Текст Time to save mankind from thirst?

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Ex.2 Translate into Ukrainian, pay attention to the attribute word combinations.

1. The coal mining industry is one of leading-branches of the national economy in the country. 2. Underground hydraulic mining is used at some mines. 3. The conventional longwall method is applicable, to the seams of all inclinations.. 4. Longwall advancing and longwall retreating workings are the two main mining methods employed at our coat mine. 5. Room-and-pillar working is greatly favoured in the United States of America.

Ex.3 State the attribute word combinations and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. 3ccepted air conditioning practice is expressed these in terms of the amount of water vapor per pound of dry air. 2. An automatic batching and mixing plant was used at the site.. 3. Where local aggregates are poor a great deal of preliminary test-cube making may be necessary before a final choice of mixture is made. 4. The design of combined waste-water disposal systems was allied to the growth of capital cities.

Ex.4 Relax you. Read the text.

The key to life is in the fingers, say massage teachers. And anyone can learn this simply magical


The five-minute miracle

Get a friend to lay their hands on you. It's just as good a pick-me-up as a glass of champagne

Are the stresses of the day getting to you? Is tension tying you in knots? It is? Then maybe what you need is a quick pick-me-up massage. Just five magic minutes' worth can ease the tense and aching muscles in your neck and shoulders, soothing away headaches, and leave you relaxed and ready to take on the world.

Masseur Robert has developed a streamlined stress-ting massage that is much in demand among workers the frazzled world of the City of London. But, anyone, claims, can learn the technique, it's so simple.

'You don't need to be an expert - massage is the oldest self-healing system in the world,' he says. 'You instinctively rub any aches and pains away, don't you? Which means that colleagues at work and family and friends at home can master it and then take turns to de -ess one another.

It's also perfectly possible to give yourself a massage, he says. A gentle pummelling of the small of the back, for instance, helps break up tension in that overstressed area. Gentle kneading with the finger tips to loosen the scalp eases headaches, while facial massage can keep lines at bay. You can even massage your own hands and feet, gently pulling tired, crampled fingers and toes back into shape.

In fact, says Robert - who did part of his massage training in China, where groups of elderly people gather in the parks at dawn to exercise together - staying mobile helps keep you young all over. It's not old age that makes people stiff and slow. It's our inflexible, sedentary way of life and lack of movement that bring on the years too soon.

Ex.5 Make sure you know the meaning of these expressions. Make up sentences with them:

pick-me-up; to soothe away; to take on the world; stream -lined busting massage; frazzled world; to take turns; to de - stress smb; pummel; the small of the back; to keep lines at bay; to bring on the years; to tie smb in knots; to break up tension.

Ex.6 Complete the sentences from the text

a) Five magic minutes' worth can ease the tense and aching muscles... soothing away...

b) You instinctively rub ...

c) A gentle pummeling of the small of the back helps ...

d) Gentle kneading with... to loosen the scalp eases...

e) Facial massage can... at bay.

f) Staying mobile helps ... over.

g) It's our inflexible, sedentary way of life... that... too soon.

Ex.7 Paraphrase the following using the text

1. Are your muscles tense? 2. I am under constant influence of stress. 3. The' massage will enable you to accept the routine world that is around you. 4. The massage is very popular among the employees of the City of London. 5. Anybody can learn to make a massage. 6. You may massage yourself. 7. If you keep exercising, it'll make you feel always young. 8. Our way of life which involves much sitting and little movement makes us grow old. 9. Facial massage can reduce the lines on the face.

Ex.8 Answer the following questions:

1. Who has developed a streamlined massage?

2. Why is it so much in demand?

3. How can a person heal himself?

4. How can you organize yourself to de-stress one another?

5. How can one massage oneself?

6. What keeps you young all over?

Ex.9 Choose a synonym out the row of words:

to pummel - entrench, intone, gulp, beat;

to knead - make dough, grunt, impress, indite;

to rub - distort, move on the surface, box, brush;

to heal - massage, bulge, cure, treat;

to relax -de - stress, end, impale, pump;

to cramp - tighten, pull, sit, thicken, versify;

sedentary - bent, sitting, economical.

Ex.10 Make up a dialogue based on the text discussing the advantage of the five minute massage.

Самостійна робота № 7
Текст. Are: you ready? Remember to take care of your back now! History of chocolate.

Лексико-граматичні основи перекладу та вправи: Переклад власних імен і назв,

переклад газети
Ex.1 Read the theoretical material and fulfill some exercises..
Переклад власних імен і назв.

