«Я, моя сім’я, друзі!»

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Тема: “Family traditions”
Підтема: “Easter time”


Easter is the time of family and of peace.

It’s a time when we say

A quiet thanks for all

That we have and for all

That the future holds.

Easter is a feeling in our hearts

Of hope and faith and trust.

It is a day of miracles,

A day when our dreams seen

A little closer: a time of retrospection

For what has been and anticipation

For all that will be.

And it is a time for remembering

With love and appreciation.
Match the words with their definitions

  1. Paska a) is the feast of Christ resurrection

  2. Easter b) ask God’s favour for

  3. to bless c) is sweet bread often made with raisins and icing.

  4. a player d) express one is feelings

  5. greeting e) act of playing to God


Once at home, the family gathered around the table. The holiday breakfast started with a prayer and a traditional Easter greeting: “Khrystos voskres” (Jesus is risen). The answer is “Voistyno voskres” (Truly risen) After this greeting people hugged and kissed three times. This greeting was said all Sunday and for several more days if people hadn’t greeted each other since Easter.

The first part of the meal was a slice of paska. Then people played navbytky, hitting their eggs to see whose is stronger.

On Easter Monday children visited their grandparents, teachers and godparents and brought then paska and eggs.

  1. Choose the best answer

    1. The holiday breakfast started with…

a) a song b) a prayer c) a poem

  1. Traditional Easter greeting:

    1. “Khrystos voskres”

    2. “To all Christmas”!

    3. “Bless you”

  2. The family gathered around

a) the basket b) the table c) the cake
Pair – work. Ask each other about Easter traditions in the family.

Use the following questions:

  1. Is Easter a special time for you family?

  2. What is blessed in the church on Easter?

  3. How long does your family celebrate Easter?

  4. Do you like to help your mother to prepare for Easter?

Writing. Make up the sentences.

  1. Is, holiday, a spring, Easter.

  2. Breakfast, The, started, a player, holiday, holiday.

  3. Holiday, is Easter, all Christian.

  4. Like, Children, eggs, to colour.

Cap filling

Easter is a… holiday. It is a Christian… . It is always on a… . People go to church on Easter… . They… . there at sunrise. They sing and… . They think about a new life… . death. It is a very… day.

Children like to colour… . Families eat a big dinner on… Sunday. People in Ukraine eat… and… eggs.

Урок 5
Тема: “Family tradition”

Підтема: Going to the picnic


I. Today we are going to speak about one of the best family tradition. Try to guess this tradition.

Possible answers:

  1. Is this celebrating of mother’s birthday?

  2. Is this going to the theatre?

  3. Is this going to the seaside?

  4. – to the picnic?

Yes, it’s wright. It is going to the picnic.

T. What is associated with this word! Make up the mind – map.


A good mood

Basket of food

To play games

Listening to the music

Playing with a ball
II. The main body

  1. Introducing of new lexical material

  1. A picnic – pleasure trip on which food is carried to be eaten outdoors.

  2. Plastic plates

  3. Barbecue / `bα: bikjul – social occasion at which food cooked over a charcoal fire is eaten.

  4. Fruit

  5. Sandwiches – two slices of bread with meat, salad, etc between

  1. Play game! Odd one out

Volley – ball, swimming, writing, basket – ball

Tomato, peach, cucumber, onion, garlic.

Apple, plum, lemon, pepper, peas

  1. Now listen the text about picnic.

At a picnic

Hi, my name is Rob. My family and I are in the forest. It’s a nice day. The sun is shining brightly. The birds are singing merrily. We are having a picnic. Mum is making sandwiches with vegetables and meat. Granny is making tea. Dad is playing the guitar and singing his favourite songs. My younger sister is playing with her Barbie doll and singing with Dad. I’m listening to the music and helping mum. Our doggy Johny is running and playing with a ball. We are together and we are happy

Post – listening activity

  1. Where is the family?

  1. in the park

  2. in the forest

  3. by the river

  1. This story tells us now Rub’s family

  1. is traveling

  2. is cooking

  3. is having rest

  1. Why is the boy’s family happy?

  1. they are singing.

  2. They are together.

  3. The weather is good.

  1. Who is making tea?

  1. mum

  2. dad

  3. Granny

  1. What is the weather like?

  1. it’s nice and sunny

  2. it’s rainy and cool.

  3. it’s cloudy but warm.

  1. What is there in the sandwiches?

  1. fruit and rice

  2. meat and vegetables.

  3. jam and butter.

  1. Their pet is

  1. a cat

  2. a rat

  3. a dog

  1. What does „favorite” mean?

  1. when you often do it

  2. when you like it

  3. when you listen to it

  1. When dad is playing the guitar everybody is

  1. jumping

  2. running

  3. listening

  1. It is clear that the family members

  1. are enjoying themselves

  2. are sad and unhappy

  3. are after of rain

Урок повторення і корекції
По темі Family traditions

Мета: Узагальнення граматичного та лексичного матеріалу. Підготовка до тематичної атестації.

  1. Aim

  2. Warm – up

1) Read and translate the proverb

Well begun is half done.

  1. Find the Ukrainian equivalents.

Добрий почин – половина діла.
ІІ. The main body.

  1. Lexical Game “Topic words”

To write as many words as you can on the topic „Family tradition”

  1. Matching

Match the sentences with their translation.

Match the pairs.

  1. Our family likes to travel in summer

  2. Mother’s birthday is a special holiday in family

  3. Christmas Eve is usually a family celebration.

  4. Today we’re going for a picnic

  1. День народження мами це особливе

Сімейне свято

  1. Влітку наша сім`я любить подорожувати

  2. Сьогодні ми збираємось на пікнік

  3. Переддень Різдва – це звичайно сімейне свято

The or False

One word in each sentence is not correct. Cross out the word and write the correct answer above it.

