченні. Вони приєднуються до головного речення сполучниками that, if, whether, lest, сполучниками займенниками та прислівниками who, whose, what, which, where, when, how, why, а також безсполучниковим способом: We did not know what had happened. - Ми не знали, що трапилось. Підрядні означальні речення ( attributive clause ) виконують роль означення до іменника або займенника головного речення і з’єднуються з ним за допомогою сполучних займенників who, whose, which, that, сполучних прислівників where, when, а також безсполучниковим способом: The woman who lives here has gone shopping. - Жінка, яка тут живе, пішла в магазин. Підрядні означальні речення поділяються на обмежувальні ( limiting ), класифікуючи ( classifying ) і описові ( descriptive ). Обмежувальне означальне речення уточнює, про який саме предмет іде мова. Іменник вживається з означеним артиклем: The house in which we live is in the centre of the town. – Будинок, у якому ми живемо, знаходиться в центрі міста. Класифікуючи означальне речення вказує, до якої групи або класу належить предмет, позначений іменником. Іменник вживається з неозначеним артиклем. A polygon which has three sides is called a triangle. – Многокутник, що має три сторони, називається трикутником. Ex.2 Put 10 + 10 questions to the texts and translate them. Chеrnobyl nuclear accident The 26lh of April is a special day for the people living in Ukraine and regions situated not far from it. On that day in 1986 a horrible accident occurred at the Chornobyl nuclear station. There was a nuclear reactor explosion which had far reaching consequences. Contamination by various radioactive isotopes, such as cesium-137, iodine-131, strontium-90, plutonium-239 and plutonium-240, from the Chornobyl nuclear accident have affected the air, land, and water of Ukraine and vast areas beyond it. Recorded but unreported radiation levels in Kyiv a few days after the accident exceeded the maximum allowable levels by a hundredfold. Press report claim that significant number of deaths by radiation sickness, elevated levels of stillbirth and birth defects and highly elevated rates of childhood leukemia, have occurred in the affected areas. Those claims and other concerns are being researched by host of scientists and medical professionals from Ukraine and other countries. Recent detailed field studies indicate that significant areas of agricultural and forest land of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia will remain unsafe for human occupancy and food production for upwards of eight thousand years. Nevertheless, thousands of people who were evacuated after the accident have returned to live and farm in these highly contaminated regions. Thus, the Chornobyl region, in fact, has become something of a living laboratory for the study of nuclear contamination. A number of foreign countries offered specialized medical equipment and drugs for biological elimination of isotopes of different chemical elements from human body. Later on thousands of children were taken to other republics of the former USSR and abroad for corresponding medical treatment. Such accidents like that in Chornobyl must never be repeated again, because the very existence of millions of people may be under the threat. The safe maintenance of nuclear power stations depends on proper work and sufficient technical knowledge of every worker and engineer. It is twelve years after the world’s worst nuclear disaster Fifty thousand people used to live in Pripyat, a town built for the Chernobyl nuclear power station workers and their families a mile or so away from the nuclear plant. Following the world's worst nuclear disaster at Chernobyl in April 1986, the town is now so contaminated that it's unlikely anyone will ever live there again. Pripyat is at the centre of the forbidden zone, a circle, 30 kilometers across, which has been sealed off from the outside world. At the control point on the edge of the zone. special buses take power station workers and visitors to the two reactors which are stilt operating — a third was destroyed by fire in 1991. For the media, it has become a tourist trail S 100 for the coach ride, $25 per person for lunch and a fee for permission to film For the workers, it's a less attractive tour — the average pay is $50 a month and there's a constant threat of exposure to radiation poisoning from the concrete sarcophagus which was built to contain the radioactive debris of what remains of reactor number four. However, the zone is not as forbidden as it's supposed to be. The fence around it is falling apart in places and there aren't enough police to patrol the area. Although the authorities say they evacuated tens of thousands of people in the hours immediately after the 1986 explosion, the villagers tell a different story. ' The local militia turns a blind eye to the groups of people who have moved back into the zone. They even occasionally .help them by .bringing supplies as well as news of what's going on in the. world. They're far more concerned about outsiders who come to rot the abandoned homes. Wildlife has greatly increased here, now that the area has been largely abandoned by people. The villagers that remain complain of the wild boar digging up the little land they farm and they tell us there are wolves who come around their homes at night. The Chernobyl power station supplies 7% of Ukraine's electricity and, without an alternative, politicians keep the reactors operating. (Parliament had promised to close Chernobyl in 1991 but last year changed its mind.) Enormous sums or money are required to rebuild Ukraine's energy sector. Ex.3 Discuss the problem “Chornobyl nuclear accident” and “ It is twelve years after the world’s worst nuclear disaster”, make up the dialogue using the texts and your own information Ex.4 Translate the object and attributive clauses; 1. I know where I left it. 2. They said they knew everything. 3. He was thinking of what he would do. 4. It depends on what you mean. 5. I thought you were asleep. 6. I thought you had left Moscow. 7. I thought he would never come here again. 8. Seeing that the baby was sleepy, mother put it to bed. 9. The boy whose bicycle I took is my friend. 10. The village where he was born has changed very much. 11. There were periods when they did not see him for a week at a time. 12. He looked at the watch that lay on the table. 13. The boy opened the book he held in his hand. 14. The house in which we live is in the centre of the town. 15. He opened the letter she had brought. 16. He is not the man I am looking for. Ex.5 Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian and form questions to the subordinate clauses: 1. The play that we saw yesterday is not very good. 2. Here is the shop where I bought the book. 3. The teacher says we shall write our test on Monday. 4. My father says that there is an interesting article in today’s newspaper. 5. Many machine-tools which lighten labour have been produced at Ukrainian plants. Самостійна робота № 14 Текст Chernobyl 25 years on: learning the lessons of nuclear disaster. Лексико-граматичні основи перекладу та вправи: Переклад статті з написанням анотації. Ex.1 Read the article, translate it and make annotation. |
Тема по програмі Мета уроку: навчити учнів завантажувати та макетувати текст, копіювати текст з іншого текстового редактора в публікацію |
П лан навчального проекту Примітка: Набирайте текст в полі для відповіді. Клацніть мишею на тексті-інструкції і починайте набирати свій текст |
П лан навчального проекту Примітка: Набирайте текст в полі для відповіді. Клацніть мишею на тексті-інструкції і починайте набирати свій текст |
П лан навчального проекту Примітка: Набирайте текст в полі для відповіді. Клацніть мишею на тексті-інструкції і починайте набирати свій текст |
П лан навчального проекту Примітка: Набирайте текст в полі для відповіді. Клацніть мишею на тексті-інструкції і починайте набирати свій текст |
План навчального проекту Примітка Примітка: Набирайте текст в полі для відповіді. Клацніть мишею на тексті-інструкції і починайте набирати свій текст |
План навчального проекту Примітка Примітка: Набирайте текст в полі для відповіді. Клацніть мишею на тексті-інструкції і починайте набирати свій текст |
План навчального проекту Примітка Примітка: Набирайте текст в полі для відповіді. Клацніть мишею на тексті-інструкції і починайте набирати свій текст |
План навчального проекту Примітка Примітка: Набирайте текст в полі для відповіді. Клацніть мишею на тексті-інструкції і починайте набирати свій текст |
План навчального проекту Примітка Примітка: Набирайте текст в полі для відповіді. Клацніть мишею на тексті-інструкції і починайте набирати свій текст |