«Я, моя сім’я, друзі!»

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(1.the size, the rate at which they are growing, and their activities; 2.12 – 18; 3.fat; 4.do much exercises and don’t eat ‘fuel foods’;5.add fats and carbohydrates to the diet)

How Much Food Do You Need

The food you eat supplies your body with energy. This energy is measured in calories. The number of calories you need each day depends upon the amount of energy your body needs. Different people have different energy needs, depending on their size, the rate at which they are growing, and their activities. Boys and girls from 12 to 18 are going through their period of greatest growth. At this time their calorie needs are high.

If you gain weight at a normal rate during this period, you know that you are supplying your body with the correct number of calories for growth and activity. If you gain more weight than is normal, you are supplying your body with more energy than it is using up. The extra food is being turned into fat and stored by the body.

On the other hand, if you lose weight, you are not eating enough to supply your body with the energy it needs. The body is drawing on its reserve supplies of fat to make up for the lacking calories.

You can neither look your best nor feel you best if you are under- or overweight. With the help of your doctor, you can decide whether your present weight is right for you. If you both feel that it’s necessary for you to lose weight, it will help to follow two main principles: get as much exercise as you can in order to burn up extra food energy, and be careful about the “fuel foods” (fats, starches, and sweets). Stick to lean meat, fish, chicken, skimmed milk, vegetables, and fruits.

Never try to diet by skipping meals. Your energy becomes low when you go without food for long stretches of time, and you are unable to do your best work.

People who are underweight can gain by adding fats and carbohydrates to their diets. Fats are especially important, since they provide twice as much energy, or calories, as carbohydrates.

Speaking 3. Panel Discussion

Each student write a question on a shirt of paper and give it to the medical

experts. Medical experts are chosen from the students of the class. They give

answers on the questions. Students may use the table:

(HO6) What do (does) people lose weight?

Where can we eat when they are underweight?

Why should a person buy fresh healthy food?

When (not) do sports?

How eat much sweets?

do to be in a good form?

Writing 4. Коротке нагадування. (Робота в групах)

Члени групи використовують істини, про які дізналися на уроці, написанням

самим собі записок із коротким нагадуванням, в яких підбиваються підсумки

відповіді на запитання:”How much should we eat and what food do we need?”

3.Заключна частина уроку

Homework 1.Домашнє завдання

Написати лист. Учні складають лист до друга, в якому повідомляють, про що

вони дізналися на уроці.

Summarizing 2.Підведення підсумків уроку.

  • What topic have we discussed today?

  • What kinds of food do we need?

  • How much food do we need?

Урок 26
Тема: How to Keep Fit

Мета: розширювати лексичний запас учнів; розвивати навички читання

тексту з метою повного розуміння тексту та подальшого обговорення;

тренувати учнів в усному мовленні та аудіюванні; вчити складати

короткі повідомлення на задану тему у формі виготовлення брошури.

Обладнання: лексичні вправи (НО1); текст для читання (НО3); вправи до тексту для

читання (НО2); підстановка таблиця для складання речень; текст для

аудіювання; вправи до тексту для аудіювання (НО4).

Тип уроку: комбінований


1.Введення в іншомовну атмосферу

Aim 1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Warm up 2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

  1. Explain the proverb:

Health is better than wealth

  1. The Game. (Group work)

Учням дається завдання розшифрувати слово HEALTH

Possible answer:

Healthy food

Everyday washing

Active life

Life without bad habits

To do sports

Have regular meal

2.Основна частина уроку

Speaking 1. Обговорення у формі розумового штурму

  • What should people do to keep fit?

Reading 2. Подання тексту для читання “Healthy Way of Life”

  1. Pre – reading activities

Match the words with their meaning


  1. a professional career a. the rules of health which are necessary

to obey

  1. to observe b. to make stronger and healthy

  2. laws of health c. to use a bad stuff which is harmful for


  1. to strengthen d. the way to success in work

  2. to exhaust e. to do, to obey properly

  3. to take drugs f. to lead to powerlessness

  4. to avoid smoking g. not to smoke


1 – d; 2 – e; 3 – a; 4 – b; 5 – f; 6 – c; 7 – g.

  1. While – reading activities

Read the text and complete the sentences.

(НО2) 1. To stay healthy you should…

  1. It is important to keep…

  2. You should also keep…

  3. It is necessary to do…

  4. Late hours are…

  5. Late hours exhaust…

  6. Healthy food is essential…

  7. The person who drinks or takes drugs becomes…

  8. You should avoid smoking because…

  9. Rest is necessary for…
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