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Артемівська загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів № 24 з поглибленим вивченням окремих предметів та курсів УРОК - ЕКСКУРСІЯ «WELCOME TO GREAT BRITAIN» Prepared English teacher Olena Garashchenko School № 24 2012 Урок - екскурсія «Welcome to great Britain» Мета: Обладнання: Хід уроку І Організаційний момент. T: Good morning, children. I am glad to see you again. The weather is fine today, the sun is shining brightly in the blue sky, it is warm, the birds are twittering, the air is full of freshness and aroma of flowers. The warmth brings new hopes and joy. I think, you are in good spirit, good health. Tell me, please, how are you. P1: I am fine, thank you. T: How is your mother, Vlada? P1: Okay. Thanks a lot. T: How is your sister, Lena? P2: She is not well. She feels bad because she has a sharp toothache. T: Oh, it’s a pity. How is your brother, Artur? P3: He is down with flue. He has a high temperature, a headache and a cough. T: Oh. I am very sorry indeed. II Вступне слово вчителя - Dear children. Today we have an unusual lesson. We are going to pay a friendly visit to Great Britain and its capital London. Don’t you object? - No we don’t! - But before our trip, I want to ask you some questions. What do you know abut the country the language we study? What can you tell me about the UK? (Холод)- As you know, the official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It consists of 4 countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea, the English Channel and Irish Sea. Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country with the population of about 56 mln people. The main branches of British industry are machine - building, ship - building, electronics, metallurgy, textile industry; Agriculture is still one of its most important industries. - Thank you very much! And what do you know about the capital of Great Britain? (Зайцева)- London is the capital of Great Britain. It is one of the largest cities in the world. It consists of 4 parts: the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster. There are a lot of sightseeings in London. - Thank you very much, but before travelling lets listen to the weather - forecast, because the weather in London is often changeable and we must know what things take with us. Please , listen to the weather commentator. Weather commentator Good morning. Let me introduce myself. I am …(называет имя). I am a weather commentator. I want to inform you about the weather forecast for tomorrow. It’s spring now, as you know the Atlantic Ocean, influences the climate of Europe, that’s why tomorrow they are expecting a windy day, rain and humidity. Temperature will rise below zero and five above zero. I advise you to take your umbrellas and put on raincoats. Thank you. Good bye. T: So, we see that according to the weather forecast they are expecting rain. Let’s remind a poem “Rain”. (Vika You will begin and you will speak after him. It was raining (3p) hard. It was falling on my head. It was falling on my stars. It was falling on the sun It was falling on my shoes. I got soaking wet (2p). But I stayed outside (2p). The rain was sweet, The rain was warm The rain was soft It reminded me of home. III Основана частина уроку. Починається подорож по Великобританіі та Лондону. Діти деляться на 2 групы: делегації з Украіни и Англії. На дошці зображення Визначних частин Лондона, карта Великобритании. Звучит тиха мелодія песні Дж. Леннона «Imagine». - Lets start our trip. You’ll divide into two groups. You will be English-the delegation from England, and the second one Ukrainians- the delegation from Ukraine. (Безкровний) Welcome to Great Britain. We are glad to meet a delegation of Ukrainian pupils in our country. First of all we’ll tell you some words about the United Kingdom, its geographical position and then answer all your questions. I’d like to start with a part of Rudyard Kipling’s poem. The Glory of the Garden Our England is a garden that is full of stately views, Of boders, beds and shrubberies and lawns and avenues, With statues on the terraces and peacocks strutting by; But the Glory of the Garden lies in more than meets the eye… Our England is a garden, and such gardens are not made By singing:”Oh, how beautiful!” and sitting in the shade, While better men than we out and start their working lives At grubbing weeds from gravel-paths with broken dinner-knives… Do you like this poem? I hope you do because it’s a beautiful description of Motherland. Andriy will tell us a few words about the UK. (Гороховік)- So, United Kingdom is a sovereign island country located off the north-western coast of continental Europe. The United Kingdom includes the island of Great Britain and many small isles. The largest island Great Britain is linked to France by the Channel Tunnel. The United Kingdom is governed by a parliamentary system: a seat of government in London and a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth the II, as the head of state. The flag of the United Kingdom is the Union Jack. The national anthem of the United Kingdom is “God Save the King”. Have you got questions? (Іванова)- No, thanks a