ПРАКТИЧНИЙ КУРС АНГЛІЙСЬКОЇ МОВИ Навчальний посібник з практики усного та письмового мовлення для студентів 4 курсу

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Additional vocabulary

2.5 Study the idiomatic and slang words to the topic.

1. Aliterate - adj.- not willing to get information from printed or written sources; able of reading but preferring not to read;

Aliterate –n. - a person, who can read but prefers sources of information different from printed or written, e.g. through television, cinema, computer, etc.

(Don’t confuse with the words illiterate- ignorant, uneducated and alliterate- to form alliteration, to speak alliteratively)

2. Challenged - suffering a certain drawback.

Physically challenged - той, що має фізичні вади;

mentally challenged -той, що має розумові вади, розумово неповноцінний;

visually challenged -той, що має проблеми із зором, сліпий;

aurally challenged – глухий;

Sometimes “challenged” is used as a joke,

e.g. follicularly challenged той, що має мало волосся, лисий;

temporally challenged той, що постраждав від часу, старий.

3. Egghead- a widely used British slang word. A scientist is believed to have a big bold head containing the enormous brain.

4. Hothousing- intent to intensify the development of a child by educating him since the earliest babyhood. The theory implies that the baby is to be taught long before it begins speaking and perceiving the information. Derivations: a hothouse child, a hothouse school.

5. INSET - in-service-training, i.e. the training of the teaching staff of state schools during the school year, usually at schools they are working in. Hence the expressions INSET course, INSET day, INSET training. The acronym first appeared in the 70ies. Since 1987 teachers sped at least 5 working days (so-called non-contact days) at INSET.

6. Old boy network- a circle of former schoolmates. The old boy network in Britain is one of the oldest ‘good mafias’ in the world.

7. Salad days- the age of youth immaturity. It’s a Shakespearian expression from “Antonio and Cleopatra’, “My salad days/ When I was green in judgment”.

8. State-of-the-art – adj.- the latest, the best, the most modern and up-to-date. His car/stereo equipment/ computer has all the latest state-of-the-art refinements.

9. Strong suit- the expression does not deal with clothes but the colour in a card game. In this very context it means the excellent knowledge of smth in one particular sphere.

10. Talk ’n chalk – a scornful label to a traditional way of teaching; the teacher explains the lesson and writes with a chalk on the blackboard without using modern AV aids.

11. To be on tenterhooks- to fell exaggerated waiting for the results of exams.

12. the three r’s- reading, [w]riting and [a]rithmetics- the basis of education. The expression is said to be first used by Sir William Curtis (1752-1829), an illiterate lord mayor of London who pronounced a speech for “Reading, Riting and Rithmetics» believing the words begin with R.
2.6 Paraphrase the sentences paying attention to the proper choice of equivalents to the italised idioms.

In 1999 at least one third of the population of the USA was said to be aliterate.

I don’t know what’s happened to education in this country. There are young people today who simply don’t know their three r’s.

I’m afraid mathematics is not my strong suit. I failed all my exams at school.

Every year we have a gathering of old boys.

His computer has all the latest state-of-the-art refinements.

In my salad days I was considered a snappy dresser.

The school will be closed on Thursday for a one-day INSET course on the National Curriculum.

I don’t think we need to advertise this job. We can find someone on the old boy network, can’t we?

I am of the older generation of teacher. I’m a talk ‘n chalk man.

The hothousing theory is that if you subject a normally intelligent child to intensive, specialized training in a particular discipline at a very early age, you will produce excellence.
2.7 Learn the list of Academic Degree Abbreviations.

A.B. or B.A.*

Bachelor of Arts

A.M. or M.A.**

Master of Arts


Bachelor of Business Science


Bachelor of Civil Law


Bachelor of Divinity

B.Lit, B. Litt. or Lit.B.

Bachelor of Letters (or Literature)

B.L.L. or L.L.B.

Bachelor of Laws

B.S., B.Sc., or Sc.B.

Bachelor of Science


Civil Engineer


Chemical Engineer


Doctor of Civil Law

D.D. or S.T.D.

Doctor of Divinity


Doctor of Dental Surgery

D.Litt, or Litt.D.

Doctor of Letters (or Literature)


Doctor of Dental Medicine

D.S. or D.Sc.

Doctor of Science


Doctor of Veterinary Medicine


Electrical Engineer


Doctor of Law


Doctor of Humanities


Doctor of Laws


Master of Business Administration


Master of Civil Engineering


Doctor of Medicine

*Bachelor of Arts - бакалавр мистецтв (той, що володіє ступенем бакалавра з однієї з гуманітарних чи математичних наук в університетах )

Bachelor of Arts Education - бакалавр мистецтв в галузі педагогіки (той, що має диплом про вищу освіту, наданий персоні, що закінчила дворічний курс спеціальної педагогічної підготовки)

**магистр мистецтв, магистр гуманітарних наук
2.8 In this text use the full forms instead of abbreviations. Translate the text.

  Academic Degree is a title granted by a college or university, usually signifying completion of an established course of study. Honorary degrees are conferred as marks of distinction, not necessarily of scholarship; some, such as D.Litt. are generally honorary in the United States. The doctor's degree in medicine and law in itself is only a measure of academic attainment; the holder of the degree of M.D., for example, cannot practice in the medical profession until he or she has passed a qualifying examination and received a license. The most commonly granted degrees in the U.S. are the B.A., and the B.S., both given generally after the completion of a 4-year course of study and sometimes followed by a mark of excellence, such as cum laude, with praise; magna cum laude, with great praise; or summa cum laude, with highest praise. After one or two more years of coursework, the second degree, M.A. or M.S., may be obtained by examination or the completion of a piece of research. At the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, holders of a B.A. can receive an M.A. six or seven years after entering the university simply by paying certain fees. The Ph.D. is usually offered by all universities that admit advanced students and is granted after prolonged study and either examination or original research. The rapid expansion of specialization produced a growing variety of specific academic degrees in American, British, and other English-speaking higher education systems in the 20th century. More than 1,500 different degrees are now awarded in the United States, for example, with the largest number in science, technology, engineering, medicine, and education. The commonest degrees, however, are still the B.A. and the B.S., to which the signature of a special field may be added (e.g., B.S.Pharm.).

In Ukraine diplomas are awarded on completion of a four- or five-year university course. The candidate of science (kandidat nauk) degree is awarded after several years of practical and academic work and completion of a thesis and is comparable to the American Ph.D. Doctor of science (doktor nauk) degrees are awarded only by a special national commission, in recognition of original and important research.

In addition to earned degrees, universities and colleges award honorary degrees, such as L.H.D., Litt.D., and D.C.L., as recognition of distinction without regard to academic attainment.
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