«Я, моя сім’я, друзі!»

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  1. Пред’явлення тексту для аудіювання.

  1. Pre-listening

Answer the questions

  • Do you like to be ill?

  • Can you name a positive side of your being ill? If there is one?

it happened – так сталося

to pity – жалкувати

crying bitterly – гірко плакала

  1. While-listening

Write the information about:

the number of the children

the names of the children

diseases children had
One day a doctor was called at a house where there were three children: a boy whose name was Nick and two girls Kate and Mary.

It happened that the boy had a cold and Kate has measles. Everyone was petting them and giving them presents. Only Mary sat alone in a corner crying bitterly. The doctor went over to her and asked what the matter was. The child stopped crying for a moment and said:

“Oh, dear! They have all got measles and colds and everybody is buying them presents and I haven’t anything” and cried again.

  1. Post-listening

Answer the questions

  • Why was Marry crying bitterly?

Oral practice

6) Role-play (in groups)

It seems we have learned much about diseases, their symptoms, about what one should do and what one shouldn’t do in this or that case.

I think now you can act as experienced doctors.

So it’s high time to consult a patient
Every team should choose a patient: a member of the group who pretends to be very ill

Your actions:

  1. listen his complains

  2. Ask him detailed questions about his illness and what he feels

  3. discuss his(her) case

  4. Say your verdict (conclusion)

  5. Give him (her) some advice

III. Заключна частина уроку


Ви лікар заповнюєте картку хворого (його історію хвороби)


  • Ім.’я, вік

  • Коли звернувся до лікаря

  • Які симптоми має, який діагноз хвороби

  • Яке лікування ви призначили

  • Ваші рекомендації щодо лікування

  • Ваші прогнози щодо перебігу хвороби

Підсумки уроку:

What have we done today?

What new information have you learned?

Урок 19

Підтема: У лікаря
Мета: Навчити розуміти поради та рекомендації лікаря, а також давати поради. Відпрацьовувати вживання тематичної лексики в діалогічному мовленні і практикувати учнів у монологічному мовленні.
Обладнання: підручник, фрази пацієнтів на прийомі у лікаря. Розмовні формули для складання зв’язної усної розповіді.
Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприймання іншомовного мовлення.


  1. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

T: At today’s lesson you will learn some more new useful expressions, phrases to be able to talk to a doctor if you are award. You’ll practice the skill of using and answering questions about health.

  1. Уведення в іншомовне середовище

Мовна розминка з метою активізації вивченої лексики в усних мовних висловлюваннях.

T: Use the words in the box to write as many sentences as possible in 5 minutes. Your sentences must be grammatically correct and they must make sense reflecting your own experience.






district doctor



to prescribe

to recover



medicine for

II. Основна часина уроку.

  1. Контроль домашнього завдання

Розповіді учнів про нещасний випадок, який трапився з вами під час Вашого перебування в Англії.

2) Активізація вживання ЛО теми в усному мовленні учнів

a) Reading. Опрацювання тематичної лексики

to feel hot

a splitting headache

to have a sore throat

to catch a cold

to take the temperature

mustard plasters

to prescribe medicine

to follow instruction

chemist’s shop

b) Складання власних міні-діалогів, використовуючи фрази, написані на дошці
Doctor Pupil

What’s the matter with you? I have a splitting headache

What’s troubling you? I have a sore throat

What has happened? I have a cold in my head

What are your symptoms? I feel very week

What is your temperature? I have a high temperature

You have to keep your bed I’ll follow all your instructions

You have to use mustard plasters.
3) Пред’явлення тексту для читання

A visit to the doctor

On my summer holidays I was in Great Britain at my pen-friend’s invitation.

Of course, Peter did his best to make my visit as pleasant as possible but accidents happened. On one of the first days we went for a very long walk round the city. In the morning the weather was warm so I didn’t think about taking an umbrella. But the weather in London is rather changeable and very soon it started raining heavily. Of course I got wet. Next morning I felt hot. I also had a splitting headache and a sore throat. Peter’s parents took me to the doctor. He examined me, took the temperature and said that I had caught a bad cold.

He advised me to keep my bed and prescribed some medicine.

