Міністерство освіти України приазовський державний технічний університет методичні вказівки

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Text 1
About the English Language
Do you know that in Shakespeare’s time only a few million people spoke English ?

It was unknown to the rest of the world.

The English language began to spread thoughout the world only in the 17th century, when the first English settlements arose in the Noth America.

The rapid growth of population in United States in the following years increased the number of English – speakers greatly.

In the course of massive migration of people in the 19th and 20th centuries, English became another tongue of one of the official languages in Canada, Australia, New Zeland and the South America Republic.

That finally established English as a world language.

Nowadays English is the most widespread language geographically, second only to Chinese in the number of people who speak it ( there are 400 million speakers of English against 700 million Chinese speakers; 200 million people speak Russian and 100 million people speak German as a native language ).

Many people believe that the English language is rather an easy language to learn because it doesn’t have such a difficult grammar as a modern Russian, German or Greek.

But it is true only by half.

One shouldn’t forget the problems of English spelling, pronunciation and prepositions; there are many exceptions to every rule; English has the largest vocabulary in the world: there are about 500 000 words and 300 000 technical terms in it.

Learning any foreign language is not an easy thing.

If you want to master a foreing English language, you must be ready to make efforts and be patient.


  1. to spread – розповсюджуватись

  2. settlement – поселення

  3. rapid growth – швидке зростання

  4. following years – послідуючі роки

  5. in the course of – в процесі

  6. mother - tongue – рідна мова

  7. finally established – остаточно закріпило в якості

  8. second to – уступати комусь, бути другим після

  9. one shouldn’t forget – не потрібно забувати

  10. make efforts and be patient – прикладати зусилля та бути

Answer the questions

  1. When did the English language begin to spread ?

  2. What increased the number of English – speakers ?

  3. What is the number of speakers of English throughout in the world ?

  4. What finally established English as a world language ?

  5. Is the English language easy to learn ?

  6. When did English begin to spread outside England ?

  7. How many words are there in the English vocabulary ?

Text 2
Stones of Pyramids
Egyptian pyramids are huge structures which are almost

4 600 years old.

The piramid of Cheops, for example, consists of 2 300 000 stones. Each of the stones weighs about 2,5 tonnes.

According to the usual explanation large blocks of stone were cut in the mountains and then transported with the help of the most primitive equipment.

So about 100 thousand people had to take part in the construction.

But the experiments of our institute show that the stones of pyramids were not transported to the construction site.

Twelve years of research in the field of chemistry and archaeology have given quite a definite answer.

The stones of pyramids were made synthetically.

Egyptians produced some special solution.

Later they mixed it with one of the minerals.

It took them several hours to transform this mixture into very hard rock.

This rock was produced just on the construction site and so there was no need of transporting heavy stones.

Now scientists and engineers know how to produce hard materials synthetically.

At present similar materials are used in industry.

The synthetic rock looks like limestone granite or any other rock.

The Egyptians had a great knowledge of mathematics and chemistry and they could know this technique.

The necessary minerals could be found everywhere.

Only the use of this technique can explain some strange facts.

First of all the presence of huge monolithic stones inside the pyramids which are too large for the entrance door and the presence of human hair which is 21 cm long inside one of the stones.

  1. huge – величезний

  2. to weigh – зважувати

  3. according – згідно з

  4. to take part – брати участь

  5. construction site – будівний майданчик

  6. quite – цілковито, повністю

  7. it took them several hours – це потребувало їм декілька годин

  8. to look like limestone – мати вигляд вапняного граніту

  9. first of all – перш за все, зпершу

Answer the questions

  1. How old are Egyptian pyramids ?

  2. What is the largest of all ?

  3. How much does it weigh ?

  4. How were large blocks of stone transported according to the usual explanation ?

  5. What is the modern explanation of making the stones of pyramids ?

  6. Do you think the Egyptians had great knowledge of mathematics and chemistry ?

Text 3
White house
The White house is the residence of the president of the United States of America. It is situated in Washington.

