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Міністерство освіти і науки України Приазовський державний технічний університет Навчально-методична розробка з розвитку вмінь та навичок усного та письмового мовлення за темою “TYPES OF QUESTIONS” (для самостійної та аудиторної роботи студентівв 1 курсу технічних спеціальностей денної та заочної форм навчання) Маріуполь 2005 Приазовський державний технічний університет Кафедра іноземних мов та перекладу Навчально-методична розробка з розвитку вмінь та навичок усного та письмового мовлення за темою “TYPES OF QUESTIONS” ( для самостійної та аудиторної роботи студентів 1 курсу технічних спеціальностей денної та заочної форм навчання ) Маріуполь 2005 УДК 811.111.(075.8) Навчально-методична розробка з розвитку вмінь та навичок усного та письмового мовлення за темою“TYPES OF QUESTIONS” (для самостійної та аудиторної роботи студентів 1 курсу технічних спеціальностей денної та заочної форм навчання) / Уклад.: І.О.Кобяцька; ПДТУ. – Маріуполь, 2005.- 18 с. Навчально-методична розробка призначена для аудиторної та самостійної роботи студентів 1 курсу технічних спеціальностей денної та заочної форм навчання та ставить своєю метою вдосконалення навичок читання, мовлення, письма та перекладу. Розробка містить теоретичний матеріал з питань побудови запитальних речень різного типу, комплекс вправ творчого характеру та контрольні завдання щодо перевірки знань, вмінь та навичок з цієї граматичної теми. Пропоновані вправи та завдання спрямовані на поглиблення знань та розвиток творчих та мовних навичок у студентів 1 курсу технічних спеціальностей. Структура навчально-методичної розробки дозволяє гнучко планувати учбовий процес; кожний текст із вправами та контрольними завданнями може вивчатися окремо, в комплексі, або призначатися для самостійного опрацювання студентами (до усіх контрольних завдань додаються ключи для самоперевірки). Навчально-методична розробка містить великий обсяг матеріалів для поширення лексичного багажу студентів. Рецензенти: О.Є.Багатирьова, ст. викл. Укладач: І.О.Кобяцька, викл. Відповідальний за випуск: зав. кафедрою Лазаренко Л.М., доц. Затверджено на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов та перекладу Протокол № від CONTENTS Introduction p.p. 1.Word Order in Interrogative Sentences. 5 2.General Questions (Yes / No Questions). 5 a. Text for study. 6 -7 b. Grammar in practice. 7-8 c. Revision Test 1. 8-9 3. Special Questions (Information Questions). 10 a. Text for study. 11 b. Grammar in practice. 11-14 c. Revision Test 2. 14-15 4. Alternative Questions. 15-16 a.Text for study. 16 b.Grammar in practice. 16-18 c. Revision Test 3. 18-19 5. Disjunctive Questions (Tag Questions). 19-20 a. Text for study. 20 b. Grammar in practice. 21-23 c. Revision Test 4. 23-26 6. Answers for the Revision Tests. 26-27 7. Bibliography. 28
(Порядок слів у запитальних реченнях). Interrogative Sentences – запитальні речення – в англійській мові подані чотирьома типами запитань: загальні, спеціальні, альтернативні та розділові. Усі види запитальних речень, окрім спеціального запитання до підмета, характеризуються частково інвертованим порядком слів. II. GENERAL QUESTION. Загальне питання – General Question (Yes / No Question) – ставиться до усього речення і потребує відповіді „так” або „ні”. Допоміжне, Підмет Присудок Додаток Обставина зв`язкове чи модальне дієслово. 1 2 3 4 5 Do you study - at the University? Does your friend tell you about when you meet its studies him? Did you translate the new text yesterday? Will you give me this book tomorrow? Can you speak English well? Was this text translated by you at the last lesson? a). Text for study “ THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD” Oxford University was founded in the 12th century. It is one of the largest and most ancient universities of England. Oxford University is practically not a single University, but a collection of colleges, each self-governing and independent. The University is an administrative body which organizes lectures,arranges examinations, grants degrees, etc. Oxford University consists of 25 independent colleges, including 4 colleges for women. The administrative body of the University consists of the chancellor who is elected for life, the vice-chancellor, who is in practice the head of the University and is appointed annually by the chancellor, and the two proctors, whose job is to maintain discipline, and who are appointed annually by two of the colleges in rotation. The University has laboratories and research institutes in all branches of science and engineering, a well-equipped library and many other educational facilities. As the lectures are organized not by the colleges but by the University, any member of the University student body may attend those lectures and use the educational facilities provided by the University; the students of the colleges are the students of the University as well. In every college there are students of various specialities but