Текст Time to save mankind from thirst?

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1. Buffalo Bill . 2. Wolfgang Amadeus. 3. Prince Edward. 4. Kennedy International Airport. 5. Ringo Starr. 6. Greta Garbo. 7. Johann Sebastian. 8. Princess Anne (Windsor). 9. Charles de Gaulle. 10. Billy the Kid. 11. Mark Twain. 12. The Riviera. 13. (Alexandre Gustave) Eiffel. 14. Adolf Hitler-the best known false name in the world? 15. The Jazz Singer. 16. Mohammed Ali.

Ex.5 Brain teaser.

Try this little brain-teaser when you have five or ten minutes to spare. Alternatively, just note the names we give to the various members of our family. Each of the fourteen people below is married to one of the others. From the information you are given, find out who is married to whom. Note there are three generations here.

Alan is Caroline’s nephew and Larry’s cousin.

Barbara is Larry’s mother and Maggie’s sister-in-law.

Caroline is Edward’s daughter and Maggie’s sister-in-low.

David is Gordon’s brother-in-low and Alan’s uncle.

Edward is Ingrid’s grandfather and Maggie’s father-in-low.

Fanny is Caroline’s mother and Alan’s grandmother.

Gordon is Helen’s son-in-low and Nigel’s brother-in-low.

Helen is Barbara’s mother-in-low and Larry’s grandmother.

Ingrid is Gordon’s niece and David’s daughter-in-low.

John is David’s father and Gordon’s father-in-low.

Karen is Gordon’s daughter-in-low and Maggie’s daughter-in-low.

Larry is John’s grandson and David’s son.

Maggie is Larry’s aunt and Fanny’s daughter-in-low.

Nigel is Ingrid’s father and Fanny’s son-in-low.

The married couples are: Ingrid and Larry; Edward and Fanny; Helen and John; Alan and Karen;

Gordon and Maggie; David and Barbara; Caroline and Nigel.

Самостійна робота № 8
Текст.Protection of water.

Лексико-граматичні основи перекладу та вправи: Спосіб змістовного розвитку і цілісного перетворення при перекладі
Ex. 1 Read the theoretical material and fulfill some exercises.

Спосіб змістовного розвитку і цілісного перетворення при перекладі.

Спосіб змістовного розвитку містить в собі заміну словникової відповідності при перекладі контекстовою.

Якщо врахувати, що всі частини мови діляться на три категорії: предмети, процеси та ознаки, то при перекладі можна простежити зміни всередині кожної категорії і між різними категоріями. Для передачі змісту на іншу мову часто не має значення, якою формою слова передано цей зміст. Предмет може бути замінено його ознакою, процес – предметом, ознаку – предметом і т.д.

Отже, сутність цього прийому міститься в більш поглибленому толкуванні тієї або іншої лексичної одиниці або словосполучення. Необхідно уточнювати зміст, знаходити більш конкретне і стилістично підходяще рішення.

Among these factors is pressure.

Якщо буквально перекласти на українську мову, то:

Серед цих факторів є тиск.

Але в такому варіанті це речення не має чіткості, і після уточнення змісту речення його можна перекласти:

В число цих факторів входить тиск.

В такому поступовому уточненні змісту полягає техніка прийому змістовного розвитку.

При цілісному перетворенні мається на увазі перетворення внутрішньої форми. Як окремого звороту , так і всього речення. В такому випадку перетворення відбувається цілісно. Але це не означає, що перетворення не має логіко-семантичної основи. Так, якщо при відправленні потягу в метро говорять: „ Обережно, двері зачиняються!”, то англійською, згідно з правилами граматики, цю фразу можна було б перекласти: “ Careful! The doors are closed”. Між тим англійською говорять: Watch the doors, please. or Keep clear of the doors.

Інший приклад: Ready, steady, go!

Правильним перекладом буде: Увага, приготуватися, марш! ( Сигнал початку змагань з бігу.) Це і буде адекватний ситуативний переклад

Paper Bridge

Have you ever hear of a paper bridge? Everyone connects paper with thin paper. In fact’s a very strong elastic material. To prove it paper makers built a paper bridge across a remote Nevada river and they drove a 12, 000 lbs ( фунтів) truck( вантажний автомобіль ) across.