lot! It was a great pleasure to listen to you! (Холод)- Lets go on our excursion. (Андрійко)- I don’t like your weather. It’s spring, but it’s rather cold. It was raining the whole day and we got wet to the skin and bones. What can you say about the climate of Gr.Br? (Жусь)- The United K. has a temperature climate with plentiful rainfall all year round. The temperature varies with the seasons but seldom drops below ten above zero or rises above 35C°. The prevailing wind is from the southwest, bearing frequent spells of mild and wet weather from the Atlantic Ocean. Snow fall can occur in winter and early spring. But the weather changes very often. That’s why England people are constantly talking about the weather. (Ісаєва)- What are the most wonderful places of interest in your capital? (Косік)- London is one of the largest cities in the world. It’s more than 2 thousand years old. London’s most famous sights are Tower Bridge, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square, St. Paul’s Cathedral. We start from Trafalgar Square. On the column in the center there is a statue of Admiral Nelson. To the left you can see the National Gallery. It has a fine collection of European paintings. Piccadilly Circus is the meeting point of six streets. (Зфйцева)- I agree with you. Two years ago I visited your country, and I was impressed greatly by St. Paul’s Cathedral. Thanks a lot. (Бойченко)- Buckingham Palace is the home of the Queen. On the left you’ll see St. Jame’s Park. Here you can see pelicans and ducks. There are a lot of parks and gardens in London. Hyde Park is a very democratic park. Here any one can stand up and say what he wants. In Regent’s Park there is the London zoo. (Федько)- The Houses of Parliament is the seat of the British government. Big Ben is one of the most famous clocks in the world. Westminster abbey is a royal church. Here you can see the tombs of many British kings and queens From Tower Bridge you can see the Tower of London. It was a fortress a royal palace and later a prison. It is a museum now. (Хохріна)- There is another famous sight there - Big Ben. Big Ben is actually the biggest bell on the Clock Tower that rings, but everybody thinks it's a tower. The man in charge of the building of the tower was Sir Benjamin Hall. He was very tall and workers called him Big Ben. So they called the bell Big Ben too. (Холод)- Have you ever heard about Westminster Abbey? If you haven't - visit it immediately! It is a symbol of English tradition at its best. The coronations of nearly all English kings and queens since William the Conqueror, royal weddings and funerals have taken place there. Here you can see the graves of statesmen, philosophers and other distinguished people. Here you can see memorials to Newton, Darwin, Chaucer and Dickens. (Іванова)- Are there any famous museums or galleries in London? (Явдошенко)- Of course, there are many of them. You may visit the British museum. It’s one of the biggest. It was built in 1852. There is a big collection of Egyptian, Greek and Roman arts. The collections are arranged with great care, so everything is clear for the visitor. The library of the museum is also very big. There is a manuscript room in the library. Here you can see the Magna Charta and other important documents. (Безкровний)- The National Gallery is situated in the centre of the city, in Trafalgar Square. It’s one of the best picture collections in the world. You can see paintings from almost all over the world. Works by Rubens, Goya, and Leonardo da Vinci are represented here. (Жусь)- The Science Museum has national collections of science, industry and medicine. There are also many interesting museums in other cities and towns in Great Britain. (Андріко)- I am fan of you group "Beatles". My mum and dad are fond of this group, too. We like to listen to their songs. (Холод): I agree with you. I am crazy about their songs. If you don’t mind we’ll have a rest and we’ll listen to one of their songs. “Yesterday". If you know the words of this song, please sing with me.(Звучит песня) Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away Now it looks as though they're here to stay Oh, I believe in yesterday. Suddenly, I'm not half to man I used to be, There's a shadow hanging over me. Oh, yesterday came suddenly. Why she had to go I don't know she woldn't say. I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday. Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play. Now I need a place to hide away. Oh, I believe in yesterday. Mm mm mm mm mm. (Ісаєва) - Thank you very much for your interesting information, kindness, hospitality, warmth. We have learned a lot about your country. Next year we’ll expect you in Ukraine. Welcome to our native land. (Бойченко)- Thank you very much for your invitation. We’ll visit Ukraine by all means. - Students, I am sure you like the excursion about Gr.Br. and London. And now lets check up our knowledge that we’ve got at our English lessons. Вікторина 1) Great Britain consists of Scotland, Wales, and England. 2) The England Channel separates Great Britain from the continent. 3) London is the capital of England. 4) The City is the business part of the capital. 