each student naturally follows his own course of study. It is considered that a student gains very much living among those who represent other specialities. As a rule, admission to Oxford University is to a certain extent restricted. The students have to pay for their tuition, examinations, living accommodations, the use of libraries, laboratories, etc. Very few students hold scholarships from public or private funds. Oxford University is known for its tutorial system. Each student has a tutor who practically guides him through the whole course of studies. The tutor, more or less, plans the student`s work, suggests the books he should read and sets the work for him to do, for example, lectures to attend, an essay to write, etc. Each week the student goes to his tutor, and the tutor discusses with him the work he has done, criticizes in detail the essay he has written and sets him the task for next week`s work. A characteristic feature of Oxford University is that many traditions of the Middle Ages are still current there. One of them is that the students have to wear gowns at lectures, in the University library, in the streets after dusk, for dining in the college hall and for official visits to members of the staff. Many eminent world-known scholars and scientists have been educated at Oxford. b). GRAMMAR IN PRACTICE. 1. Put 10 general questions to the Text for study.
1). Invented the was engine last steam century ? 2). That look does dress nice ? 3). Somewhere we haven`t before met ? 4). You bell the hear didn`t ? 5). John to really did Canada go ? 6). Car been already has Ann`s sold ? 7). On home next they summer will holiday go ? 8). They car driving when you rang were a up you ? 9). Comes be mother when will TV you watching her ? 10). She what understand said I did ? 11). When do speak they Ukranian staying are relatives they at their? 12). Usually shopping alone you go do ? 13). You will to the for country the go weekend ? 14). Ever have you abroad been ? 15). Worked has ever as he engineer an ? 16). Guide my Art will Museum be you the about ? 17). Before to Alex had exercises done all he the bed went ? 18). By yesterday ten had all work finished you your ? 19). Temper your lost you have ever ? 20). Returned the you book have month the by of end the will ? 21). Lesson the been by of end have will composition the written the ? 22). Academic will have many by end the subjects studied the you of year ? 23). Waiting you do him mind for ? 24). You when been have laboratory for Physics one on hour this will work come she doing ? 25). Two your have English you preparing for been exercises hours on ? 3. For each of the following sentences make a yes / no question. 1). Granny`s chair is comfortable. 2). Your advice was much more useful than mine. 3). There are fashionable spectacles on the table. 4). There are cleaned arms in the corner of the room. 5). There will be wonderful goods in the shop tomorrow. 6). Pete`s test is as bad as Mary`s. 7). Linda was not so pretty as her sister. 8). He is writing a letter now. 9). The house became old. 10). My mother got tired. 11). The leaves grew brown.. 12). She reads a lot every day. 13). Bob has translated the article. 14). They will discuss the problem next Monday. 15). We have a lot of English books in our library. 16). They have already built their new house. 17). My friend fell ill. 18). She has a cup of strong coffee every morning. 19). They can come to see us today. 20). I am looking for the key. 21). She was doing the hometask when I dropped in at her place. 22). You will be working the whole day tomorrow. 23). I`ll have learnt the verbs before the next lesson. 24). He had written his composition by 7 p.m. 25). The letters had been written before you came. 26). The article was published last week. 27). The students were given another example. 28). This task is being done now. 29). This text will have been written before you come. 30). The road building was being completed when I left my city. 4. Make dialogues according to the Text for study using general questions as more as possible. 5. REVISION TEST 1 1). ....... you be here next weekend ? A. Do B. Will C. Are 2). …… you got any time for me? A. Are B. Do C. Have 3). …… Julia phone you earlier? A. Had B. Has C. Did 4). …… you like a cup of hot tea? A. Would B. Will C. Are 5). …… you married? A. Do B. Are C. Was 6). …… there a lot of children in your group? A. Do B. Was C. Are 7). …… Jenny rung before she came? A. Had B. Has C. Did 8). …… I give you a lift? A. Do B. Does C. Can 9). …… you go to bed late last night? A. Were B. Did C. Do 10). …… you wait half an hour, please? A. Will B. Do С.Would III. SPECIAL QUESTION Спеціальнe питання – Special Question ( Informational Question) – cтавиться до будь-якого члена речення і потребує повної та розгорнутої відповіді (1). Спеціальне питання до підмета потребує, як правило, стислої відповіді. Якщо питання ставиться до підмета, то допоміжне дієслово непотрібне (2). Запитальні