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Відокремлений структурний підрозділ - ліцей Галицького інституту імені В’ячеслава Чорновола циклова комісія іноземних мов конспект заняття на тему: “Great inventors and inventions. Questions for asking more information.” ![]() Підготувала вчитель англійської мови: Капеняк Н.В. Тернопіль - 2010 Дисципліна: англійська мова Група: Л-21 Дата: 04.02. 2010 Тема: Great inventors and inventions. Questions for asking more information. Мета:
Форма заняття: практичне Тип заняття: комбіноване Обладнання: мультимедійні презентації, відеофільм, підручник, дидактичні матеріали (тестові завдання, фотографії винахідників та їх винаходів). The procedure of the lesson Хід заняття І. Introductory part Організаційна частина 1. Greeting/Привітання Hello! How are you? 2. A talk with a pupil on duty/Розмова з черговим Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? What day was yesterday? What day will it be tomorrow? 3. Making notes in the register/Відмітки в журналі 4. Language drills/Мовна зарядка Read the 21st Century Rap and beat the rhythm. Practice the sounds [i] and [i:]. Say which of these things are used in your family. The 21st Century Rap The 21st Century! It’s famous for – Radio and computers Bicycles and scooters, Trains and plains, Sockets and rockets, TV and CD Things that are used In your family! ІІ. Main part Основна частина
Look at the blackboard, please! Whom do you see at these photos? Do you know their inventions? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Today we are going to speak about great inventions and inventors, we shall repeat questions for asking more information, you’ll show your projects, we’ll play a game “Brain-ring”. 2. Lexical revision/Повторення лексичного матеріалу по темі: “Great inventions” Now we shall repeat lexical units, that you have already learnt. So translate the following words into English: 1) стільниковий телефон – a cell phone; 2) радіо – a radio; 3) комп’ютер – a computer; 4) ракета – a rocket; 5) телефон – a telephone; 6) літак – a plane; 7) машина – a car; 8) телевізор – a TV; 9) апарат – an apparatus; 10) нерухомий – immobile; 11) цифровий – digital; 12) плеєр – walkman; 13) бути невід’ємною частиною – to be part and parcel; 14) знімати трубку – to pick up the receiver; 15) бути на зв’язку – to be on the phone; 16) робити щось випадково – to do something by accident; 17) бути чутливим до чогось – to be sensitive to something; 18) зробити відкриття – to make an invention; 19) космічний корабель – spaceship; 20) винаходити – to invent.
Учні описують винахід з точки зору предмета( H-д: робот, холодильник). Інші повинні здогадатися , про який предмет ідеться. Example: Pupils sit on me during the lessons. But sometimes they stick a chewing gum on me or curve some words when the lesson is boring.( a desk) 4. Grammar revision/Повторення граматичного матеріалу по темі: “Questions for asking more information” How do we form questions for asking more information? What phrases do we use? 5. Writing/Письмо Ліцеїсти письмово перекладають наступні речення для закріплення граматичного матеріалу. Please, open your copy-books and write down today’s date,theme and translate the following questions into English. 1) Ти не міг би сказати мені, хто винайшов комп’ютер? Could you tell me who invented the computer? 2) Ти знаєш, коли було винайдено космічний корабель? Do you know when the spaceship was invented? 3) Ти не міг би сказати мені, як ти слухаєш таку музику? Could you tell me how you listen to such music? 4) Ти не міг би пояснити мені, як працює цифровий фотоапарат? Could you explain me how the digital camera works? 5) Ти маєш поняття, як працює гелікоптер? Have you any idea how the helicopter works? 6) Ти знаєш, хто винайшов світло? Do you know who invented the electrical light.? 6. Listening/Аудіювання Ліцеїсти дивляться фрагмент фільму про Теслу і виконують вправи по побаченому матеріалу. I) Pre-listening task Now we are going to watch a film about Tesla. Do you know anything about him? Before watching the film let us learn new words: Croatia - Хорватія Austro-Hungarian – австро-угорський Transmit - передавати Communication- зв’язок Orthodox- православний Priest - священик Resent - критикувати Support - підтримувати Emigrant - емігрант Visionary - мрійник Thomas Edison, Marconi, George Westinghouse, J. Pierpont Morgan. II) Post-listening exercises
1. Tesla was a … a) technological visionary b) engineer c) writer 2.He was an emigrant who arrived in America only with his …. a) aims b) dreams c) money 3. ….. resented his ideas. a) George Westinghouse b) Marconi c) Thomas Edison 4. … capitalized on his inventions. a) J. Pierpont Morgan b) Marconi c) George Westinghouse 5. At the high of his career Tesla was the most…… man in the world. a) famous b) proud c) poor 6. Tesla was not a ... man, because he put all his money into investigations. a) creative b) rich c) practical 7.’’ … doesn’t mean much to me’’ said Tesla. a) My life b) My invention c) Money 2. Answer the questions: 1) What did Tesla do? 2) Where was he born? 3) When was he born? 4) What did his father do? 5) Did his father want him to become a priest? 