The White house was the first public building which was built in the capital of the USA.

Its cornerstone was laid in 1792 nearly one year before George Washington laid the cornerstone for the Capitol Building.

Architect James Hoban submitted plans for the building and received a 500 dollar prize for his work.

In 1800 President John Adams and his wife moved into the building.

At the beginning of the 19th century it was a light - grey structure made of sandstone.

The construction of the building hadn’t been completed by that time.

There were almost conveniences in the house.

There were no bathrooms and water was carried by hand into the house from a spring which was five blocks away.

Work continued on the structure when Thomas Jefferson was elected President.

In 1814 the building caught the fire. The interior was reduced to ashes, part of outer walls were destroyed and the remaining walls were blackened.

Later the building was reconstructed and reopened in1818. Its light - grey sandstone exterior was painted white to cover the effects of fire.

It has been white ever since. Some people think it was from its white walls that the home of the president of the USA got its name.

Other people believe that it got its name earlier, when it was still grey.

Even then its grey sandstone walls looked white next to the red brick walls of other public buildings.

Nevertheless the president’s home was officially named the White house in1902.
1. to be situated – бути розташованим

2. cornerstone – краєкутовий камінь

3. to lag – закладати

4. to submit – пропонувати

5. sandstone – піщаний камінь

6. light-grey structure – світло-сіра будівля

7. convenience – зручність

8. spring – джерело

9. to be elected – бути обраним

10. to catch on fire – захопити вогнем

11. to be reduced to – бути доведеним до

12. ash – зола

13. outer walls – зовнішні стіни

14. to destroy – зруйнувати

15. to cover – покривати

16. nevertheless – однак, проте
Answer the questions
1. What is the White house ?

2. Where is it situated ?

3. When was it founded ?

4. Who is its architect ?

5. What was the White house like at the beginning of the 19th century ?

6. What happened in 1814 ?

7. Why is the president's home named White house ?

Text 4
The state structure of Ukraine
Ukraine is a sovereign state. It has its own terrytory, its legislative and executive organs and its government. From 1922 to 1991 Ukraine formed a part of the former USSR. In 1991 it was proclaimed an independent state.

On the 16th of July 1990 the Supreme Soviet of Ukraine adopted the “ Declaration of the State Sovereignty of Ukraine”.

According to this document three levels of power are differentiated: the legislative, the executive and the judicial powers.

By the form of the government Ukraine combines the elements of presidential and parliamentory republic. President is the head of the state, he is also the head of the executive branch of power. A president is elected by the people of the country for a period of 5 years.

The Supreme Soviet is the highest legislative body of Ukraine. It consists of one chamber. It includes 450 people’s deputies.

The laws of the country are made by them.

The Cabinet of ministers is the highest executive body of our state. The president of the Cabinet ( the Prime Minister ) is elected for a period of 4 years , he forms his Cabinet himself. The president of the Cabinet and the Cabinet of Ministers are responsible for the realisation of laws adopted by the Supreme Soviet.

The Supreme Court of Ukraine is the supreme judicial body. The head of it the Supreme Public Prosecutor, who is appointed by the Parliament for 4 years.

His main duty is to secure the fulfilment of the laws.

Besides the Supreme Court there is a special organ - Constitutional Court, the main aim of which is to guarantee the accordance of the newly adopted laws to the Constitution of Ukraine.

The judges are elected by the Supreme Soviet for a period of 10 years.


  1. Sovereign – самостійний

  2. own – власний

  3. legislative – законодавчий

  4. executive – виконавчий

  5. supreme – вищий

  6. according to – відповідно

  7. power – влада

  8. judicial – судовий

  9. to consist of – складатись з

  10. to include – включати

  11. law – закон

  12. responsible for – відповідальний за

  13. court – суд

  14. prosecutor – прокурор

  15. to appoint – призначати

  16. to secure – забезпечувати

  17. besides – крім

  18. to guarantee – гарантувати

  19. judge – суддя

Answer the questions
1. When was Ukraine proclaimed an independent state ?