Допоміжне Підмет та Смислове Інші слова дієслово означення дієслово члени до нього речення (1) What do you do in the evening? Where did he go yesterday? When will your sister return home? (2) Who will ___ help them? Whose brother ___ ___ worked as an en- gineer? Who ___ ___ knows his address? a). Text for study “ ENGINEERING EDUCATION “. The education of an engineer extends over a wide range of knowledge: from pure science, and especially from what is known as engineering science, to technology. The major portion of the field is covered by the following branches: aeronautical, agricultural, chemical, civil,electrical, industrial, mechanical, metallurgical, mining and geological, and nuclear engineering. A civil engineer may aim at highway engineering, structural engineering or some other branch, and his education will be influenced to some extent by the choice he has made. Similarly, a mechanical engineer may aim at automotive, machine-tool, aeronautical or general production engineering; an electrical engineer may aim at heavy current work, such as power supply, or at light current work,such as telephone communications, or at work in the field of elecronics. Modern engineering demands a sound training in general sciences particularly in physics,mathematics and chemistry. It may be added that for certain industries a basic knowledge of biology is also essential. One can easily understand that the relative importance of the fundamental sciences depends on the corresponding branch of engineering. For example, an electrical engineer who wishes to specialize in communicatons or electronics needs an extensive knowledge of physics and mathematics, whereas for an agricultural engineer training in chemistry and the biological sciences is more important. Views on engineering education in the latter half of the 20th century emphasizes the need for a broadening of the curriculum. It is recognized, too, that, especially in management, ability to deal skilfully with problems of human relations is sometimes as important as technical knowledge. b). GRAMMAR IN PRACTICE 1. Put 10 special questions to the Text for study. 2. Put the words in the right order. 1). Do know writer you about what the ? 2). Often you them how did see ? 3). Plate there butter much is how the on ? 4). At spoke meeting the who ? 5). Entering who room the is ? 6). You note-books have whose marked ? 7). Did home meet my yesterday mother whom the on way ? 8). Before live they did where here moving ? 9). Miss last why month did classes many he ? 10).Your the in will sister do about tomorrow work why house the morning much ? 11). To in evening come didn`t why you see us the ? 12). Looking he what is book through ? 13). Been lately with have why displeased me you ? 14). Have these bought goods when you ? 15). Ted omitted necessary has what words exercise the in ? 16) To has book the given whom he ? 17) Sleepy were you why you work to came when ? 18). How Ann I saw did look when her ? 19) Will have by you told what me end the lesson the of ? 20). Home have she daughter what her cooked before will comes ? 21). Tomorrow visited what have time place by will been you this by ? 22). Were detectives at airport the what doing ? 23). Long they how waiting the at were airport ? 24). Pigeons how were many bought ? 25). Were you what reading interrpted when I you ?
1). I`ll have told you something interesting by the end of the week. 2). She will have wronged those people before she is aware of it. 3). Last week I went to the theatre. 4). A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. 5). They were talking loudly. 6). Yesterday the children played games quitely in their room. 7). He planned a tree in the corner of the garden. 8). I borrowed a book from the library this morning. 9). She received a letter from her brother last week. 10). The cook spoilt the soup. 11). I was looking at the window when you telephoned me. 12). She was reading an English magazine when I saw her in the library this morning. 13). We were cooking a cake when you entered the kitchen. 14). Jane has the best garden in the town. 15). Tim`s garden is the worst in the town. 16). My friend was having dinner at the cafe when Mr.Green came in. 17). He has never borrowed money from Mrs.White. 18). My grandfather bought the instrument many years ago. 19). This dress belongs to my sister. 20). He worked with his father on the farm. 21). The training course lasted three weeks. 22). A specialized training course will be taken by sixty Americans. 23). His father insisted on getting him out of the Navy. 24). I have studied English since my childhood. 25). John will see the King riding in the streets. 26). He had stayed in London for a month before he was brought to the court. 27). The children had to play on a dusty road. 28). The next bus leaves for Bristol at five p.m.. 29). All parts of London seem to belong to different towns and epochs. 30). Margaret is known to be a very industrious person.