6) Who was the inventor in their family? 7. Discussion of projects/Захист учнівських проектів Ліцеїсти захищають свої проекти, які готували заздалегідь. And I think that it is time for your projects. It was your special hometask for today. You were asked to choose any form to make your projects so listen attentively to each other and ask questions. You are welcome. 8. Game “Brain-ring” And now let us have a small break. Let’s play a game: “Brain-ring”. Look at the blackboard. You can see three categories there: Vocabulary, Inventors and Grammar. You see 8 questions in each category. The number of a question is the number of points you can get if you give a correct answer. You will choose numbers in turn, if one team doesn’t know the answer, other team will try to give a correct one. Is everything clear? So, let us start. Vocabulary 1. A system for reproducing on a screen visual images transmitted by radio waves (Television). 2. Apparatus for transmitting and receiving sound over a distance by using optical or electrical signals (Telephone). 3. Compact disk (CD). 4. Apparatus for removing dust (Vacuum cleaner). 5. Machine for washing clothes (Washing machine). 6. An electronic device for storing and processing data (Computer). 7. A machine for automatically washing dishes (Dishwasher). 8. A cabinet or room in which food is kept cold (Refrigerator). Grammar 1. Вона дозволила мені користуватися своїм словником. She let me use her dictionary. 2. Я не знаю, коли було винайдено телефон. I don’t know when the telephone was invented. 3. Я не пам’ятаю, коли народився да Вінчі. I don’t remember when da Vinchi was born. 4. Чи не міг ти мені показати, як працює стільниковий телефон? Could you show me, how the cell-phone works? 5. Я не знаю, де вона живе. I don’t know where she lives. 6. Скажи мені, будь-ласка, коли Александер Белл винайшов телефон. Please tell me when Alexander Bell invented the telephone. 7. Я дивуюся, як працює космічний корабель. I wonder how the spaceship works. 8. Я не маю уявлення, коли був винайдений комп’ютер. I have no idea when the computer was invented. Inventors 1. Who invented the radio? (Popov) 2. Who invented the telephone? (Alexander Bell) 3. Who invented the first type of antibiotics? (Fleming) 4. Who designed the engine for the world’s first airplane? (Orville) 5. What was the name of the pilot who proved that man could glide through the air? (Wilbur) 6. Who invented the television? (John Logie Baird) 7. Who founded the newspaper “the Times”? (John Walter) 8. Who made the first film? (Lumière brothers) 9. Reading and translation/Читання Ліцеїсти читають і перекладають текст: “He just can’t stop inventing”. Let us read and translate the text: “He just can’t stop inventing”. 10. Post-reading exercises a) Read the article and decide if these statements are true or false. Give reasons for your answers. 1. Peter Greaves wants to become a professional inventor. 2. Peter started to invent things when he went to school. 3. Peter’s hero is a famous inventor. 4. Peter likes to find solutions for everyday problems. 5. Peter has invented a dog-walking gadget. 6. Peter has patented a dog-walking gadget. b) vocabulary. Find words in the text that mean: 1. strong desire to be successful (a…) 2. natural ability (t…) 3. new idea (i…) 4. answer (s…) 5 success, large amount of, money (f…) ІІІ. Concluding part Заключна частина 1. Summing up/Підведення підсумків Express your ideas about our lesson. 2. Evaluation/Мотивація і виставлення оцінок I’ll put you excellent marks for your hard work at the lesson. 3. Home assignment/Домашнє завдання Your hometask is to read and translate the text about Baird and write down into your vocabularies the unknown words. Thank you. Have a nice day! John Logie Baird John Logie Baird was one of the television’s inventors. He was born in Scotland during the reign of Queen Victoria and studied electrical engineering in Glasgow. Early in his career, Baird made money by cleaning shoes and selling razor-blades. He called his first TV a “televisor”. It was a very simple machine inside a large wooden box. In October 1925 Baird put a doll called Stooky Bill in front of his cameras and filmed it. The black and white image appeared on a small screen (10 cm x 5 cm) at the other end of his flat. TV was born! The first person on TV was a teenage boy called William Taynton. Baird paid him to stand absolutely still in front of his TV cameras. In 1926 Baird invited a group of important scientists to his home in the Soho district of London. He showed them his new inventionand they were amazed. After that, the Scotsman received more money to help with his work. In 1927 he sent TV pictures from London to Glasgow – a distance of 650 kilometres. The following year he sent pictures from Britain to Hartsdale, New York State. This was the first transatlantic broadcast. In 1938 Baird demonstrated the first colour TV pictures. They were watched by an audience of 3,000 on a large screen (4x3 metres) at a London theatre. As well as television, Baird also helped to develop several other inventions. These included radar and a system for seeing at night called “noctovision”. |
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