The bridge covered a span ( проліт ) of 32 feet and was made only of paper and glue ( клей ). It weighed 9,000 lbs. Engineers calculated that bridge could take six times the load of 12,000 lbs. The truck could safety drive two and half times further. The ten-foot-wide, four-foot-deep structure was light enough to be laid into place by a helicopter.

Acids in the Air

In the combustion of any fossil fuel, whether coal, combustible shale, or oil, the released gases always contain sulphur and nitrogen oxides. Some years ago, for example, thermal electric power stations in the United States belched out 18.6 million tonnes of sulphur dioxide.

Rainwater, which forms in the process of condensation of water vapours in the atmosphere, is neutral. Absorbing carbon dioxide which is always present in the air., it becomes slightly acidic. With the absorption of sulphur and nitrogen oxides, rain becomes noticeably acid. To date, the world record in acid is held by the Scottish town of Ditlochry, where on April 10, 1974 a rain fell whose acid content was comparable only to vinegar.

The harm traceable to acid rain is not confined to waterways. It extends to soils and vegetation as well. In Sweden in the past 10 years these rains were responsible for a steady annual drop in forest productivity of about one per cent. In soil a higher acid content leaches away nutrients and kills useful microorganisms.

Ex.2 Read and define the meaning of the following words:

planet n, rational a, decade n , cascade n, territory n, compensate v, geothermal a.

Ex.3 Read and remember the following words and word-combinations:

acquire – досягати, набувати

scope – сфера, охоплення

divert – відводити, відхиляти

arid – сухий, посушливий

drilling – буріння

livestock breeding – племінне тваринництво

Ex.4 Translate the following word-combinations;

1. large, total, different, hunting, irrigated land, populated – area

2. large, useable, extensive – reserves

3. river, underground, hot, fresh, ground, geothermical – water

4. water – resourses, use, consumption, supply, shortage, transport,fishery, redistribution

Ex.5 Check your knowledge the following words with the terminological dictionary:

exploitation, irrigation, treatment, reservoir, canal,natural, navigation, reserve, depletion, fishery, consume, moisture, recreation.

Ex.6 Read the text and make up the plan to this text:

Protection of water

The water and the air are the most important elements in physical and chemical processes on the surface of the earth. Resources of river, lake and underground fresh waters are distributed very unevenly on the continents.

Water use. Shortage of water in different areas of the world is due not only to uneven distribution of water resources but also to its more varied and intensive use.

The Low on Conservation of Nature states that all rivers, lakes and underground waters are to be protected from depletion and pollution as water supply resources, a source of energy and means of treatment. Rivers and lakes are also used as transport routes, fisheries, hinting areas and recreation sites.

It is obvious that the exploitation of water resources is extremely varied at the present time. It should be added that the scope of water resource exploitations growing rapidly due to population growth, fast development of industry and expansion of irrigated land area.

An enormous amount of water is used in industry. To manufacture one ton of paper, 100 m of water is required, one ton of synthetic fibers – from 2,500 to 5,00 m of water and so on. It has been estimated that industry consumes about 85 per cent of the water in cities. This leaves about 15 per cent for the daily needs of the people.

A sharp increase in water consumption on the planet may lead to a water shortage in the near future. In view of this, measures are being worked out to increase water resources and rationally exploit them.

Redistribution of water. There are two ways to redistribute river water by means of reservoirs and through canals.

Reservoirs. In recent decades, cascades of hydroelectric power plants have been built with reservoirs, the largest on the Volga, Kama, Dnieper, Angara, and Yenisei.

Reservoirs are an example of how man intervenes to a considerable extent in natural processes over large areas. Reservoirs help solve energy problems, irrigate agricultural land, improve water transport, supply large enterprises, cities and other populated areas with water fisheries and form the basis for recreation and tourist zones.

Canals are important not only for redistributing water but also as transport routes. As such they are artificial rivers built by mighty excavating machines.

Use of underground water. Supplies of underground waters are considerable, and, therefore, their rational use to compensate for moisture shortages. Unlike mineral deposits, water resources are renewed in the course of exploitation.

Geothermal (hot) waters are a kind of ground water source; the water being obtained from the earth’s interior by deep drilling. These hot waters are used to generate electricity (geothermal electric plants), heat homes and livestock breeding farms, and also in hothouses. Recently, geothermal waters have been used for breeding fish in ponds.

Ex.7 Translate and answer the following questions:

1. Як можна пояснити нерівномірний розподіл водних ресурсів?

2. Які масштаби експлуатації водних ресурсів?