Peter bought the medicine at the chemist’s shop. I had to take the pills three days after meals. I followed all the doctor’s instructions and in three days I was almost well and could continue going sightseeing in London.
a) Post-listening

Question time activity

Учитель ставить питання, учні в швидкому темпі відповідають на них.


Where was Sergey in his summer holidays?

Why did he go to London?

What happened with Sergey in London?

What do you know about London’s weather?

How did Sergey feel himself when he woke up next morning?

What was the temperature?

Did he have a splitting headache?

Where did Peter’s parents take Sergey?

How did the doctor examine him?

What was the matter with Sergey?

What did the doctor prescribe?

Who went to the chemist’s shop to get the medicine?

How many times did Sergey have to take the pills?

Did he follow all the doctor’s instructions?

When did he feel quite himself again
4) Практикування учнів у монологічному мовленні?
Divide Class into 2 teams

Складання усної колективної розповіді:

Команда1: “A doctor’s visit me”

Команда2: “My visit to the doctor”

T: Teams, each representative takes turns composing a good extended story. Use as many topical words as possible. Follow the speech phrases necessary for telling stories.

I’d like to tell you about…

My story is about…

To begin with…

Speaking about…

Well, then…

Back to…

In short…

To sum it up…

That’s how it all ended

Thank you. I hope you haven’t become tired.
Choose a secretary who will take notes and a speaker who will reproduce the whole story using the notes taken. Opposite team, be especially attentive while listening to the other team’s story to ask questions about what was not mentioned.
III. Заключна частина


  1. Домашнє завдання

Write down questions which you can ask your friends after his illness.


  1. Підбиття підсумків уроку

What have you learnt to do by the end of the lesson?

What was the most interesting stage of the lesson for you?

Where in which situation could you apply the knowledge you’ve got?

Урок 20

Підтема: У стоматолога
Мета: Ознайомити учнів з лексикою, необхідною для спілкування зі стоматологом і навчити активно використовувати її в усному мовленні. Практикувати учнів в сприйманні мови на слух.
Обладнання: підручник, фрази пацієнта на прийомі у стоматолога. (HO1) картинка „У стоматолога”, картинки HO2
Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприймання іншомовного мовлення.


  1. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

T: The topic of today’s lesson is At the Dentist’s. You should be able to talk with the dentist. This lesson will help you to understand English letter.

  1. Уведення в іншомовне середовище

  1. Pronunciation drill. Rhyme.

Фонетичне відпрацювання вірша.

My granddad is a dentist

My grandmother is one too

Since I was just a little girl

They’re told me what to do

Brush your teeth after every meal

Eat the right things daily

See your dentist twice a year

And you’ll go though life gaily.

  1. Discussion

Бесіда за змістом вірша .

  1. Do you like to visit the dentist?

  2. How often should you visit him?

  3. What should you do to keep your teeth healthy?

II. Основна частина уроку

Check on

  1. Контроль домашнього завдання


  1. Пред’явлення тексту для аудіювання “At the Dentist”

  1. Pre-listening activity. Етап підготовки до прослуховування тексту

  1. New vocabulary / Нові слова ввести шляхом здогадки, перекласти


to pull out

to nod

either … or


to search – look for

to remove – to take away

to be able

  1. questions:

are you afraid to visit the dentist? Is it possible not to go to the dentist?

  1. While-listening activity

T: Listen to the text.
Dentists always asks questions when it is impossible for you to answer. My dentist had just pulled out me of me teeth and had told me to rest for a while.

I’d tried to say something but my mouth was full of cotton wool. He knew I collected birds eggs and asked me whether my collection was grown. He asked me how my brother worked and whether I liked my new school. In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises.

Meanwhile my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been I suddenly felt worried but couldn’t say anything when the dentist at last removed the cotton wool from my mouth. I was able to tell him that he had pulled out the wrong tooth.

  1. Past-listening activity

Етап перевірки розуміння прослуханого.

Questions on the cards.


What has the dentist just done?

Why was it impossible to say anything?

What did the dentist ask me about?

How could I answer his questions?

What tooth had the doctor pulled out?
Presenting vocabulary

  1. Ознайомлення учнів з фразами необхідними для спілкування зі стоматологом.