Власні імена (іноземні прізвища, географічні назви; назви фірм, машин, приладів, виробів, хімічних речовин; назви газет, журналів, вулиць і т.д.) передаються декількома способами:

1. Транслітерацією.

2. Транскрипцією.

3. За традицією

4. Перекладом.

Включення іноземних слів і назв в український переклад з збереженням латинської графіки, вважається незручним для читання

1. Транслітерація - спосіб передачі слів і літер одної мови буквами іншої мови:


Транслітерація використовується рідко, так як складна англійська графічна система не співпадає з українською.

2. Найбільш продуктивним .є спосіб транскрипції. Транскрипція – спосіб передачі слів і звуків мови за допомогою умовних знаків (фонетична транскрипція) або засобами звичайної орфографії іншої мови( практична транскрипція):

Jeneral Electric Co. - фірма (компанія) «Дженерел Електрік»;

Humanite - «Юманіте»

3. При передачі іноземних власних імен і назв керуються також і сталою традицією: Washington - Вашингтон, а не Уошингтон; Roma - Рим, а не Рома, Dover - Дувр, а не Доувер.

4. Переклад власних імен і назв на українську мову здійснюють відповідно встановленій практиці: Christmas Island - острів Різдва, а не острів Кристмас; New Zealand - Нова Зеландія, а не Нью Зиланд, але в той же час New Jork - Нью Йорк, а не Новий Йорк. Отже, і в цьому випадку необхідно керуватися традицією.

Власні назви в науково-технічному перекладі частіше за все передаються засобами практичної транскрипції. На відміну від фонетичної транскрипції, яка використовує умовну систему знаків (наприклад, ts, n, cz, a , o та інші), практична транскрипція для передачі слів одної мови використовує засоби орфографії іншої мови.

Іноземні прізвища і імена в науково-технічному перекладі не перекладаються, а транскрибуються з обов’язковим написанням їх в дужках на англійській мові. Ініціали транскрибуються на основі найбільш вживаного імені на цю букву, якщо повне ім’я невідомо.



Імена іноземних авторів неможна українізувати, їх необхідно транскрибувати відповідно з правилами вимови цього імені. Jeorge – Джордж(анг.), а не Георгій. Частки Mac-, Mc, Saint-, San-, Santa- - додаються до імені через дефіс(мак-, сент-, сен-, санта-) і пишуть в перекладі з прописної літери.

Mc Clain - Мак-Клейн; Saint Luis - Сент-Луіс; San- Marino - Сен-Маріно; Santa -Monica - Санта-Моніка.

В якості практичної поради можна порекомендувати наступне: власні імена , які відносяться до крупних географічних об’єктів, відомим державним діячам, вченим, письменникам, художникам,і др.., треба передавати відповідно до встановленої практики. В інших випадках краще користуватися способом транскрипції, а в сумнівних випадках залишати власні імена в англійському графічному зображенні.
Ex. 2 Read and try to do the following:

Are: you ready?

Sit back in your chair and put your feet slightly apart on the floor. Put your hands in your lap, one on the top of the other with the palms upwards. Close your eyes. Keep your mouth closed and take a deep breath through your nose. Take another deep breath. Now, tense the muscles in your left leg by pressing your left foot, as hard as you can the floor. Now, relax it. Now, press your right foot on the floor. Now, relax it. Now, lift up your left hand and squeeze your fingers into your palm. Now relax left hand. Now do the same with your right hand. And then relax it. Lift your shoulders as high as you can -now let them fall. Turn your head slowly to the left - now and turn it to the right. And now bring it to the centre again

. Once more, take a deep breath. When you breathe out, make it last twice as long as when you breathe in. Now take another deep breath. And now, another deep breath. Now listen to your breathing. Try to think only about your breathing. If you begin to think of anything else, remember to think once more about your breath.
Remember to take care of your back now!

All of us get backache sometimes. Usually it's because too much strain has been put on the backbone making it bend out of its normal shape. So it's not unusual for all of us to get backache as a result of a long car or plane journey, during which we may be forced to sit for long periods with our back in an unnatural and uncomfortable position. However all sorts of activities put a strain on our back in everyday life and we do not think about them until our back causes us trouble. Then it may be too late. So, how do we stop back trouble from starting? Our posture , or the way we hold our body, is the most important, and this means making sure our backbone or spine keeps its natural shape. Keep your head up and your shoulders straight with the lower part of your back hollow or curved inwards. In this way you keep the natural shape of your spine.

The way you stand is also important.

