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Кафедра Іноземних Мов та Перекладу


з розвитку вмінь та навичок усного та письмового мовлення за темою


(для самостійної та аудиторної роботи студентів 4 курсу спеціальності

Затверджено на засіданні кафедри

іноземних мов та перекладу

Протокол № від 200 р.

Маріуполь, 2004

Навчально-методична розробка для студентів спеціальності “Переклад” (укладач: Богатирьова О.Є. - Маріуполь: ПДТУ,2004- с. )

Навчально-методична розробка призначена для аудиторної та самостійної роботи студентів 4 курсу спеціальності 7030507 та ставить своєю метою вдосконалення навичок читання, мовлення, письма та перекладу. Розробка містить теоретичний матеріал з питань лінгвостилістичної оцінки та аналізу художнього тексту і комплекс вправ творчого характеру. Текстовий матеріал вправ є автентичним та неадаптованим, що відповідає вимогам програми 4 курсу. Пропоновані вправи та завдання спрямовані на поглиблення знань та розвиток творчих та мовних навичок у студентів гуманітарних спеціальностей.

Структура навчально-методичної розробки дозволяє гнучко планувати учбовий процес; кожний текст із вправами частин 2 та 3 може вивчатися окремо , в комплексі, або призначатися для самостійного опрацювання студентами.

НМР містить великий обсяг матеріалів для поширення лексичного багажу студентів та коментарів, що полегшують розв’язання проблем міжкультурної комунікації.

Укладач: Богатирьова О. Є., ст. викладач

Відповідальний за випуск : Лазаренко Л.М., доцент


Project 1 The Language of Statistics

1.1 Group discussion.

Here are two quotations : “There are three kinds of lies: lies? Damn lies and statistics”

“He uses statistics as a drunken man uses uses lamp- posts – for support rather

than illumination”

Study the graphs illustrating the Labour force statistics in Britain.. Make similar graphss about Ukraine using the related information from the captions given below.
Ukraine.  The country’s labour force totaled 25.1 million people in 1998. Some 40 percent of workers are employed in industry, 40 percent in the service sector, and 20 percent in agriculture. Unemployment is rising steadily, especially in the form of hidden unemployment, which includes people who have been kept on payrolls but have not been paid salaries. Although official data reported an unemployment rate of only 1.6 percent in 1996, the minister of labor acknowledged an actual rate of more than 11 percent. Trade union membership is strong, reaching nearly 100 percent of the workforce. The miners’ unions are especially active.

The UK




Labour force




Unemployment rate


Labor Force By Sector


Agriculture, forestry, and fishing






Source: International Labour Organization; The World Bank





Labour force


Unemployment rate

Labor Force By Sector


Agriculture, forestry, and fishing




  1. Look at the graphs illustrating the imports- exports statistics in Britain.. Make similar graphss about Ukraine using the related information from the captions given below.

In 1998 Ukraine imported $14.2 billion of goods and exported $12.3 billion. The major imports are oil and gas from Russia and Turkmenistan and technology from Western nations. Exports, which are minimal for a developed country, consist mainly of raw materials and agricultural goods. Leading purchasers of exports are Russia, China, Belarus, Turkey, and Germany; principal sources of imports are Russia, Turkmenistan, Belarus, Germany, and China. Ukraine is experiencing great difficulty breaking into the global market.

In 1992 Ukraine became a member of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank). It also became affiliated with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Ukraine is an associate member of the trade and economic union of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the loosely organized alliance of 12 former Soviet republics.

The UK



Finished manufactured goods


Semimanufactured goods


Food, beverages, tobacco


Basic materials






Finished manufactured goods


Semimanufactured goods


Food, beverages, tobacco




Basic materials


Source: Britain 1998




Finished manufactured goods

Semimanufactured goods

Food, beverages, tobacco

Basic materials




Finished manufactured goods

Semimanufactured goods

Food, beverages, tobacco


Basic materials


When you have finished, compare your data in class. Was it difficult to find the nessecary data? What source did you use?

1.3 Act out a dialogue considering the resons and economic prospects of each country based on the information given above. Before performing think of other arguments you might use to back up your opinion.
1.4 Open the group discussion by the reasons as to why Ukraine is experiencing great difficulty breaking into the global market. Try to use the pattern phrases and sentences .

