«Я, моя сім’я, друзі!»

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Підтема: Населення Великої Британії.

Мета: повторити звуки та букви, практикувати правильну артикуляцію англійських звуків. Ввести нову лексику теми „Населення Великої Британії”. Ввести модальне дієслово саn.

Обладнання: підручник, картинки з зображенням прапорів та жителів Британії, текст фонетичної вправи, граматичні таблиці.


  1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

    1. Привітання.

Stand up, please! Good morning, children!

Sit down, please! Get ready for the lesson! (Опитування чергового учня)

2. Мовна практика.

Розучування вірша.

Betty bought a bit of butter

But she said her butter’s bitter

But a bit of better butter

Will make her bitter butter better!

2.Основна частина уроку

1. Контроль домашнього завдання.

2. Пред’явлення лексичного матеріалу.


1. single stateєдина держава

2. separate окремий

3. Celtic ['keltik] - кельтський

4. Gaelic ['geilik] - гельський

5. Welsh [welJ] - валійський

6. regardless of незалежно від

7. distinctionвідмінність

8. regardвважати

9. societyсуспільство

10. inhabitantжитель

11. densityгустота

12. area район, область

13. government уряд

14. identity індивідуальність, відмінна риса

3. Активізація вживання ЛО в тексті. Активізація розвитку навичок читання з метою отримання точного розуміння всієї інформації, що міститься в ньому.
The Population of the British Isles: THE FOUR NATIONS

The British Isles are the home of four nations — English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish. People often refer to Britain by another name. They call it “England”. But this is not strictly correct, and it can make some people angry. England is only one of the four nations of the British Isles (England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland). Their political unification was a gradual process that took several hundred years. It was completed in 1866 when the Irish Parliament was joined with the parliament for England, Scotland and Wales in Westminster, so that the whole of the British Isles became a single state — the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. However, in 1922, most of Ireland became a separate state.

In 1993 the population of the United Kingdom was about 58 million inhabitants. This figure gives a population density of 600 persons per square mile (284 per square km).


The Scots, Welsh and Irish regard themselves as largely Celtic peoples, while the English are mainly Anglo-Saxon in origin.

At one time the four nations were distinct from each other in almost every aspect of life. In the first place, they were different racially. The people in Ireland, Wales and highland Scotland belonged to the Celtic race; those in England and lowland Scotland were mainly of Ger­manic origin. This difference was ref­lected in the languages they spoke. People in the Celtic areas spoke Celtic languages:

Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic and Welsh. People in the Germanic areas spoke Ger­manic dialects (including the one which has developed into modern English). The nations also tended to have different economic, social and legal systems.

Today these differences have become blurred, but they have not completely disappeared. Although there is only one government for the whole of Britain, and people have the same passport regardless of where in Britain they live, some aspects of government are organized separately (and sometimes differently) in the four parts of the United Kingdom. Moreover, Welsh, Scottish and Irish people feel their identity very strongly.


1. How many nations live on the British Isles? What are they?

2. When did Great Britain become a single state?

4. What was the population in 1993?

3. What people regard themselves Celtic?

4. What people regard themselves to be of Anglo-Saxon origin?

5. In which aspects were four nations different?

6. Have differences completely disappeared by now?

3. Розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення.

Read the sentences and insert the missing words.

Single, distinction, society, area, inhabitants, density, government, separate

  1. In 1866 the British Isles became a … state — the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. However, in 1922, most of Ireland became a … state.

  2. Robert was interested in football and his brother was fond of tennis.it was the only … between them.

  3. I have a nice flat near the central park in a good … of London.

  4. The population of the United Kingdom was about 58 million … . This figure gives a population … of 600 persons per square mile.

  5. Taras Shevchenko became a real hero in the eyes of the Ukrainian … .

  6. The … of our country does everything possible to protect its … .

Check yourself! Can you say what is wrong?

The British Isles are the home of five nations — English, Britons, Scottish, Welsh and Irish. England is the only nation of the British Isles. In 1995 the population of the United Kingdom was about 58 million inhabitants. The Scots, Welsh and Irish regard themselves as largely Anglo-Saxon peoples, while the English are mainly Celtic in origin. People in the Celtic areas spoke Celtic languages. People in the Germanic areas spoke Russian dialects (including the one which has developed into modern English). There is only one government for the whole of Britain, but people have three passports regardless of where in Britain they live.

4. Тренування учнів в аудіюванні.

Listen to interesting information associated by British people with one or more of the four nations.


The prefix “Mac” or “Mc” in surnames (such as McCall, MacCarthey, MacDonald) is always either Scottish or Irish. The prefix “O” (as in O’Brien, O’Hara) is dis­tinctly Irish. A very large number of surnames (for exam­ple, Davis, Evans, Jones, Lloyd, Morgan, Price, Rees and Williams) suggest Welsh origin.


The kilt, a skirt with a tartan pattern worn by men, is a very well-known symbol of Scottishness (though it is hardly ever worn in everyday life).


