Текст Time to save mankind from thirst?

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Повторюючи свій експеримент, він помітив кристалічний стан полімеру.

Коли він повторював експеримент, він помітив кристалічний стан полімеру.

Віддієслівний іменник ( the verbal noun)

В англійській мові віддієслівний іменник за своєю формою співпадає з дієприкметником теперішнього часу та герундієм ( суфікс – ing додається до основи інфінітива).Віддієслівний іменник можна визначити за такими ознаками:

1.Наявність артиклю:

Many metal working processes include the melting or solidifying of metal.

Багато металооброблюючих процесів включають плaвління або затвердіння металу.

2. Наявність закінчення множини іменника:

It was necessary to change temperature readings from one temperature scale to another.

Необхідно було змінити показники температури з однієї температурної шкали на іншу.

3. Означення стоїть перед віддієслівним іменником:

I like rapid reading.

Мені подобається швидке читання.

4. Означення з прийменником - of стоїть після віддієслівного іменника:

They started the loading of the ship.

Вони почали завантаження судна.

Ex.14 State the forms and functions of Gerund. Translate the sentences.

1. The negative grid tends to prevent electrons from reaching the plate. 2. Since the aluminum atom is capable of accepting an electron, it is called an acceptor atom. 3. Under the proper conditions, an electron can be moved by placing it under the influence of an electric field. 4. way of detecting and eliminating defects in the computer systems were in focus of the discussion. 5. the DC component of plate current flows through the primary winding without inducing any voltage in the secondary winding. 6. When heat is applied an electron is liberated and starts drifting toward the positive voltage. 7. the manner of connecting the negative battery terminal to the N-type silicon and the positive battery terminal to the P-type silicon results incurrent flow. 8. This increase may destroy the diode by overheating due to excessive current flow.

Ex.15 Translate the following sentences containing Gerundial constructions.

1. The semiconductor diode being a very important device of modern science and industry is common knowledge. 2. Television being based on the functioning of semiconductor diodes makes them essential for manufacturing T.V. sets. 3. The semiconductor diodes having many important characteristics resulted in their being used in different branches of industry. 4. We know of copper, silver, aluminum and many other metal being good conductors of electricity. 5. We know of electrons flowing out of the semiconductor easily under special conditions, this process being reversed under different conductor diodes being so important they were little in use at the beginning of the century. 7. We know of the semiconductor diode having travelled a long way since its discovery. 8. The term semiconductor has been chosen because of its occupying, an intermediate place between metals, the conductors of the electric current, and insulators, that is, non-conductors.

Ex.16 Translate into Ukrainian. Define the function of the Participle, Gerund and Verbal Noun.

1. When translated, the article was typed. 2. The result obtained were of great importance. 3. While compressing the gas we can turn it into liquid. 4. We are proud of being students. 5. he went away without waiting for a reply. 6. I remember my having seen this film. 7.This is a most interesting book, beautiful written and splendidly translated. 8. The melting of cooper, iron and cast requires a very high temperature. 9. The energy of body is its capacity for doing work. 10. It is interested in collecting rare minerals. 11. This article is worth reading. 12. At the continued heating of a solid body the movement of its molecules becomes still faster. 13. The result obtained being of prime importance, engineers used them in their investigations. 14. Electrons are obtained by using a heated filament for the negative electrode and protons are produced in a hydrogen-filled discharge tube from which ions pass to the main accelerating tube. 15. There are several types of microphones being used, the most important of these being the dynamic microphone, the velocity microphone and the crystal microphone. 16. Being built one the basis of transistors lasers are successfully used in technology. 17. The lead-acid battery employs a low-voltage constant potential charging arrangement, the lamps being connected in parallel. 18. The charge of the electron being determined, it was easy to calculate its mass. 19. The main advantage of this instrument over the moving coil type instrument is that it is capable of measuring both alternating current and direct current. 20. Obtaining new data on the device sensitivity will be of great help for designers. 21. The new building housing the laboratory will be located at some distance from the main building of the plant. 22. The specific heat solid elements known, the approximate atomic weight can be easily calculated.

Ex.17 Translate into English using the Gerund

1. Пробачте, що я взяв вашу книжку. 2. Дякую вам за те, що ви показали мені дорогу до міста. 3. Я пам’ятаю, що бачив його в Києві. 4. Мені дивно, що вони програли матч.5. Вони не заперечують проти того, щоб я приєднався до них. 6. Ми наполягаємо на тому, щоб цей будинок було відремонтовано. 7. Все залежить від того, чи погода буде хороша. 8. Ми з нетерпінням чекали, коли він повернеться. 9. Я не міг підготувати доповідь, не прочитавши цих статей. 10 Замість того, щоб посилати туди телеграму, я напишу йому лист. 11. Я вивчив багато слів, читаючи щодня англійські книжки.12. Він має добру звичку записувати кожне слово в словничок. 13. Вони не мали можливості користуватися магнітофоном. 14. Підлогу треба пофарбувати.

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