If you stand with you weight on one leg you will twist the backbone, so make sure you rest your weight equally on both feet when you are standing for a long time. The way we bend is also important. Most of us bend at the waist rather than the knees without thinking about it. When we do this we curve our back and this is not good for us. If you don't bend properly you put a lot of extra pressure on your back when you lift heavy things. The correct way to lift something is to bend the knees, and allow the legs to do as much of the work as possible. Heavy weights are bad for your back so if you are very fat there is only one way to avoid back trouble, and that is to lose weight

Finally, fashion shoes may cause a bad posture by making it difficult for us to walk and stand.

In general, then, we should always think about what is happening to our back.

Ex.3 Fill in the gaps with sentences given below.

History of chocolate

Healthy calories

To understand why an exhibition on the history of chocolate is being held in the unlikely venue of the Chelse Physic Garden in London, you need to bear in mind the 17th-century approach to medicine. It was almost the reverse of current practice. Today vast sums are poured into formulating treatments for old and new diseases. Three hundred years ago, as European explorers came back from distant lands bearing fragrant and exotic substances, the aim of medical entrepreneurs was to identify ailments for which these strange imports could plausibly be touted as a cure.

When the brown chocolate bean was introduced into Britain from Mexico and the American colonies it was at tint made into a drink, with supposed - if ill-defined -medical qualities. The self-indulgent chocolate bar came later; the after-dinner mint later still.

[ 1 ] Sloane was a towering figure in Georgian London, a driving force behind the establishment of the British Museum as well as a landowner whose name lives on in some of the capital's most fashionable streets and squares. Less appreciated is his contribution to the development of a national addiction: the average Briton chomps through 8kg (nearly 181b) of chocolate a year, consumption exceeded only by the Swiss.

In 1687 young Sloane sailed to Jamaica to become physician to the colonial governor, and noticed that the local women administered chocolate to their sick children. [ 2 ]

Like other mysteriously alluring substances, chocolate has from time to time been regarded as an aphrodisiac. Montezurna, the early 16th-century Aztec ruler, was reputed to consume up to 50 cups a day before repairing to his harem. His conqueror, Hernando Cortes, asserted in 1528 that a single cup enabled a warrior to go all day without food.

Casanova was said to find chocolate more effective for his purposes than champagne; and cheaper to boot. [ 3 ] In Britain, though, it is often taken as a soothing bedtime drink, an aid to slumber rather than seduction – suggesting that its effects may be as much imagined as real. A prolific 17th-century letter-writer, Madame de Sevigne, complained that it once provoked a 16-hour attack of colic and constipation, but she learned to love it in the end.

Today, when almost every pleasure is identified as addictive, a name has been coined for those unfortunates who cannot get enough of the stuff: chocoholics. [ 4 ]

Not everybody's metabolism is so benign. Because of its fat and sugar content, chocolate is usually an enemy of slender elegance. Hence the guilt invariably associated with the dark, melting temptress - and hence the ambivalent title of the exhibition that runs at the Chelsea Physic Garden until September 7th: "Vice or Virtue?"

A Brillat-Savarin, a 19th-century gourmet, also recommended it as a stimulant.

B Returning to London two years later, he experimented with his milk recipe and, having perfected it, sold it to a Soho grocer, whose successors sold it on to Cadbury's.

C One victim of the condition may have been Katherine Hepburn, who boasted of eating a pound of chocolates a day but kept her sylph-like figure to her death.

D A second link with the Chelsea garden is that Sir Hans Sloane, its chief early benefactor, was a pioneer chocolate fancier, credited with dreaming up the idea of mixing the powdered bean with milk.

Ex.4 Quiz See how easily and quickly you can find the missing names in the sentences below. The answers are printed after the exercise to help you.

1. William F. Cody (1846-1917) was nicknamed….

2. Mozart’s Christian names were…

3. Queen Elizabeth’s youngest son is called….

4. The Idlewild Airport in New York was renamed…after this man’s death.

5. …’s real name is Richard Starkey.

6. A Swedish actress by the name of Greta Gustafson adopted the screen pseudonym of …

7. Bach’s initials, J/S., stand for

8. Mrs. Mark Phillips’ maiden name was

9. The newest airport in Paris is named after….

10. Most Englishmen have pretended at some time in their life to be William Younger, alias…

11. Samuel Clemens’ pen-name was

12. The stretch of coastland between Toulon in France and Spezia in Italy is known as

13. The tallest building in Paris takes its name from the engineer…

14. Someone christened Adolph Schickelgruber became world-famous under the name of

15. the film recognized as the first “taking picture” was entitled

16. During the seventies a certain Cassius Clay changed his name to….
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10


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