Remember the phrases you need to talk to a dentist if you’re abroad.
(HO2) At the Dentist’s
-I have …

a bad toothache

broken my tooth

a hole in my tooth
-I want a tooth filled

-A filling has come out, I’m afraid

-Please, do something for the pain

-How much do I own you?

-Can you put a crown on this tooth?

  1. Практикування учнів у вживанні лексики у діалозі.

T: Make up a dialogue in writing.

Imagine you’ve had a terrible toothache for a few days. Finally you are at the dentist’s. You are feeling very nervous, but there is no other way out. Write a conversation between you and the dentists.

Then be ready to reproduce it. You may use the next dialogue as an example.

  • What’s troubling you?

  • I have a bad tooth.

  • Open your mouth, please. You’ve got to have it pulled out.

  • I would like to have it filled

  • It’s too late. It cannot be filled.

  • I am very much afraid

  • Don’t worry. You won’t feel any pain. Ill do you an injection.

  • All right

III. Заключна частина уроку


  1. Домашнє завдання: Скласти розповідь про свій візит до стоматолога.


  1. Підбиття підсумків уроку.

T: What did you learn to do at the lesson?

How much from the lesson do you remember?

Урок 21

Підтема: At the Surgery

Мета: Ознайомити учнів з новою лексикою, активізувати її вживання у діалоговому мовленні. Практикувати учнів у читанні.

Мовний матеріал: Модальне дієслово can(could)

Обладнання: підручник, нова лексика на дошці, характеристики для введення нової лексики, підстановочні таблиці.
Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприймання іншомовного мовлення.


  1. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

T: At today’s lesson you’ll learn some more new words and expressions on the topic “At the Surgery” to be able to talk to a doctor, to understand his instructions and advices.

  1. Уведення в іншомовне середовище


  1. T: Complete the diagram with your own ideals:

Healthy life

II. Основна частина уроку

Check on

  1. Контроль домашнього завдання


Pupils tell about their visit to the dentist
Presenting vocabulary

  1. Ознайомлення з новою лексикою за допомогою наочності.

Ambulance – a special van that takes people who are ill to a hospital

to examine – здогадка

surgeon – a doctor who does operations

health insurance – a document giving the right to get medical service abroad

urgent – терміновий

hospitable – grad to see smb.

a bandage – здогадка

to make a bandage – If you hurt your leg the doctor makes a bandage

accident – unhappy event
T: Write down new words into your vocabularies with translation

  1. Активізація вживання ЛО теми в усному мовленні учнів

  1. Фонетичне опрацювання нової лексики

  2. Вправа на питання-відповіді з метою закріпити вміння використовувати дану лексику в реченнях, ситуаціях, наприклад:

Have you ever been in an accident?

Do you know how to call the ambulance?

How do you think if it is difficult to be a surgeon?

  1. Складання власних міні-діалогів

  • Have you ever taken your hand or leg?

  • Yes, I have. It was the accident. I couldn’t walk for a long time.


  1. Пред’явлення тексту для читання “At the Surgeons”

I’m going to tell you about an unpleasant thing that happened to me when I was in Great Britain. I was there last summer at my friend’s invitation. Alex did his best to make my staying at their home pleasant. His family was very hospitable, and we had a good time there together. But one day Alex had to go to his college, and I decided to ride a bicycle. You know that I was always good at it.

I was riding along the street, enjoying myself and watching around. Suddenly I saw another boy riding straight on me. His bicycle ran into mine, and we both fell down. The boy was fine, but I hurt my knee badly. He called the Ambulance on the mobile. In 5 minutes I was taken to the hospital. The doctor examined my knee, made a bandage and gave me a prescription for medicines. Then he said it was nothing serious, but I should better stay in bed for a day or two. Alex went to the chemist’s, bought the medicines and took me home. In two days I was almost well. In spite of this accident, I had a great time in London. I’d like to stay a few to say a few words about British National Health Service. It provides free treatment for all illnesses if you have health insurance. If you want to see a doctor, you must ring first and make an appointment. But if it is urgent, you can go to a surgery and wait. If you prefer, you can have private treatmet. But you’ll have to pay for it.
Post-reading activity. With a focus on speaking. Обговорення та переказ тексту.