Project 2 The Economic Systems

1.5 Read the following selections. The issue discussed is the mixed economy as it is presented in the UK. Consider each of the presented facts and discuss the status of Ukraine in view of the current tendences in the Ukrainian economy.

  1. Like many modern developed countries, the United Kingdom has a mixed economy. This means that some sectors of the economy are operated by the government and some are operated by private businesses. Since World War II (1939-1945), Britain has worked to balance the mix of private and public enterprises in order to maximize the country’s economy and ensure the economic well-being of its citizens. Historically, Britain’s Conservative Party has sought a stronger private component in the mix while the Labour Party has sought to strengthen the public component. Both parties are committed to a healthy mix of both elements, however.

  2. The public component consists of the welfare system, which includes socialized medicine, known as the National Health Service, plus government controls over business, banking, and the money supply. The welfare system provides support from before birth to the grave. The government is a major employer: Public officials, the judiciary, the military, police departments, fire departments, educators, and health professionals are, for the most part, employed by the state. The government is also a major purchaser of goods, particularly military equipment.

  3. After World War II the government nationalized, or took over, a number of large and troubled industries. These included coal, electricity, transport, gas, oil, steel, certain car and truck manufacturing, shipbuilding, and aircraft building. Since the 1950s, the government has privatized a number of these industries, selling them to private firms. The first sales were the steel and road transportation industries. The Conservative governments between 1979 and 1996 denationalized oil companies, telecommunications, car and truck production, gas, airlines and aircraft building, electricity, water, railways, and nuclear power. By privatizing these industries, the government hoped they would become more efficient, due to pressure by stockholders demanding profits. Nevertheless, the government continues to regulate these newly privatized industries by controlling prices and monitoring performance. The government also seeks to encourage competition in the economy and increase productivity by sponsoring and subsidizing training and educational programs.

  4. As in many modern states, the British government seeks to fine-tune the economy in order to keep economic booms from becoming too inflationary and recessions from becoming too deep. In carrying out fine-tuning, the government uses a combination of monetary policies and fiscal policies. Monetary policies involve the attempt to control the supply and demand for money through the Treasury and the central bank, the Bank of England. Fiscal policy is concerned with the level and distribution of government spending and taxation. The government often opts to manage demand, intervening when demand for goods and services is high enough to threaten inflation. In such cases the government tries to reduce demand by raising interest rates and taxes. In economic emergencies the government can control prices and incomes to a considerable extent, but this is only done in extreme circumstances, such as in times of war or runaway inflation.

  5. Government revenue in 1997 and 1998 came from many sources. The primary sources were income tax, which provided 23 percent, social security contributions, and value-added tax (VAT, a national sales tax), which each contributed 16 percent. Excise duties contributed 11 percent of government revenue, corporation tax 9 percent, business and council rates (property taxes) 8 percent, other taxes 8 percent, borrowing 6 percent, and other financing 4 percent.

  6. Government expenditures for 1997 and 1998 included social security (the welfare system), which made up 32 percent of expenditures, and health and personal social services, which made up 17 percent. Other government monies went to education, 12 percent; interest on the debt, 8 percent; defense, 7 percent; law, order, and protective services, 5 percent; housing, heritage, and environment, 5 percent; industry, agriculture, and employment, 4 percent; transport, 3 percent; and other expenditures, 7 percent.

1.6 The information below deals with the mixed economic system.

What are the differences in the Ukrainian and British experience in this field? Do some research to get necessary facts and data.
All modern economic systems combine private ownership with government control. Sometimes called mixed economies, these systems attempt to eliminate inefficiencies inherent in capitalism or socialism alone. Governments, imbued with centralized control and the power to make legislation, set standards and taxes and may direct certain industries such as telecommunications or transportation, while private businesses control the remaining industries and generally thrive or fail according to the dictates of the market. In some cases, a public-private partnership may operate some industries.
1.7 The chart below illustrates in general the shares of private ownership with government control within the mixed economic system. Try to add your commentaries and data about your country. Use the following group of words :



health and personal social services

housing, heritage, and environment

industry, agriculture, and employment

interest on the debt

law, order, and protective services

social security

the welfare system


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Навчально-методична розробка для студентів спеціальності “Переклад” (укладачі: Лазаренко Л. М., Богатирьова О.Є. Маріуполь: ПДТУ,...
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