«Я, моя сім’я, друзі!»

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Checking Comprehension

1 Who said it?

- “I shall make you dry. Let’s play games or run a race.”

- “Yes, everybody must have a prize!”

Say who:

  • was cold and wet

  • got a pencil as a prize.

Put the sentences in the right order.

1 The birds and animals were as cold and as wet as Alice was.

2 After twenty minutes they were quite dry.

3 She gave them as prizes to the birds and animals.

4 They decided to run a race.

5 Alice found some sweets in her pocket.

6 When they got out of the lake, Alice was very cold.

7 After the race everybody wanted to have a prize.
Rewrite the sentences, putting the words in the right order.

1 Animals, the, Alice, as, as, was, were, cold, birds, and.

2 A, must, everybody, prize, have.

3 Asked, they, mouse, its, tell, to, story, them.
Imagine that you are Alice. Speak about:

  1. the race

  2. your prize.

Draw a picture of all birds and animals getting their prizes. Are they quite happy?

Answer the questions:

1 Who proposed to have a race?

2 Did all get prizes?

3 Who gave them prizes?

4 What did Alice get as the prize?

5 What was strange about the prize?

Урок 63


-to check pupils’ writing skills
1. Match the words with their synonyms or antonyms:

1 a contest a) to loose

2 to take part in b) jury, referee

3 to respect c) a competition

4 a duty d) power

5 to attend e) a show, a play

6 to win f) an obligation

7 a judge g) to fan

8 to mourn for h) to participate

9 might i) to hate

10 performance j) to miss
Kea: 1c, 2h, 3i, 4f, 5j, 6a, 7b, 8g, 9d, 10e.
2. Choose the right variant:

1 to dis …ve pr... se

a) er, ai

b) or, ei

c) ar, ee

2 self-gov…ment

a) arn

b) aen

c) ern

3 cr…tive

a) ee

b) ea

c) ae

4 to …ganize m…tings

a) or, ei

b) or, ee

c) or, ae

5 an op…tunity

a) por

b) par

c) all

6 to …ock

a) ch

b) sh

c) th

7 …owledge

a) sn

b) cn

c) kn

8 an ann…ncement

a) ou

b) au

c) ow

9 lang…ge

a) au

b) ue

c) ua

10 tradi…

a) tion

b) ssion

c) chion

3. Rewrite the sentences, putting the words in the right order

1 My, neither, for, friend, sister, nor, me, mourned, my.

2 In, were, an, we, given, to, our, opportunity, the, show, game, knowledge, “The Cleverest pupil”.

3 A, as, I, act, either, will, politician, a, as, singer, or, famous.

4 Quiz, will, take, they, in, part, the, week, next.

5 At, are, neither, Sundays, brain-rings, on, organized, nor, school, Thursdays.

6 Always, the, of, winners, different, get, games, prizes, good.

7 In, race, his, the, will, brother, either, take, or, part, the, relay, in.

8 The, win, to, and, showed, might, they, relay, dexterity, all, their.

4. Complete the text with the words given below

(Respectable, games, to take part, tradition, decorated, life, veterans, concerts, presents, invited)
It has become a ….. in our school to …. meetings with famous people. Very often the most … people in our town, war or labour … , journalists, poets and writers are … to school to … in parties and meetings. The hall is usually … with placards, pictures and slogans. They tell pupils about their school …, work and achievements. Pupils often organize …, provide different … and give them …. We like the way meetings with famous people are organized in our school.

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