«Я, моя сім’я, друзі!»

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Урок 8

Food. Eating at home and out
Aims and objectives

  • to introduce and practice new vocabulary.

  • to operate words and word combinations for the topic in different situations.

  • to exchange information on the basis of the text and a given situation. Equipment: a tape-recorder, a text "Hot dog" special cards for revising vocabulary, pictures, a ball.


I. The beginning of the lesson

1. Greeting: Good morning, dear pupils.

I hope you are in high moods today.

Am I right?

  1. Let us begin our lesson with the training our tongue.

  2. Warm up.

The teacher prepares a set of the names of foods discussed at the previous lesson and a description of each. The students are to match the name and the description.
II. I. check up homework.

a) Making up dialogues about menu of your relative or neighbour.

2. Introducing the topic.

The teacher asks if the pupil have ever taken part in cooking and ask then to help the boy who is alone at home.

3.But first of all I'd like you to be acquainted with new words:

chop - кришити

grate - терти (терткою)

prune - чорнослив

raisin - ізюм

candied peel - цукати

almonds- мигдаль

walnuts - волоський горіх
4. Practice new words

  1. Repeating after teacher

  2. Play ball (T-Ps) (English - Ukr.)

  3. Game "Nine steps - nine words"

  1. Revising the vocabulary. For cooking dishes the pupils will need to know the verbs that describe the process.

Wash, peel, cut, slice, boil fry, roast, bake, stew, server, mix, mast, heat
The words should be introduced by means of pictures illustrating the activity.

  1. It's time for Hockey-Pockey.

  2. Read the recipe. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. Guess what recipe it is.

Take (3) boil (2), mix, chop, cool, down, hut, wash, peel, add (3), salt ... 5 or 6 potatoes, ... them, ... into the pan and ... till they are ready. ... 4 eggs and ... them 10 minutes. When the boiled potatoes and eggs ..., ... then carefully and ... potatoes and eggs. ... 300 g. boiled sausage and ... it info small pieces. ... the green tinned peas or

tinned maize. ..., then ... some salt according to your taste. Then ... 4 cropped cucumbers and ... every thing carefully with 200 g. mayonnaise. Help yourself.

  1. All pupils are devided into 3 or 4 groups. Every group is given a task create the recipe one of such dishes: mashed potatoes, cutlet, vegetable salad, porridge, sandwich, omelette. Choose your dish and find out the inqredients and work out a joint decision.

III. Finishing the lesson.

1. Homework

Write a recipe of your favourite and traditional dish in your family.

2. Summarizing.

Today we have learnt to cook and make recipe of new dishes. Thank you for taking an active part in today's discussion. See you soon.

Урок 9
British food

The English are not interested in food.

Lesson Plan Outline
Aims and objectives:

  • to introduce and practice vocabulary;

  • to develop reading skills;

  • to talk conduct your own dialogues using the given ones as a model

  • to develop socio-cultural competence

Lesson Procedure

  1. 1. Greeting

  2. Aim

Today we are going to talk about

British food

By the end of the lesson you should be able

  • to identify main ideas and details from the text for reading

  • to participate in common conversational exchange on the topic of our today's lesson.

3. Warm up

The teacher asks the students to brainstorm about the ways British families have meals and puts the ideas on the board.
II. The main part of the lesson

1. Phonetic Drills

Breakfast in the morning

Dinner in the day

Tea comes after dinner

Then comes time to play

Supper in the evening

When the sky is red

When the day is over

And we go to bed
2. Check-up of the homework

Some pupils tell about the cooking procedure of the dish .

Some of them read their descriptions aloud and their friends guess the dish.

3. Pre-Reading Activities

When people travel to other countries, they find that many things are different from their own country - the weather, the food.

Every country has own tradition and custom.

Eating out is different in different countries.

Today we are going to talk about eating out in Britain.

What do you know about food in Britain?

Before reading the text let's learn unknown words:


season - переправляти


Ps. Repeat the words after teacher and make up the sentences with unknown words.

While-reading Activities
a) Skimming

Look through the text and answer the following question. Are English interested in food?

b) Scanning

Read the text again and say if the following sentences are true or false

True or False



English food is in general rather dull and


The description of recipes in Britain is very


In England the "sweet" often consists of puddings

or of stewed fruit, or of fruit salad

Puddings is an English national dish.

c) Post-Reading Activities

1.Now let's make groups of 4 people.

You are going to receive cards with statements

Agree or disagree, comment on their decisions


English food is very primitive

The variety of food from meal to meal is probably greater than anywhere else in

the world

In England "sweet" consist of...

"English tea" in England is a suitable occasion for communication.

2.Compare the English food and Ukrainian food.
III. Home Assignment

Write a short article the newspaper about the British food.

Closure. Evaluation. Comments.

Урок 10
Food in America

Teaching Objectives:

—to teach pupils vocabulary connected with American food.

  • to practice asking and answering questions

  • to teach pupils to express opinions and talk about the American food

  • to develop pupils abilities to analyze the material and information.