Define the types of the questions given in it. Do You Know the Answers to My Questions? Do you know the answers to my questions? Are you trying to understand me? Or will I never know? Where are we going?And what are we doing? Why are we lying? And whom are we fooling now? Do you understand when the people talk to you? Do you think that what they say is true? Do you find that life`s confusing? Or will I never know? Why do people never mean what they say? Why do I always see the rain every day? Where does the Sun go when it sets at night? Why do we wake up in the morning light? Did you never hear me when I called you? Did you want to give me a helping hand? Will I never know? What did I do to make you go away? How did I hurt you? What did I say yesterday ? Were you there or were you hiding? Where did the clouds come from to fill the skies? Where did the love go that I used to see in your eyes? Will I never know? Will I never know? Will I never, never know? 6. REVISION TEST 2 1). After lunch you phoned someone. A. Who rang you? B. Who did you ring? 2). The policeman is interviewing the robber. A. Who is interviewing the robber? B. Who is the robber interviewing? 3). … is it from here to St.Petersburg? A. How far B. How long 4). … would you like to drink? A. Which B. What 5). … of brothers Grimm was the eldest? A. Who B. What C. Which 6). It`s so cold today. … put on your warm coat? A. Why you haven`t B. Why haven`t you 7). -… birthday is it today? - It`s Janet`s birthday today. She is 19. A. Which B. Whom C. What D. Whose 8). … does it cost to stay at the Hilton Hotel? A. How many B. How much C. What 9). - … is Pam`s sister? – She`s a secretary at our college. A. What B. Who C. Where 10). You can have a photo. … one would you like? A. What B. Which 11). – Tell me something about Fred`s wife. ……? _ Oh, she`s about 25, she`s pretty and friendly. A.What is she? B. What does she like? C. What is she like? D. Who is she? 12). -… will it take me to learn French? - I think you`ll be able to speak in another few months. A. How much B. How long C. What 13). Bob and Alice got married in 1991. A.How long have they been married? B. How long is it since they got married? C. When did they get married? IV. ALTERNATIVE QUESTION Альтернативне питання – Alternative Question – може ставитися до будь-якого члена речення та потребує повної відповіді. Допоміжне, Підмет Присудок Додаток Сполучник Інші члени зв`язкове чи речення модальне дієслово Do you study English or German ? Are you ___ happy or unhappy ? Can she read a text or a letter ? Will he arrive on Monday or on Tuesday ? Have you been to Oxford or to Cambridge? a). Text for study “ CROSS – CULTURAL COMMUNICATION “. If you travel a lot for your job you can notice some cultural differences in different parts of the world. Coming to Great Britain you shouldn`t expect people to shake hands with you when you see them regularly. But in Fance in the same situtation you must shake hands. There are some differences between the States and Europe. In the States, people can ask personal questions about your family, for example, even if they don`t know you quite well. You shouldn`t do it in Europe, especially in Southern Europe. In America you may find surprising that the first time you see your partners they use your first name right from the start. You should use their first names in turn. You shouldn`t smoke without asking permission. Nobody expects you to shake everyone`s hand every time you see a person. But you are expected to say “Hey” not once a day but seeing a person for the second or third time. As people in America don`t often pay in cash it is better to have at least one internationally used credit card. People say that being at restaurants you shouldn`t treat waiters as servants and it is necessary to leave tips. b). GRAMMAR IN PRACTICE 1. Put 10 alternative questions to the Text for study. 2. Put the words in the right order. 1). Man work office the at this or does the plant at ? 2). They study the institute at do or the university at ? 3). He waiting for was you ten at o`clock or newspaper a reading ? 4). Discussing were watching a they program o`clock TV at ten or? 5). He as work a does as or doctor engineer an ? 6). Meeting were students or the present teachers at ? 7). Office have him or at the home found you at ? 8). Reading speaking books by learned language the by you or have? 9). She play piano the can or guitar the better ? 10). Thinking something lesson are you about the or else ? 11). Ann cinema love to going or does theatre the ? 12). You to France are or England going ? 13). Sister like would you to have me with dinner or my ? 14). Prefer dinner to now you would have late or ? 15). Finished work have you begun your or it ? 16). Plane did have for a or ticket the he train? 17). Alone does work or group in she a ? 18). The heated three for or hours was two substance being ? 19). Provided the modern with were experts restoring backward the monument or techniques ? 20). Join tomorrow you us would or Friday next ? 21). Group or a in alone did did work you ? 22). Clubs at are institute there societies many your or ? 23). Got mistakes test have in you many a few or your ? 24). The telephone of century 19th the is invention the ? 25). Used or loads light carrying trucks are usually heavy for ?