3. Які наслідки різкого збільшення використання води?

4. Які існують можливості використання підземної води?

Ex.8 Discuss the problem “Protection of water”, make up the dialogue using the text and your own information.

Самостійна робота № 9
Текст. Antarctica.

Лексико-граматичні основи перекладу та вправи: Переклад газетної статті. Складання плану та написання анотації

Ex.1 Read the text, write down the unknown words, remember the theory about the annotation and make it to this text.


The riches of the cold continent

Antarctica is the continent surrounding the South Pole. It has an area of over 15 mln sq. km, about the size of the USA and Mexico put together. With an average temperature at the South Pole of - 50 °C, it is the coldest continent; it is so cold that a thick sheet of ice always lies over the land. Pack ice surrounds the shore of Antarctica and cliffs of ice form the coast; the mountain ranges which lie along the shore and island are always covered with snow. In fact, Antarctica contains 90% of all the snow and ice in the world.

However, Antarctica is not just a large, cold desert. It is rich in mineral deposits. Coal and minerals such as copper, iron, uranium, gold and platinum have been found there. Many oil companies have carried out surveys in the area for oil but it is not clear whether they have found any there, or, if they have, whether it could be successfully exploited in the conditions in and around that continent. Cold as it is, Antarctica is also rich in animal life but because of the temperature, the animals and birds found there are aquatic e.g. seals and penguins. The sea is also particularly rich in krill, which are small shrimp — like creatures that whales, seals and penguins feed on.

Captain James Cook on a voyage of exploration from England was the first person to cross the Antarctic Circle. This was in 1773. In 1837, a Frenchman, Dumont D'Urville, sailed in Antarctic waters, as did Charles Wilkes from the USA in the following year. But the first to set foot on the continent was an Englishman, James Clark Ross, who landed on Victoria Land in 1841. The Ross Sea is named after him.

At the end of the 19th century, interest in Antarctica grew, so that an increasing number of expeditions set out to explore the continent. The explorers came from many countries, including Sweden, Belgium, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand. In December 1911 the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen became the first person to reach South Pole. His team crossed from the coast on skies with their supplies on sledges, pulled by dogs.

By the beginning of the Second World War in 1939, many countries had made claims of ownership on parts of Antarctica. These were based on either geographical nearness or on rights resulting from discovery. Among the countries claiming territory were Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, Great Britain, New Zealand, Norway. In addition to disputes over territory, there was also some discussion over fishing and whaling rights in the area, which involved other countries as well.

The scientific experiments and expeditions in Antarctica of the International Geographical Year of 1957 aroused a lot of interest in the area and also a great deal of concern over its future. In 1961 the Antarctic Treaty was signed by 12 nations and the number of signatories had risen to 3 1 by I 984. The clauses of the treaty state that Antarctica should be used for peaceful purposes only. Scientific work carried out in Antarctica had to be done in accordance with United Nations scientific agreements, and scientific observations and results were to be exchanged and made public.

Over the past few years, there has been increased concern over the effect of all types of human activity on Antarctica. Shipping accidents cause oil spillages, while scientists and tourists leave their rubbish.

Environmental groups say that some governments have been building airstrips too close to areas where penguins nest, thus disturbing their habitat and threatening their breeding. The regulations state that all rubbish should be removed from Antarctica when scientific research has been completed, but plastics, rubber and batteries have been found, all of which are dangerous to the wildlife and to the land.

The future of Antarctica is still in doubt. Will it be preserved as an unspoilt wilderness for future generations or will it be changed for ever through mining and other human activity?

Самостійна робота №10
Теорія: Зміст способу компресії при перекладі. Складносурядне речення.

Текст: “Water famine: reality or illusion?”
Ex.1 Read and translate the following international words:

illusion n, perpetual a, declare v, fundamental a, unique a, ocean n, monograph n, volcano n, rarity n, satisfaction n, circulation n.

Ex.2 Read and remember the following words:

tackle – енергійно братися за що-небудь

sparkle – виблискувати, випромінювати

wind – витися

shield – захист, щит

entrails – надра

aggravate – погіршувати, збільшувати, посилювати

regain – знову придбати, набути

fitness – придатність, відповідність

Ex.3 Name the stems of the words from which were formed the following nouns and translate them.

Requirement, aggravation, conclusion, unevenness, diversity, development, distribution, impurity, consumption.
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