T: Imagine that the main hero of the text is Nick. So ask questions about Nick and then some pupils will retell it.

  1. Закріплення уміння вживані вивчені структури у діалозі з лікарні.

The dialogue is written on the blackboard without key words.
D. What’s the matter … ?

P. I’ve been in an accident and I have a sharp pain in …

D. I must … you. I see nothing serious with your leg. But I must make a … on it.

P. I am very much afraid.

D: Don’t worry. I’ll … you … and you won’t feel any …

P. Should I keep my bad?

D. I recommended you… and take … which I’ll … you.
6) Ознайомити учнів з модальним дієсловом can(could) у ситуації

Last summer Lisa broke her leg. She could do some things but she couldn’t do other ones. Use this chart and form sentences about Lisa

Lisa could


make dinner


clean the house

wash dishes

play tennis

go shopping

watch TV

vacuum the carpet

play chess

III. Заключна частина уроку


  1. Домашнє завдання: Уявіть собі, що під час уроку фізкультури ви травмувались. Вас відвезли до лікарні. Розкажіть про цей випадок своїм товаришам.


  1. Підбиття підсумків уроку.

T: What did you learn to do at the lesson?

What activity did you enjoy most?

What was the most difficult for you?

Урок 22
Підтема: Куріння шкідливе для здоров`я

Мета: тренувати навички читання; розвивати уміння усного мовлення та навики зв’язного

висловлювання; розширювати знання учнів про куріння, його наслідки та велику

небезпеку для курців та оточуючих їх людей.

Обладнання: карточки, текст для читання
Хід уроку

I Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

Aim 1.Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

T: Today we shall speak about smoking, its dangerous for teenagers and result for they health

Warm up 2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

T: All you know anti-smoking posters like „Smoking is harmful for your health” are

familiar to you. Do you find them helpful in discouraging people from smoking?

II Основна частина уроку

Reading 1.Pre-reading Етап підготовки до читання тексту

1) A survey

1. Do you like to watch smoking people?

2. Are you parent smokers?

3. Have you tried to smoke?

4. Have you friends who smoke?

2) Ознайомлення з ЛО теми

to double подвоювати

teenager юнак

attractive привабливий

fashionable модний

take one’s breathe away скорочує дихання

emphysema емфізема

sight зір

prediction передбачення

because of через

shorten скорочує
2.While reading Виконання завдань під час читання

1) T: Write down all diseases which are caused by smoking.

2) Reading the text

Smoking is a very dangerous habit. But it has become a common thing in our life. Now the number of smokers among teenagers has doubled during some years.

Usually children start smoking at the age of 12-14years. Teenagers often have their first cigarette because they think they look more attractive and older. They also think smoking to be fashionable. But those who start smoking don’t think about a great danger they undergo their health. Doctors have made many studies to find out the effect of cigarette smoke on the human body. Now it is known that smoking takes your breathe away and gives you emphysema.

It leads to a lung cancer and cancer of a throat. Out of all dying from various form of cancer 90% are victims of smoking. Smoking causes the death of 75% people suffering from bronchitis. Smoking makes your sight weaker.

The latest medical prediction says that out a thousand smokers about 330 will die because of their smoking. Every smoked cigarette shortens a man’s life for 5 minutes.

Post reading Виконання завдань після читання тексту

1.Answer the questions

1) Is smoking worth starting?

2) When do the children start smoking?

3) What diseases does smoking cause?

4) Do all these diseases lead to death?

5) How many minutes does the life of smoker become shorter after smoking one cigarette?

6) How many people will die out of a thousand smokers?

2. Agree or disagree. Use the expressions: it is true, it is false

1) Smoking isn’t harmful habit

2) Smoking is very dangerous

3) It makes teenagers more attractive

4) Smoking is interesting

5) Smoking is stupid

6) Smoking leads to fatal diseases

7) Smoking helps to live longer

8) Smoking helps to make more friends

9) Smoking shortens our life

10) Smoking makes non-smoking friends avoid us

11) Smoking weaken our sight

12) Smoking causes a lung cancer and cancer of a throat
3. Complete the sentences. Choose the right end of the sentences.