Preparation and materials: handouts; tape-recorder

Lesson Procedure

1. Aim

T. Today we are going to talk about American food

By the end of the lesson you should be able:

  • to identify main ideas and details from the authentic text for listening and from the text for reading;

  • to participate in common conversational exchange on the topic of our today’s lesson

2. Worm-up

T. Ask as many questions as you can to get more information in connection with the

following sentence.

We have visited the famous fast food restaurant in Kyiv.

1. Vocabulary Practice

a) Practising pronunciation

Food, fast, hamburger, restaurant salad bar, a lot of food, order food drive-in section.


Match the pairs

1. food

1. пригощайтесь

2. fast

2. водити машину

3. hamburger

3. замовляти

4. restaurant

4. їжа

5. salad bar

5. ресторан

6. Help Yourself

6. багато їжі

7. to drive

7. салатний стіл

8. the drive in section

8. швидкий

9. to order

9. булочка зі шніцелем

10. a lot of food

10. відділ для обслуговування

відвідувачів у автомобілях

с) Practising vocabulary

Make your own sentences using the words from (HO1)

2.Check up homework

(EO2) Lexical game. Гра "Anagrams"


Make up the words given in jumbled about food

Key: bread, milk, lemonade, coffee, hamburger, cucumber, margarine, cheese, pepper, bean, onion, carrot, turnip, yoghurt.


Практикування в аудіювання автентичного тексту „The Hamburger"

1. Pre- Listening Activities. Етап підготовки до аудіювання. Бесіда з учнями.
Т: What do you know about fast-food in restaurant?

In What country was it first opened?

Are there any fast-food restaurants in Ukraine? In what towns?

Do you like fast-food restaurants?

What are your favourite foods?

2. While- Listening Activities. Етап слухання тексту та виконання вправ під час

a) Skimming. Первинне прослуховування тексту з метою отримання та
загального уявлення про його зміст.(Н03)

The Hamburger

The hamburger has no connection to ham. It got its name from the German town of Hamburg, which was famous for its ground steak. German immigrant to the United States introduced the "hamburger steak".

At the St. Lois World's Fair in 1904, hamburger steaks were served on buns for the first time. Hamburgers on buns were convenient and tasted good. This became the usual way of eating hamburgers.

How did the hamburgers become the most popular, most typical American food? The introduction of the bun is an important part of the answer. Another important part is McDonald's, the fast-food restaurant.

The first McDonald's was opened in San Bernadino, California, in 1949. Hamburgers were the main item on its menu. People liked the restaurants fast-service. By the 1960's there were many McDonald's restaurants. McDonald's was a part of nearly every community in the United States. There were also other fast-food restaurants that sold hamburgers. McDonald's alone sold millions of hamburgers a year.

Today, of course, there are McDonald's restaurants around the world. The food they serve is considered typically American. And, although McDonald's has expanded its menu, the main item on that menu is - as always - the hamburgers. (H04); Listen to the text and circle the letter of the best answer.

1. The hamburgers was .

  1. steak imported from Hamburg;

  2. a ground steak introduced by immigrants;

  3. a convenient bun.

2. The American hamburger was different because .

  1. it had nothing to do with hum;

  2. it was convenient;

  3. it was served on a bun.

3. McDonald's restaurants were mainly responsible for .

  1. Every community in the United States;

  2. The introduction of the bun;

  3. The hamburger's popularity.

b) Scanning. Повторне прослухування тексту з метою повного й точного розуміння усієї інформації що в ньому міститься критичного її осмислення.

(HOs), Complete the sentences with one the following words.

buns typical introduction

connection community convenient

  1. The hamburger is not a type of ham. It has no to ham.

  2. Americans first put hamburgers on small, round pieces of bread, or .

  3. Eating hamburgers on buns is quick easy. In other words, it's .

  4. The hamburger is one of the most American foods.

  5. The of the bun helped the hamburger to become popular.

  6. Nearly every city or town in the United States has a McDonald's to serve the .

3. Post- Listening Activities. Контроль розуміння тексту та виконання після текстових комунікативних вправ.

а) Т: Answer the questions on the blackboard.

Who introduced the hamburger to the United States?

Where was in 1904 Word's Fair?

How to most people eat hamburgers?

What most people eat at McDonald's?

What do you call convenience foods like hamburgers?

Why is the hamburger considered a typical American food? b) T: Tell about typical American food. Use the questions on the blackboard as

apian. 4. Text for reading "About American's Food" 1. While-Reading. Activities T: Read the text and say if the sentences are tree or false.

True or false



Americans enjoy food from all over the


Fast food restaurants in the USA served

only hamburgers.

Americans eat out a lot.

Americans like ordinary restaurants, too.

You can take out a "doggy bag", if you

can't finish eating your food in the


2. Post- Reading. Activities.

Work in groups of four or five pupils.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of eating out in the USA.

III. 1. Home Assignment Learn new vocabulary

Write a short article to the newspaper about the American food.

3. Closure. Evaluation. Comments
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