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Smolinska O. Theoretical and methodological foundations of cultural and educational space of Pedagogical Universities in Ukraine. – Manuscript. Thesis is done for the receiving the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences in specialty 13.00.01 – Theory and History of Pedagogics. – Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. – Drohobych, 2015. A new approach in solving the problem of cultural and educational space of Pedagogical Universities in Ukraine is offered in the thesis. It is based on the implementation of intersubject integration approaches defined with self-appraisal study of the subject, in particular, it is characterized with evolutionary and functional, phenomenological and hermeneutic, anthropic-psychodynamical and naratological research approaches. In addition, we studied and characterized the functionality in the thesis made their practical application.We based our research on evolutionary and functional points, the first, we concluded conceptual model of cultural and educational space, and secondly, we proved institutional nature of the object. Using phenomenological and hermeneutic approach we established relationship between the concepts of organizational culture and cultural and educational space and grounded unity and conditionality university knowledge as a result of organizational processes. Anthropic-psychodynamic approach, in addition to high instrumentality, anthropic-psychodynamic approach yet opens up the possibility of forming study the characteristics of intellectual capital of pedagogical university and its materialization means the emergence added educational value, as it isdescribed in this thesis. Naratological approach that was applied in empowering aspects of ethnographic methods and case studies as research on cultural and educational space in pedagogical university, in addition, we made practical analysis of pedagogical and organizational narratives. The principles of cultural and educational space of Pedagogical Universities in Ukraine were grounded scientifically, including cultural, ecological and homeostat correspondences. That correspondences in organizational processes acquired new meaning of relationship with a certain type of culture, so, consequently, it can ground, answer her calls or display it fixed samples. Ecologism as the principle of cultural and educational space affects the way and the intensity of its external relations, due to the principle that such contacts are selective, they are caused primarily with internal characteristics. In the context of ecologism considered by forming the reputation of pedagogical university its, image and brand. The principle of homeostat organization provides a constant cultural and educational space in Pedagogical University, defines ways to self-study of the problem and the formation of its development strategy. In the thesis it is made the conceptual model of cultural and educational space in Pedagogical University, and shown the effectiveness of its influence on the formation and final quality characteristics of teacher professionalism graduates. According to the findings, there are several functional content making processes, including processes to ensure activities, including goal-formation at the studied space stimulating process – motivational culture and regulatory process – internal ethics. The next step in the functional content of cultural and educational space is identification subsystem through which are formed the key features of all actors involved in the formation of the content, including the university as a collective entity, able to identify as well as to the identity, its cultural and educational space. Management subsystem is defined as the link between the provision of external efficacy (effectiveness subsystem software) and internal integrity (identification subsystem) cultural and educational space of Pedagogical University and is characterized in the thesis with regard to organizing as a process significantly affects its dynamic characteristics and content, given the link to the respective type of cultural and educational space, forms of governance and socio-cultural paradigm. The result of the study is concluded in conceptual model of cultural and educational space in Pedagogical Universities of Ukraine, as well as an analysis of the process of becoming professional teacher graduates in the cultural and educational space of Pedagogical University. The process of establishing professional future teachers considered from the standpoint of subject-individual interactions and organization of the university as a cultural and educational formation, besides cultural aspect described category of professionalism and projection display it specific characteristics of cultural and educational space of Pedagogical University. Keywords: cultural and educational space, Pedagogical University, theoretical and methodological foundations of organizations, approaches, principles, functional subsystems, organizational culture, subject of education. Підписано до друку 25.08.2015. Формат 60х90/16. Папір офсетний. Гарнітура “Times New Roman”. Друк. арк. 0,9. Зам. № 256. Тираж 100. Друк на ризографі. Видавничий відділ Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка 82100, Дрогобич, вул. І. Франка, 24, к. 42 |
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