1). She looked out of the window. 2). The Davons used to live in the town, but now they live in the coun- try. 3). We found only a few flowers in the wood. 4). A new navigation equipment is being examined by our scientists now. 5). I`d like him to go with us to see Granny. 6). He is proud of his son`s achievements. 7). I have neither seen Julia nor written to her. 8). The workers will have built the road by the end of the year. 9). He prefers this room more than that room. 10). Harry`s room is the most expensive of all the rooms. 11). I heard the clock strike ten along time ago. 12). The man is at least 70years old. 13). My aunt hasn`t been to South America yet. 14). Jenny kept on talking although her husband asked her to stop. 15). I`d like two dozen eggs. 16). We were rather surprised at the price of the dress. 17). You should use your knowledge more effectively. 18). A lot of people were locked in the Tower. 19). He had little interest in any kind of sport. 20). It`s rather late. I think I`ll take a taxi. 21). Our daughter is good at foreign languages. 22). The weather is better than it was last month. 23). Neither Dad nor Mom speaks English. 24). Bad news travels fast. 25). I have been here since September. 26). Geneva is one of the most modern cities in the world. 27). Mag really looked better than when he had seen her last time. 28). There isn`t a cloud in the sky. Yesterday it wasn`t cloudly either. 29). She wanted Tom to stand beside her and hold the umbrella. 30). When I phoned my friend at ten o`clock this morning, he was still in bed. 4. Make dialogues according to the Text for study using alternative questions as more as possible. 5. REVISION TEST 3 1). …… you go out or stay at home last night? A. Do B. Are C. Did 2). …… you good at maths or physics? A. Do B. Are C. Does 3)……. you get him something to read or to write from your study? A. Could B. Do C. Can 4). …… Ann given much or little work? A. Was B. Does C. Is 5). …… you ever go swimming or diving in summer? A. Have B. Do C. Are 6). …… he always in time or sometimes late? A. Does B. Was C. Is 7). ……. that a fast or a slow train? A. Is B. Does C. Was 8). …… you prefer classical or modern music? A. Does B. Do C. Are 9). …… you going to work at the laboratory today or later on? A. Will B. Do C. Are 10). …… you go out for a walk or stay at home? A. Will B. Are C. Do V. DISJUNCTIVE QUESTION Разделительне питання – Disjunctive Question (Tag Question) – ставиться до усього речення та потребує стислої відповіді. Цій тип питання відповідає питанню в українській мові, наприкінці котрого говориться “так?,” “справді?”. При ставленні питання цього типу слід звернути увагу на те, у якій формі перебуває речення – у позитивній чи негативній. Якщо у позитивній, то кінцівка питання буде у негативній формі та навпаки. Підмет Присудок Інші члени речення Присудок Підмет (-,+) (+, -) You are (+) busy, aren`t (-) you? You aren`t (-) busy, are (+) you? They can cope (+) with the task, can`t (-) they? They can`t cope (-) with the task, can (+) they? He will arrive (+) tonight, won`t (-) he? He won`t arrive (-) tonight, will (+) he? a). Text for study “THE SECRET of the BERMUDA TRIANGLE”. According to some reports over 100 ships and planes have disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle since 1945. There are many explanations of this mystery. But I think it is very difficult to believe that in this area there are some sea monsters who pull the ships into the sea bed or visitors from outer space who take the planes, ships and the people to the unknown planet. More reasonable people say that a large number of losses in this part of the world can be explained more simply. Let`s sum up the information we have and try to find some reasonable explanation. Disappearances very often happen in good weather, without any warning. Ships and planes just seem to vanish into the air. Usually radio contact is broken and SOS signals are seldom received from the planes and ships that disappear. Some people survived the dangers of the Bermuda Triangle and returned to land safely. A ship`s captain and an aeroplane pilot are among them. They say that the compass was spinning wildly. They couldn`t see the horizon. They didn`t know where they were because