1) Smoking is

a) fascinating habit

b) dangerous habit

c) funny habit

2) They who smoke undergo their life

a) to feel happy and merry

b) to catch fatal diseases

c) to avoid fatal diseases

3) Because of smoking

a) 90% people die from a cancer

b) 1% people die from a cancer

c) 12% people die from a cancer

4) One smoked cigarette shortens our life

a) 15 minutes

b) 5 minutes

c) 15 seconds

4. Translate into English /work in pairs/

1) Діти починають курити в 12-14 років

2) Куріння є дуже небезпечною звичкою

3) Така звичка призводить до фатальних смертельних хвороб

4) Коли ти куриш, ти можеш захворіти на рак легень та рак горла

5) Куріння викликає послаблення зору

6)Куріння скорочує життя.

5.Read the sentences translate and decide who’s speaking the smoker or non smoker

I hate smell tobacco

It helps me to relay

I like smoking

Many of my friends are smokers and I don’t want to be the add one out

Smoking can cause serious diseases such as lung cancer

If you want to be health you’ll avoid this bad habit

It makes your teeth yellow and skin unhealthy

I think it’s OK to smoke in the circle of friends

Do your parents approve of you smoking?

6. You are present at the meeting with a doctor. Ask him question about smoking. Use the expression

- a dangerous habit

- fatal and even death diseases

- lung cancer

- cancer of a throat

- get emphysema

- makes sight weaker

- shorten a man’s life

- out of a thousand smokers 330 will die

7. I Your friend starts smoking /group work/. Convince him (her) to give up

II A man has a bad experience of smoking he has given up. Now he tells us why has done it

8. Project work

Make up a leaflet for teenagers about smoking. Start as:

- You must know that…

III. Заключна частина уроку

Homework 1.Домашнє завдання: to prepare a report about smoking in written form

Summarizing 2. Підбиття підсумків уроку

Where can you see these signs:

No smoking

Smoking is prohibited

Smoking is harmful for your heath.

Урок 23
Підтема: Наркотики
Мета: ознайомити учнів з новою лексикою теми, практикувати вживання лексики за власним висловлюванням; розширювати знання учнів про небезпеку вживання наркотиків; тренувати навички читання з вилученням повної інформації.
Обладнання: малюнки до теми; карточки.
Хід уроку:

I. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

Aim 1.Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

T. Dear students, today we shall speak about drugs, their danger for health
Warm-up 2.Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

T. Look at the picture and give you idea about the content of the text we are going to read.

Your variants:

малюнок (наркотики) (a set of pictures about)
T. Another problem which we can’t help discussing is drugs.
II. Основна частина уроку

1.Pre-reading Етап підготовки до читання тексту

Reading Пред’явлення лексичного матеріалу
dangerous небезпечний

spread поширене

taking drugs вживання наркотиків

demand потреба

at the bottom of life на дні життя

addictive залежний

addict наркоман

cell клітина

nightmare кошмар

mental diseases психічна хвороба

perception of reality сприйняття дійсності

virus вірус

curiosity цікавість

the way out вихід із становища

threat загроза

to ban заборонити

madness божевілля

harm шкода

2. While reading Виконання завдань під час читання

1) T. Devide the text into some parts and title them

the most dangerous evil

possible symptoms of addicts

variants AIDS

reasons of taking drugs

victims of taking drugs

2) Reading the text
The most dangerous evil spread among teenagers is taking drugs. Many of young people think that some pills or one infection don’t do any harm for them. But they are mistaken. After sometime they will get use for them. It will demand more health and more money. At the end such people will find themselves at the bottom of life. To return to normal life is very difficult. Any kind of drug is very addictive. All world around is divided into 2 parts: “before” and “after”. Before… there were friends, hobbies, ideals, joys, flowers, happiness. After… no hopes, no dreams, no plans, no future. Only one thought to get money for a new doze and live in every cell of a sick body. And every doze must be larger and price must be higher. All life is turned into madness and might mare. Taking drugs ruins health. It causes severe illness of all parts of a body.

