«Хто знає Великобританію к раще ?»

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«Хто знає


краще ?»


Урок - змагання, проведений у 8 класі з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови

Тема: Великобританія: Англія, Шотландія, Уельс

Практична - узагальнити і закріпити в усному та писемному мовленні лексико - граматичний матеріал за темою "Great Britain: England, Scotland, Wales", удосконалити усно - мовленнєві вміння учнів;

Освітня розширити кругозір учнів по темі;

Розвиваюча - розвивати вміння учнів здійснювати мовленнєву діяльність, розвивати самостійність у праці, навички само- та взаємоконтролю;

Виховна - виховувати допитливість, спостережливість, увагу; заохочувати до пошуку нових знань.
Обладнання: роздатковий матеріал, кросворд, географічна карта Об'єднаного Королівства, кольоровий картон, папір, кольорові олівці, фломастери.

Хід уроку
І. Організаційний момент

Т: Good afternoon, children! Get ready for the lesson. We have learnt the themes "England", "Scotland" and "Wales". We have learnt a lot about Great Britain. It's such an interesting country, isn't it? Today we have to revise the material. It will be an unusual lesson. Let's have a competition. Let's make two teams and choose the captains.

ІІ. Основна частина

1. Choosing the captains.

T: Now I will say a few words about the country and you have to name it. Try to guess. If you know the answers - put up your hand.

Task for team 1

This country is famous for its beautiful scenery: valleys, mountains, rivers. In the country there is the second highest mountain in Britain. In this country you can follow the narrow rocky paths in the Snowdonian National Park. What country is it? (WALES)

Task for team 2

This country is situated to the North of England. The capital is known as Athens of the North because it has a great past. In this country there is a monument to the famous writer Sir Walter Scott. What country is it?


Найкращі учні з першої та другої команди стають капітанами.

So you are the captains, you have to choose the colour for your team. Take out any card you want. OK! Your colour will be red and your colour will be green. According to this you will get red or green pens.
2. Test: What do we know about Great Britain?

T: Let's brush up your knowledge about this country. Take these sheets of paper and your pens. You have to write down the number of the question and the right letter. Listen to me carefully.

  1. The Union Jack is ...

  1. the nag of the UK

  2. the flag of Scotland

  3. the flag of Wales

  4. the flag of England

  1. The British Prime Minister lives at ...

  1. 12, Whitehall

  2. 10, Downing Street

  3. 7, Russell Street

  4. 15, Oxford Street

  1. Whitehall is ...

  1. a street leading from Trafalgar Square to the Houses of Parliament

  2. a big hall in the center of London

  3. a white palace near Trafalgar Square

  4. the palace where the Queen lives in summer

  1. The Great Fire of London broke out in ...

  1. 1066

  2. 1766

  3. 1106

  4. 1666

  1. Sir Christopher Wren built ...

  1. Buckingham Palace

  2. Westminster Abbey

  3. St. Paul's Cathedral

  4. The Tower of London

  1. The National Gallery is in ...

  1. Piccadilly Circus

  2. Parliament Square

  3. Trafalgar Square

  4. Leicester Square

  1. Westminster is a ... centre of London.

  1. cultural

  2. political

  3. business

  4. industrial

  1. Great Britain is separated from the continent by ...

  1. the Pacific Ocean

  2. the Irish Sea

  3. the British Channel

  4. the English Channel

  1. Britain's population is more than ... million people

  1. 56

  2. 5,6

  3. 560

  4. 7

  1. The head of the state is ...

  1. the Prime Minister

  2. the President

  3. the Queen

  4. the Speaker

Key: la, 2b, 3a, 4d, 5c, 6c, 7b, 8d, 9a, 10a.
T: Give your sheets of paper to the other team and receive their sheets of paper. Check up the answers and sum up the mistakes. Look at the keys on the blackboard and compare the answers.

The points are: Team I

Team 2

  1. Quiz

You have prepared some questions about Great Britain. So ask each other questions one by one.

You will get 1 point for the right answer. Let's begin with team 2.

Приклади запитань

What is the official name of Great Britain now?

What parts does Great Britain consist of?

What famous theatre is situated in the vegetable market in London?

What was the ancient name of London?