Mum’s foviurite dish are showdrops, lilacs and daffodils.

The beginning of holy supper is signaled by the first song.

Our grandmother and grandfather remember a lot of beautiful poems

Mum is making sandwiches using the correct form of verbs.
Copmplete the sentences using the correct form of verbs.

  1. The holy supper to be on the table.

  2. Every summer my parents and I to make a trip

  3. The birds to sing merrily

  4. At home, I to have

to make a jewelry box for mum.

  1. Our granny has to bake a birthday cake.

V. Make up the words given in jumbled letters. All of them are nouns
Dayiloh nicpic

Werflos amfily

Keac Stcrimas

Tiaku Onsadthitrai

Урок 6

Тема: “Family traditions”

Мета: Перевірити рівень навчальних досягнень учнів за темою “Family traditions with their Ukrainian”equivalents.

  1. Tradition

  2. mother’s birthday

  3. The first star

  4. a special holiday

  5. a family celebration

  6. a hude bunch

  7. a fantastic cook

  8. beautiful carols

  9. happiness

  10. paska













сімейне свято

величезний букет

день народження мами


чудові колядки

особливе свято

перша зірка

фантастичний кухар

ІІ. Complete the sentences using: happy, to please, family, enjoyable poppy seeds, player seaside.

  1. On mother’s birthday everybody treis … her.

  2. Christmas Eve is usually … celebration.

  3. The holiday breakfast started with a … .

  4. Kutia is a dish of honey, … and wheat kernels.

  5. Every summer my parents and I make a trip to …

  6. Our travelling is long but… .

  7. We are together and we are…

III. Translate into English

  1. В літку наша сім`я любить подорожувати

  2. Наша бабуся – фантастичний кухар.

  3. Різдво – це особливе сімейне свято.

  4. Святковий сніданок починається з молитви.

  5. Які сімейні традиції ти знаєш ?

IV. Write a composition “My favourite family tradition”

Урок 7
Aims and objectives

  • to introduce and practice vocabulary concerning the eating at home and out.

  • to develop skills of speaking about eating tradition using new vocabulary in the sentences of their own.

  • to develop the skills of listening, reading.


I. The beginning of the lesson

  1. Greeting

  1. Phonetic Drills

Please would you pass the pumpkin pie?

Mom says 'You have a gift every single try

Dinner pizza prob'ly has to be the worst,

so. I'll just try my pumpkin pie first'.
3. Warm up

The teacher welcomes the students back and asks what sort of Halloween celebrations they had eliciting the idea of food feasts. Once the idea has popped up the teacher asks to find the food eaten out of the list accompanied with pictures.

The list may be as follows: potato salad sandwiches. Borshch, cakes, turkey, chicken, beef, stuffed eggs, mushrooms, fish, sausages, pizza, bacon and eggs, mashed potatoes.

The students have shared their ideas, the teacher asks them to arrange the foods into 2 categories (what is eaten daily) what is eaten on holidays.

I'd like you to guess the topic of our lesson you are right.
II. The main part of the lesson


At our lesson we are going to discuss a new topic "Food. Eating at home". By the end of lesson you should be able: to recognize and understand new words and word-combinations when reading sentences; to identify main ideas and details from the text listening to it.
2.Presenting new vocabularies now I would like to write some new words and
expressions. A little bit later you will make up sentences of your own with
new vocabulary

Beef [bi:f] - телятина

Ham - шинка

Pate - паштет

Pork - свинина

Minced meat - фарш

Frankfurter - сосиска

Carp - короп

Salmon - лосось

Order - замовляти

Perch- окунь

Trout- форель

Pike- щука

Delicious - смачний
3. Practise vocabularies.

a. Repeating after the teacher

b. Match the words

Delicious телятина
Firs короп
Beef окунь

Minced meat фарш

Carp щука

Pork смачний

Meat лосось

Pate сосиска

Pike форель

Perch свинина

Frankfurter паштет

Salmon шинка
c. Who can make the most word combinations using the word from the box?
Butter, chicken, meat, sausage fried, pork, vegetable, fruit, egg, carp, pate,
salmon, boiled, fried, fish, beef, pate, salmon, boiled, potato, cheese, ham,
pie, porridge, bacon.

d. Make a list of your five the most favourite dishes and things you hate to eat

e. Group work. Talk to each other and find out who likes and dislikes the same food as you do.

3. Writing

the teacher revises the names of the four basic meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper) and explains the meanings referring to the Ukrainian culture and then asks the pupils to create a daily menu for their families.

4. Listening

a. Pre-listening activities.

Have you ever been at cafe?

How often do you visit this place?

Meal in cafe is cheaper than in restaurant» isn't it?
b. While-listening Activities

Listen to the text and say why Johnson was so indignatly?

Indignatly. Do you know how to say in Ukrainian?

I have paid for it.
Johnson ordered a piece of cake at a cafe, but sent it back and ordered a piece of apple-pie instead. He ate it got up and was about to leave when the waiter stopped him "Say, you haven't paid for that pie yet." "What?" answered Johnson indignatly. "Didn't I give you a piece of cake for it?"

c. Post — Listening Activities say if the sentences are true or false

Johnson ordered a plate of soup. He sent a piece of cake back. Johnson ordered a piece of apple-pie. He is going to leave cafe without paying. The waiter said nothing. Johnson was very indignatly



III. 1. Home assignment

To interview a neighbour and person. Bright pupils may do that for the whole week.

2. Lesson summary.

Today we have spoken about "Food and eating" have learned new vocabularies, make

menu, asked questions, have listened the text. Was it interesting or boring?

I thank you for the lesson and wish you good luck.
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