there was a cloud around the ship and the plane. There was no electricity, all the instruments stopped working. The electric system started working only after the ship and the plane moved forward out of the cloud. So the simpliest explanation is connected with the earth`s magnetic field. There are only two places on the earth where the compass points to a true north. One is in the Pacific Ocean, off the east coast of Japan, and the other is in the area of sea known as “The Bermuda Triangle”. It is possible that this magnetic field may cause pilots and captains to lose their direction. It may also cause changes in the atmosphere and create storms which pull ships and planes into the sea. It is interesting to note that both these places are well-known for such mysterious disappearances. b). GRAMMAR IN PRACTICE
Model: They were there, weren`t they? She had a baby, hadn`t she? He couldn`t do it, could he? She didn`t know about it, did she? 1). The girls were ten years old, ……? 2). They had known a more carefree childhood than their brother, ……? 3). He kept them from the sun, ……? 4). It was getting late, ……? 5). There was no school near their farm,……? 6). Jim didn`t pinch his brother, ……? 7). He didn`t want to fetch the girls home,……? 8). She couldn`t walk there now, ……? 9). Susan was crying bitterly,……? 10).He had done all the work by that time,……? 11).Ann`s on holiday,……? 12).You weren`t listening,……? 13). Sue doesn`t like onions,……? 14). Jack`s applied for the job,……? 15). You`ve got a camera,…….? 16). You can type,……? 17). He won`t mind if I go early,……? 18). Tom could help you,……? 19). There are a lot of people here,……? 20). Let`s have dinner,……? 21). This isn`t very interesting,……? 22). I`m too fat,……? 23). You wouldn`t tell anyone, ……? 24). Listen,……? 25). I shouldn`t have got angry,……? 26). Don`t drop it,……? 27). They had to go home,……? 28). He`d never seen you before,……?
Model: - My shoes are bright and clean (to polish). You`ve polished them, haven`t you? - Yes, I have. 1). The ceiling is white and clean (to whitewash). 2). My watch keeps the right time now (to have it repaired). 3). The walls look new (to paper). 4). The ground in the vegetable garden is wet (to water). 5). The tea is much too sweet (to put much sugar). 6). The floor is clean (to wash). 7). It`s cold in the room (the window; to be open). 8). It`s warm outside (the weather; to be fine). 9). Her eyes are red (to cry). 10).Jane is absent again (to be ill; for a few days). 11).You look upset (to lose something). 12). I see you`ve got another pen (to lose; the old pen). 13). Tom and Bob know each other very well (to be friends; since childhood). 14). She looks wonderful (to have a rest).
In each example you are asking your listener to agree with you. Model: You are with a friend outside a restaurant. You are looking at the prices. It`s very expensive. |
«Інтернаціоналізми та «фальшиві друзі перекладача» Методичні вказівки. До курсу «Перекладацький аналіз науково-технічного тексту» на тему «Інтернаціоналізми та «фальшиві друзі перекладача»... |
Методичні рекомендації щодо вивчення математики в 5-9 класах видруковано... Програми для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. Математика. 5-12 класи” (видавництво “Перун”, Київ, 2005 р.) та в науково-методичному... |
Маріуполь, 2004р Робоча програма складена на основі типової програми для студентів немовних спеціальностей за фахом „ВТ” |
ФІЗИКО-МАТЕМАТИЧНІ НАУКИ На ступінь доктора наук Бондаренко В. Г. Параболічне рівняння на рімановому многовиді: (01. 01. 02) / НАН України, Ін-т приклад математики та механіки. —... |
Денна II III 18 18 III Маріуполь 2004р Робоча програма складена на основі типової програми для студентів немовних спеціальностей |
Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет» Місцезнаходження: вул. Університетська, 7, м. Маріуполь, Донецька область, 87500 |
МІНІСТЕРСТВО ОСВІТИ ТА НАУКИ УКРАЇНИ Типового положення про порядок проведення навчання з питань охорони праці, затвердженого наказом Держнаглядохоронпраці України від... |
УКРАЇНА РОЗПОРЯДЖЕННЯ Міністрів України від 23 грудня 2004 року №957–р “Про заходи щодо реалізації у 2005 році Стратегії подолання бідності” та розпорядження... |
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