2. What is the name of the document proclaimed by the Supreme Soviet ?

3. What are the parts of the “ Declaration” devoted to ?

4. How do you understand the meaning of the “sovereign state”?

5. Who is the head of the state ?

6. What are the three levels of power in the country ?

7. What is the aim of each of them ?

8. What is the highest legislative body of Ukraine ?

9. What is the highest executive body of our state ?
Text 5
Great Britain
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Nothern Ireland.

It lies on the British Isles.

Great Britain and Ireland are the larges islands and there are about five thousand small islands.

The North sea, the strait of Dover and the English Channel Separate the Great Britain from the continent.

There are many rivers in Great Britain but they are not very long. The Severn is the longest river, while the Thames is the most busiest and important river in England.

The climate of Great Britain is mild.

The Atlantic Ocean and Gulf Stream influence the weather of British Isles.

The summers are cool and rainy.

The average July temperature is from 14 to 17  C.

Snow is rare and it doesn’t lie on the ground for long.

Great Britain has an area of 244.000 square kilometres and population about 55 millions. It is one of the most densely populated countries in the world.

About 80  of the people live numerous towns and cities.

Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country. It is a large producer of iron and steel products, electronics and machinary chemicals and textiles. It has a highly developed shipbuilding industry.

Great Britain is not very rich in mineral resources. It imports oil, cotton, rubber, sulfur, four – fifth of its wool, half of its food and iron ore.

Great Britain exports machinary, motorcars, aircraft, locomotives, chemicals, woolen and synthetic textiles, radio, TV and navigation equipment.

Great Britain has a lot of industrial cities, such as London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Sheffield, Bristol and many others.


  1. to consist of – складатись з

  2. to lie – лежати

  3. island – острів

  4. Strait of Dover – Па – де - Кале

  5. to vary – змінюватись

  6. mountainuons – гірский

  7. fertile – родючий

  8. Thames – Темза

  9. influence – вплив

  10. weather – погода

  11. everage – середній

  12. 14 C - fourteen degreeses of centigrade – 14 °C

  13. area – площа

  14. densely – щільно, густо

  15. numerous – багаточісельний

  16. iron – чавун

  17. oil – нафта

  18. rubber – резина

  19. sulpher – сіра

  20. iron-ore – залізна руда

  21. Birmingham – Бірмингем

  22. Glasgow – Глазго

Answer the questions
1. What parts does United Kingdom consist of ?

2. What are the largest islands of the United Kingdom ?

3. What waters separate U.K. from the continent ?

4. What can you say about the climate of Great Britain ?

5. What is the area of G.B. ?

6. What is its population ?

7. Speak about industry of G.B. What does it produce ?

8. Is it rich in mineral resources ?

9. What does it import ?

10. What does it export ?


1. Пояснювальна записка 2

2. Розділи курсу для засвоєння в I семестрі 4

3. Контрольна робота №1 5

- варіант 1 7

- варіант 2 9

- варіант 3 11

- варіант 4 13

- варіант 5 15

4. Контрольно - тренувальні вправи

та зразки виконання 17

5. Тексти для читання у першому семестрі 22

6. Розділи курсу для засвоєння в II семестрі 30

7. Контрольна робота № 2 31

- варіант 1 32

- варіант 2 35

- варіант 3 38

- варіант 4 41

- варіант 5 44

8. Контрольно - тренувальні вправи 47

9. Тексти для читання, перекладу та

відпові на запитання у другому семестрі 50

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Робоча програма складена на основі типової програми для студентів немовних спеціальностей за фахом „БСВ”

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Протокол №221 від 16. 12. 2010 р
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Найменування: державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет»
Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет»
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