It leads insomnia, nervousness,

sudden changes of mood

mental diseases

blood poisoning

change of the perception of reality


Thousands of drug-users die every year. Statistics knows that in Ukraine 10000 young people die every year because of drugs.

Compare: During 10 years of Afghan War there were killed 14000 soldiers.

Some die of drugs themselves. Other die from AIDS. AIDS is a disease which isn’t thread it kills. AIDS is caused by a virus. A man can be infected with AIDS through blood by dirty needles that drug-takers use for their infections.

In our town there 60 persons registered who has AIDS disease. They all are drug-users.

What pushes teenagers to take drugs? There are many reasons:

  • some of young drug-users take drugs out of curiosity

  • other take drugs to relax or to find the way out of problems at home, at school.

Taking drugs has become a global threat for life in the world. The number of young people who take drugs is becoming bigger and bigger from year to year. Officially there are 170 drug-users registered in our town. But in reality this figure is 10 or even more times bigger. Drugs are banned in all countries of the world.

Виконання завдань після читання тексту

Past Reading

1. T. Match the expressions

1. taking drugs a) перетворюється

2. drug-user b) лікується

3. addictive c) вірус

4. addict d) наркоман

5. virus e) який залежний від наркотиків

6. curiosity f) цікавість

7. way out g) бути інфікованими

8. is treated h) вживання наркотиків

9. is infected i) залежний

10.madness j) божевілля
2. Answer the questions ( in chain)

  1. What evil is spreading among teenagers?

  2. What are they mistaken?

  3. Where can they sind themselves at the end?

  4. Is it difficult to return to normal life after being addicts?

  5. What is the life divided into when one becomes an addict?

  6. How do drugs affect health?

  7. What does taking drugs lead to…?

  8. Is AIDS treated?

  9. What pushes teenagers to take drugs?

  10. How many young people die in Ukraine every year?

  11. Are there people infected AIDS in our town?

  12. Are drugs banned only in our country?

3. Pair work

T. Look at the list of words and divide them into two groups: the reason for taking drugs and the results of taking drugs

the reason for the results of

taking drugs taking drugs

  • sudden change of

  • change of the perception of reality

  • curiosity

  • nervousness

  • severe illness

  • problems at school

  • pressure from the side of friends

  • blood-poisoning

  • problems at home

  • Boredom

  • mental disease

4. Complete the sentences using the list of new words.

1. Taking drugs is … habit

2. Some young people think taking drugs once don’t do … for them

3. Drugs … more health and more money

4. They will find themselves at …

5. Any kind of drugs is very …

6. AIDS is caused by …

7. They take drugs to …

8. All their life into …

9. Taking drugs has become a global … for life.
5. Are these statemed true or false according to the text.

  1. Drugs are banned in all countries of the world.

  2. Drug-users can stop to take drugs if they want.]

  3. Drug-users will need more and more doze.

  4. Any kind of drugs is addictive

  5. AIDS is easily treated

  6. Taking drugs doesn’t lead to severe illness

  7. Drugs are not the way out of problems

  8. For addicts to return to normal life isn’t difficult.

6. Make up sentences (in pairs)

1. Taking / is/ global / drugs / problem / the world / in

2. Addictive / people / take / once / drugs / who / become

3. Causes / drugs / taking / illness / severe

4. Every / die / thousands / year / drug-users / of

5. the disease / isn’t / which / AIDS / treated / is

6. of / cell / every / body / sick / a / doze / new / of / cries for / drugs.

7. Translate the sentences into English and write down

  1. Люди, які вживають наркотики опиняються на дні

  2. Повернутися до нормального життя дуже важко

  3. Будь-який наркотик викликає залежність

  4. Тисячі наркоманів вмирають щорічно

  5. СНІД не виліковується

  6. СНІД поширюється через брудні голки

8. Group work: Speak about

I група Why is taking drugs considered to be the most dangerous evil nowadays?

II група Why are drugs banned all over the world

  • you may use the text

  • you may use the plan made by you during your reading

  • must give your arguments based on your life experience

  • make up the slogan or the motto which can express your attitude to drugs.