When did the Great Fire of London start?

Into what parts is Scotland divided geographically?

What big cities in Scotland can you name?

What languages do the Welsh speak?

What mountain in Wales is the second highest mountain in Britain?

  1. The captains' contest.

T: What can you tell us about Scotland and Wales? Choose any card you want and show it to everybody. So the captain of team 1 will tell us about Scotland and the captain of team 2 has to tell us about Wales. You'll get 1 point for your pronunciation, l more point - for your questions, and l more point - for your answers.

For example, the questions for the captain of team 1 are:

What is the Edinburgh military tattoo?

What is one of the best-known monuments in Edinburgh?

And the questions for the captain of team 2 are:

Who is the patron saint of Wales? What is the national game of Wales?
5. The symbols of the countries.

We need two artists from each team.

Do you know the symbols of England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland? Take these sheets of paper and use many coloured pens. You must draw:

  1. the symbols of England and Wales (team 1)

  2. the symbols of Scotland and Ireland (team 2) You have to write their names too.

Show us your pictures, please, read the names of these symbols. You get 1 point for each symbol.

The symbol of England is A ROSE. The symbol of Ireland is A SHAMROCK. The symbol of Wales is A DAFFODIL. The symbol of Scotland is A THISTLE.

6. The crossword puzzle.

Look at the blackboard, please. You can see the crossword there with the definitions of each word. Can you complete the puzzle?
The definitions:

  1. the industrial centre of Scotland (GLASGOW)

  2. the oldest part of Edinburgh (CASTLE)

  3. the most picturesque part of the Royal Mile (CANNON GATE)

  4. the symbol of Scotland (THISTLE)

  5. the capital of Scotland (EDINBURGH)

  6. the county called "the garden of England" (KENT)

  7. one of the Celtic languages (WELSH) 6) the capital of Wales (CARDIFF)

7. Who will be the best actor?

You had to learn the dialogues by heart for today. Let us act these dialogues out and see who will be the best actor. Let's begin with team 1.
The dialogue "A trip to Wales "
T: I have got great news for you. We are going to Wales. A: It's fantastic! I can't believe it! It's too good to be true. B: Wow! I knew it.

T: Please be quiet. I am here to tell you all you want to know. A: When are we leaving? How long are we going to stay in Wales? T: We are starting next week and we'll spend 5 days there. B: What places are we going to visit?

T: First of all we'll visit 3 National parks in Wales. You know these parks are protected by law because of their natural beauty but people live and work there.

B: I have always wanted to see the highest mountain peak in Wales. You know... this mountain... I can't remember its name.

A: Mount Snowdon, The second highest mountain in Britain! It is 1085 metres high!

T: Yes, of course, we'll see it and other high mountains too. We'll have a special tour in the mountains.

A: I think we have to visit Cardiff, the capital of Wales and the main port. T: Certainly, we'll see the castle, the cathedral and the university in


B: What about other big cities - Swan Sea and Newport? T: Sorry, not this time.
The dialogue "A holiday in Scotland"

Father: Well, kids, I've got wonderful news for you. A: What is it, Daddy? Are we going to the circus? B: I know we are going to the zoo!

F: No, kids. It's much better. You've been so good this school year that I decided to take you on holiday.

A: Wow! Where are we going? Is Mummy coming too?

F: Of course she is. We are going to the Highlands of Scotland, my birthplace.

A: Great! Dennis was there last summer with his parents and he loved it.

B: I think that's very interesting, Dad! You know Miss Hunter, our Geography teacher, told us that the Highlands of Scotland are famous for their scenery and people from all over the world come there and admire it.

F: Miss Hunter is right. There is nothing like the high mountains, deep valleys and grassy plains of my bonny Scotland. You know when 1 speak of Scotland 1 become something of a poet myself.

B: Oh yes, we know that. When are we going to get there? Where are wc going to stay? In a hotel? How are we going to get there?

A: Shall 1 take my skis? Is there any snow? Is it cold in Scotland in summer?

B: Oh, Dad, it's so exciting!

Підсумок уроку

T: Let's sum up the results. Team 1 is a winner. Our congratulations to you! Team 2 also worked hard. Good for you. Thank you for your work. See you next time.


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