5) The climate is temperate with plentiful rainfall. 6) The National Gallery is situated in the centre of the city, in Trafalgar Square. 7) The Houses of Parliament is the seat of the British government. 8) Buckingham Palace is the home of the Queen. Lets exchange our impressions about our trip. And now you’ll work in pairs- exchange your impressions about your trip to London. I (Андріко- Лемзякова) - Hi! - Hi! How did you like our travelling? - It was marvelous! II (Явдошенко – Косік) - Are you tired of this excursion? - Quite the opposite. It was impressed greatly! III (Федько-Безкровний) - How about going once more? - Most willingly! IV (Холод – Бойченко) - Have you visited the British museum? - Sure. I’ve seen many books and manuscripts there. V (Хохріна-Ісаєва) - Have you bought many souvenirs there? - Certainly! It goes without saying! - I am very glad, that you’ve got a great deal of opportunities to visit all the corners of this beautiful city. It was interesting and unforgettable. You worked hard and I’m satisfied with your answers. I am going to give you only excellent and good marks. _Your Speach was beautiful. _You didn’t make any mistakes. _Your pronunciation was up to the mark. _You both speak very fluently. _Put your marks into your daybooks and I’ll Sign during the break. Now children the last question. What did you like and dislike at our lesson? (Лемзякова) -As for me I liked the song (Явдошенко)- As far as I am concerned, I enjoyed watching the pictures. (Хохріна)- I think everything was OK. Thanks for the lesson. V Домашнее задание T: Surf the Internet or use reference books. Find interesting stories about famous Englishmen. Share your ideas with your classmates. Choose the most interesting story in the class and learnd by heart. The lesson is over. See you later. Ласкаво просимо до Великобританії. ![]() ![]() Ласкаво просимо до Великобританії. Ми раді зустрічати делегацію учнів з України в нашій країні. В першу чергу ми вам розкажемо про Сполучене Королівство, його географічне положення, а потім відповімо на всі ваші запитання. ![]() ![]() Об'єднане Королівство - суверенна країна, займає північно-західне узбережжя континентальної Європи. Сполучене Королівство включає острів Великобританії і багато маленьких островів. Найбільший острів – Великобританія, який сполучений з Францією Тунелем Канал. Форма правління у Сполученому Королівстві - парламентська система, а також конституційна монархія з Королевою Елізабет ІІ, як голова держави. Прапор Сполученого Королівства - Джек Юніон. Державний гімн Сполученого Королівства – «Бог Зберігає Короля». ![]() У Сполученому Королівстві йде дощ протягом всього року. Температура змінюється з сезонами, але рідко падає нижче 10ºС, або вище за 35ºC. Переважають Атлантичні повітряні маси. Сніг може бути взимку і ранньої весни. Але погодні зміни дуже часті. Тому англійські постійно говорять про погоду. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Лондон - одне з найбільших міст у світі. Йому більше ніж 2 тисячі років. Найбільш відомі визначні місця Лондону - Тауерський Міст, Біг Бен і Дом Парламенту, Трафальгерська Площа, Святий Собор Паула. Ми почнемо з Трафальгерської Площі. На колоні в центрі є статуя Адмірала Нільсена. Вліво ви можете бачити Національну Галерею. Вона має прекрасну колекцію Європейського живопису. ![]() ![]() ![]() Букінгемський Палац - будинок Королеви. З лівого боку ви можете бачати Парк Святого Джеймса. Тут ви можете бачити пеліканів і качок. В Лондоні є багато парків та садів. Хайд Парк - дуже демократичний парк. Тут будь-хто може встати і сказати, що він хоче. У Парку Ріджент є Лондонський зоопарк. ![]() ![]() З Тауерського Моста ви можете бачити Вежу Лондона. Вона була фортецею, королівським палацем і пізніше в'язниця. Це - музей зараз. Біг Бен - найбільший дзвін, який дзвонить, але кожен думає, що це - вежа. Чоловік, який турбувався будівлею вежі, був Сер Бенджамін Хол. Він був дуже високий і працівники назвали його Великим Беном – Біг Бен. Так вони і назвали дзвін - Великим Беном. ![]() Ви коли-небудь чули про Вестмінстерське Абатство? Якщо ви не відвідували його - відвідайте це негайно! Це - символ Англійської традиції. Коронації приблизно усіх Англійських королів і Королев починаючи з Уільяма Завойовника відбувались тут, королівські весілля і похорони мають місце тут відбуватись. Тут ви можете бачити могили державних діячів, філософів і інших видатних людей. Тут ви можете бачити меморіали до Ньютона, Дарвіна, Чусера та Дікенса ![]() ![]() ![]() Британський музей - один з найбільших музеїв. Він був збудований у 1852 р. Є велика колекція єгипетських, грецьких та Римських мистецтв. Колекції розміщуються з підвищеною дбайливістю. Бібліотека музею також дуже велика. Є рукописна кімната у бібліотеці. Тут ви можете бачити Магна Чарта та інші важливі документи. Національна Галерея розташовується в центрі міста, на Площі Трафальгера. Це одна з кращих картинних колекцій у світі. Ви можете бачити живопис майже всього світу. Роботи Рубенса, Гойя і Леонардо да Вінчі. Науковий Музей має національні колекції науки, промисловості і медицини. Є також багато цікавих музеїв в інших містах у Великобританії. |
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