The harp is an emblem of both Wales and Ireland. The bagpipes are regarded as distinctively Scottish (though a smaller type is also used in traditional Irish music).


There are certain stereotypes of national character which are well-known in Britain. For instance, the Irish are supposed to be great talkers, the Scots have a reputation for being careful with money, and the Welsh are famous for their singing ability. These cha­racteristics are, of course, only caricatures and are not reliable descriptions of individual people from these countries. Nevertheless, they indicate some slight differences in the value attached to certain kinds of behaviour in the countries concerned.

Перевірка розуміння почутого.

Fill in the table according information you learned from the text










great talkers

great singers


5. Пред’явлення граматичного матеріалу. Модальне дієслово CAN.


(можливість що-небудь зробити)

I can play the piano.


He can answer the question. (мoже)

I cannot swim.

(не вмію)

He cannot understand.

(не може)

Can you sing? (чи вмієте?)

Can you help me? (чи можете?)

I could not ski when I was little. (не вмів)

She could not jump so high. (не могла)

Практикування учнів у вживанні граматичного матеріалу.Вправа 1. Перекладіть на українську мову.

  1. Her grandmother can knit very well. 2. I can answer the questions. They are very easy. 3. This trip is too expensive for me. I can't afford it. 4. She can type. She can speak well on the telephone. She hopes she can find the job she's looking for. 5. Can you go to have lunch with me? — I'm sorry. I can't. 6. Mike can run very fast. 7. They can understand French. 8. Kate can speak English.

Вправа 2. Ознайомтеся з перекладом англійських прислів’їв і заповніть пропуски дієсловом can у стверджувальній або заперечній формі. Вивчіть прислів’я.

1) You ... bring a horse to the water, but you ... make him drink. (Не усього можна домогтися силою.)

2) You ... teach an old dog new tricks. (У старості важко переучуватися.)

3) You ... be in two places at once. (Ви не можете знаходитися в двох місцях одночасно)

Перетворіть стверджувальні речення на запитальні.

Example: I can climb mount Everest. — I can't climb mount Everest.

1) Max can read maps.

2) Rita can feed a shark.

3) I can drive a train.

4) We can tell you the truth.

5) You can cut an onion without tears

3. Заключна частина уроку

1. Домашнє завдання.

Вивчити нові ЛО. Вправа 1.

  1. Підбиття підсумків.

  2. Закінчення уроку.


Підтема: Промисловість Великої Британії.

Мета: повторити звуки та букви, практикувати правильну артикуляцію англійських звуків. Ввести нову лексику теми „Промисловість Великої Британії”. Ввести модальне дієслово must та активізувати вживання модального дієслова can.

Обладнання: підручник, картки з граматики, текст фонетичної вправи, граматичні таблиці.


  1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

    1. Привітання.

Stand up, please! Good morning, children!

Sit down, please! Get ready for the lesson! (Опитування чергового учня)

2. Мовна практика.

Розучування вірша.

A wise old owl sat in an oak

The more he heard, the less he spoke

The less he spoke, the more he heard

Follow the example of the old wise bird.

2.Основна частина уроку

1. Контроль домашнього завдання.

2. Пред’явлення лексичного матеріалу

highly-developed – високо розвинений

main - головний

branches of industry – галузі промисловості

leading centre – головний центр

chief - головний

produce - виробляти

gross domestic product – валовий внутрішній продукт

goods - товари

petrochemical - нафтохімічний

demand - вимога

account for - відповідати

agriculture – сільське господарство

3. Активізація вживання ЛО в тексті. Активізація розвитку навичок читання з метою отримання точного розуміння всієї інформації, що міститься в ньому.


Great Britain is known to be a highly-developed industrial country. The main branches of industry are ship-building, machine-building, metal industry, chemical and textile industry. The main industrial centres are London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Glasgow, etc. The leading centres of the textile region are Liverpool and Manchester. Manchester is the chief cotton manufacturing city. Every town produces certain kinds of yarn and fabrics. Plants producing textile machinery not only satisfy the needs of British industry, but also export great quantities of machinery to other countries. Great Britain exports motor-cars, agricultural tractors, railway and motor vehicles, cotton and wollen fabrics and other things. About 1/4 of its gross domestic product comes from the export of goods and services. The notable growth has been seen in electrical and instrument engineering, mechanical engineering, food, paper, printing and publishing. It is the world's tenth largest steel producer and a major producer of alloys used by aerospace, electronic, petrochemical and other industries. Its chemical industry is the 3rd largest in Europe and 5th largest in the western world. The British aerospace industry is the 3rd largest in the world. The clothing industry, one of the largest in Europe, meets about 2/3 of domestic demand, and the wollen industry is one of the world’s largest.

Great Britain is the 5th largest trading nation in the world. Export of goods and services is equivalent to ¼ of gross domestic product. Banking, finances, insurance, business services account for 14 percent of the British economy’s total output. Over 3/4 of Britain’s landscape is used agriculture.
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