III Заключна частина уроку

Homework 1. Домашнє завдання

T. Write a letter to your young cotemporary about drugs their influence on people and your own attitude to them.
Summarizing 2. Підбиття підсумків уроку

T. 1. What have we done at the lesson?

2. What new information do you get today?

3. What do you like and dislike?
Урок 24

Здоров’я і алкоголь

Мета: розвивати уміння усного мовлення та аудіювання, розвивати навики зв’язного

висловлювання, розширювати знання учнів про погані звички та їх наслідки, вчити учнів

піклуватися про своє здоров’я, підтримувати здоровий спосіб життя.

Обладнання: карточки, текст для аудіювання, завдання до тексту

Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

Aim. 1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

T. Today we are going to speak about bad habits such as drinking alcohol. These habits are very

bad for you healthy. We all know about the dangers of smoking.

Warm up 2. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу

T. We live in a rather complicated period when moral qualities a values are of less

importance than they were before. Unfortunately thousands of teenager seeking for

entertainment and relaxation find satisfaction in smoking, drinking alcohol and taking

drugs. So, why do young people drink alcohol? You ideas:

ІІ Основна частина уроку

Speaking practice 1.Практикування учнів у мовленні

1. General discussion

T. Discuss the problem “What are good and what are bad habits for your health?”

1) to do sports

2) don’t smoke

3) drinking alcohol

4) take drugs

5) to take part in sport competitions

6) to go to the sport school

7) to spend free time on the fresh air.

2. Т. Think over the question and try to answer them

1. Is it possible to be healthy if you drinking alcohol?

2. Why do very little children become addictive to smoking?

3. T. Make sentences using a pattern below

Usually (often) / people are / healthy (not healthy) / because

4. T. Make up the dialogues in accordance with the situation on the card. Use the next phrases:

- drinking alcohol you risk getting problems with you health

- cigarettes can hurt your heart, lungs and brain

- many young people start drinking and very soon they realize that they need medical help


You meet an alcoholic

Your friend smokes

Listening 5. Пред’явлення тексту для аудіювання з метою розуміння основного змісту та добування потрібної інформації

1. Pre-listening Етап підготовки до прослуховування тексту

1) The title of the story is written on the blackboard.

2) pre-teaching vocabulary

Very drunk дуже п’яний

Can’t concentrate не можу зосередитись

Stealing money красти гроші

Smells terrible жахливі запахи

2. While listening Виконання завдань під час слухання

1) T. Listen to the text and write down expressing denoting the state of health

don’t sleep

can’t concentrate


dying for a drink

think about drink

2) Listening (pupils listen to the letter from a young boy and discuss it in the group)

I think I’m an alcoholic

I really need your help. I think I am an alcoholic. I’m 17 and I have a drink every night or I don’t sleep. I go out with friend on Fridays and get very drunk. I’ve tried to stop going out but people say: “Oh, go on”, and I do.

I wake up before school dying for a drink. At school I’m always thinking about drink so I can’t concentrate. I’ve started stealing money from my family to buy drink. I need help! Please help!

3. Post listening Виконання завдань після прослуховування текстую

1) T. Answer the questions

- What ghis text about?

- How old is this boy?

- What is he thinking at school about?

- Where he has started stealing money?

2) Finish the sentences about drinking alcohol. Shoose any of the optional suggestions or add your


- If you don’ drink alcohol, you will have…

а sharp mind

а healthy heart

steady hands

strong muscles

- If you drink alcohol, you can have…

a tough time learning and remembering

a bad heart

problems with the law

3) Quiz “What would you do if…”

1. What would you do if you were invited to a party and someone asked of you wanted to drink

alcohol? You would:

-Say, “No, thanks” Your ideas:

2. What would you do if you were at the park with you friend and he asked you to smoke a cigarette?

You would:

- Say “No”. Tell them you can’t because you have to run in a race tomorrow and smoking makes you short of breath. Your ideas:

4) Role play “An interview” /group work/

T. Imagine the a famous politician is presenting at the lesson. Put question to him.

Do you smoke?

Do you like beer?

e.g. Do you know pupils that drink alcohol?

What do you think of young people who drink alcohol?

Is it possible to change the situation about smoking and drinking alcohol? How?

III Заключна частина уроку


Your hometask will be to interview you parents: “Are smoking and drinking alcohol a problem?”


T. You must take care of you health as well as of those around you.


Alcohol is very bad habit

Try to stop in time!

Any cigarette and alcohol are not worth even a minute of your life!

Урок 25
Тема: Здорова їжа

Цілі: - практикувати учнів в усному мовленні (у формі запитання – відповідь);

- розвивати навички читання та аудіювання з метою повного розуміння


- виховувати почуття взаємодопомоги при роботі в групах.

Обладнання:набір карток з малюнками по темі “Food”, текст для читання ’What Kind of

Food Do You Need?’, лексичні вправи (НО1), (НО2), вправи до тексту для

читання (НО3), текст для аудіювання “How Much Food Do You Need?”,

вправи до тексту для аудіювання (НО4), (НО5), таблиця – опора “Special


Тип уроку: комбінований


1.Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

Aim 1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Warm up 2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

  1. Brainstorming.

Continue the sentence:

I always feel good when…

  1. Information File.

Write the information you know about the following items (one or two points on each item).

(HO1) Exercise Food


Sleep Habits

2.Основна частина уроку

Reading 1. Подання тексту для читання “What Kinds of Food Do You Need?”

  1. Pre – Reading Activities

(HO2) Divide the words into two groups: useful and not useful.

Hamburger, juice, lemon, cabbage, cornflakes, pizza, sugary drinks, milk, cake, coffee, apples, eggs, cheese, fish, chips.

  1. While – Reading Activities

(HO3) Match the beginning and the end of the sentences:

1) Foods like bread, cereals, fruits, vegetables a) contain proteins

and sugar b) contain fats

2) Foods like meat, milk, fish, cheese and eggs c) contain carbohydrates

3) Vitamins d) help the body make proper use of

4) Minerals the food

5) Cream, butter, mayonnaise, nuts e) help to build some of the body’s


Key: 1c; 2a; 3d; 4e; 5 – b.

  1. Post – Reading Activities ( group work)

Each group gets a set of pictures of different food products. Students have to divide them into three groups: those which contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats.

What Kinds of Food Do You Need?

Proper care of the body begins with a good diet. The foods you eat and the fluids you drink supply the body with the materials it needs to do its work and to grow.

Different foods contain different substances needed by the body. Foods like meat, milk, fish, cheese, and eggs contain proteins. These are substances needed to repair and build muscle and bone. Proteins also supply some of the fuel that the body turns into energy.

Carbohydrates and fats are the body’s main sources of energy. Foods like bread, cereals, fruits, vegetables, and sugar contain carbohydrate4s. Cream, butter, mayonnaise, and nuts contain fats.

If the diet includes proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it also includes the vitamins and minerals you need. Vitamins are chemicals that help the body make proper use of the food you eat. Minerals help build some of the body’s structures and help adjust some of its functions. (In certain cases a doctor may feel that extra vitamins are necessary, and he will prescribe them.)

Water is needed to help carry food to the cells and to help the body get rid of waste matter. Since most foods contain water, a large part of your daily need is supplied by the foods you eat. But, in addition, you should drink several glasses of liquid a day.

Listening 2. Аудіювання тексту “How Much Food Do you Need?”

  1. Pre – Listening Activities

- What does the word ‘calories’ mean?

    • Who knows what number of calories a day do you need?

    • Why should people know the number of calories they need?

  1. While – Listening Activities

(HO4) Listen to the text and continue the sentences:

1.The energy is measured in…

2.The number of calories you need depends upon…

3.The extra food is being turned into…

4.Get as much exercise as you can in order…

5.If you are underweight you can gain by…


(1.calories; 2.the amount of energy your body needs; 3.fat; 4.to burn up extra food

energy; 5.adding fats and carbohydrates.)

  1. Post – Listening Activities

(HO5) Listen to the text again and answer the questions:

1.What do person’s energy needs depend on?

2.What is the age of greatest growth?

3.What is extra food being turned into?

4.What should people do when they need to lose weight?

5.What should people do when they are underweight?
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   ...   23


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