Тема: Меню приготування страв за рецептами. Смаки. Уподобання. Умовні речення другого типу. Мета

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Назва Тема: Меню приготування страв за рецептами. Смаки. Уподобання. Умовні речення другого типу. Мета
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Тема: Меню приготування страв за рецептами. Смаки. Уподобання. Умовні

речення другого типу.

Мета: Активізувати лексику попереднього уроку. Активно вживати вивчені ЛО

під час бесіди про національні страви Британії та України. Навчити

пояснювати на іноземній мові, як приготувати страву, вживаючи нову

лексику. Повторити структуру умовного речення другого типу та

закріпити вживання у вправах. Розширити знання студентів по темі

«Національні страви». Формувати навики роботи в парах. Розвивати

навики аудіювання, усного мовлення, читання та розуміння

прочитаного, письма; пам'ять, логічне мислення та увагу. Виховувати

любов та повагу до національних страв, естетичні смаки.

Література: “English 10” pupil’s book Карп’юк О.Д.

«Граматичний практикум» III рівень Павліченко О.М.

«Довідник з граматики англійської мови» Верба Л.Г.

Обладнання: відеофільм “Meals in Britain”, комп’ютер , картки з індивідуальними

завданнями, картки з новими ЛО.

Тип уроку: комбінований

Хід уроку

  1. Початок уроку.

  1. Організаційна частина

Greetings: Good morning, students! Take your places. How are you today? How are you getting on?

The topic of our lesson is “Cooking. Food Recipes.” So, today we are going to talk about Ukrainian and British cuisine, learn how to cook some dishes, and practice Conditional sentences.

  1. Мовна розминка.

Now try to remember what have you had for breakfast this morning?

What do you usually have for lunch?

What do you often eat for dinner?

Do you like cooking?

What dish have you ever cooked?

What is the traditional dish in your family?

Work in pairs.

Ask each other about traditional dishes in your families and your favourite once.

  1. Основна частина

1.Перевірка домашнього завдання.

Our country is rich in different national dishes. Try and guess what dish is it:

  1. Cabbage rolls stuffed with rice and vegetables, and spiced minced meat. /holubsi/

  2. Pancake made from grated potato and flour and fried. /deruny/

  3. Soup based on chopped beetroot, carrots, green beans and some cream. /borshch/

  4. Ukrainian traditional dish cooked with potato, cabbage, meat or cheese and dough. /varenyky/

  5. A drink made from dark bread and other ingredients. /kvas/

  6. It is eaten in thin slices on black bread with garlic and salt. /salo/

As we know Ukrainian food has natural taste of real natural products usually without any chemical fertilizers. So, what can you tell about Ukrainian meals? Now tell a few words about Ukrainian soups and drinks.

Now let’s talk about British meals. Who can name traditional British meals?

How many meals do the British have?

What do they usually have for breakfast?

What is the main meal of the day?

What is tea associated with in Britain?

Who will try to tell in detail about British meals?

I suggest you watching a short film about British meal. Be attentive while watching and get ready to do the tasks. After watching your task will be to decide which statements are true and which once are false. (Аудіювання)

  1. Milkmen usually brings milk to British houses after breakfast. (F)

  2. The usual British breakfast is milk and cereal. (T)

  3. Lunch is at about 11 o’clock. (F)

  4. Most people buy their food from supermarkets. (T)

  5. You have to prepare convenience food. (F)

  6. Dinner is usually at about 3 o’clock. (F)

  7. London has restaurants from over 49 different countries. (F)

Now I would like to check the knowledge of vocabulary items already learned. Find and correct mistakes, translate and make up your own sentences with these words. I need two students to do this task.

  1. Strewbarry 2. slise

Hospytelity selmon

Penceke to ctir

Porridge kiper

Hem houseshoe

Elmend hocpitulity

While they are doing their tasks we’ll play the game.

Can you name one red, one green and one yellow fruit?

  • two things that a strict vegetarian doesn’t eat?

  • three hot drinks?

  • four things people have for breakfast?

  • five things people eat between meals?

  • six vegetables you can put in a salad?

  1. Вивчення нового матеріалу.


Now we are going to learn how to cook borsch, our traditional national dish. But first of all we’ll learn new vocabulary items. Repeat the words after me:

Raw [r :] сирий

Spicy ['spaisi] приправлений спеціями

To peel [pi:l] чистити

Parsley ['pa:] петрушка

Bunch [b nt ] пучок

Broth [br θ] м’ясний суп

Sieve [siv] сито, просівати

Lard [la:d] смалець

To drain [drein] стікати

Pork [p :k] свинина

Dill [dil] кріп

Smooth [smu: ] однорідний

Garlic ['ga:lik] часник

Minced [minst] січений

Who wants to read the words?

Translate the sentences into English using new vocabulary items:

1.Коли я готую салат, я завжди додаю трохи петрушки.

2. Українці люблять їсти хліб з смальцем.

3. не забудь купити трохи кропу і часнику.

4. Почистіть 5 картоплин і додайте їх у суп.

5. Шкідливо їсти сире м'ясо.

Now open your books at p.70. Read and translate the recipe for borshch. Now put the steps below in the correct order.

3.Закріплення граматичного матеріалу.

Now try to cook buckwheat soup. Use the structure on the board to say what you would add to it.

If I had to cook buckwheat soup I would add …

What kind of sentence is it? What other types of conditionals do you know? Who would like to write the structures of zero, first and second conditionals on the board?

  • Let’s have practice Ex.2p.69. Complete the sentences by changing the verbs in brackets to make 2nd Conditionals.

  • Continue the sentences using 0, 1, 2 conditionals:

  1. If I were you, …

  2. I will go to the cinema …

  3. If we have time …

  4. My sister would cook salad …

  5. If the children had a book, …

  6. If the weather is fine , …

  7. The boy will not buy some milk …

  1. Заключна частина.

  1. Підсумок уроку

Our lesson is coming to the end and it’s time that you made some conclusions. Look at the board, there are the beginnings of the sentences. Continue the sentences.

  1. Now I know how …

  2. Now I can …

  3. I would like to …

  1. Оцінювання.

Your marks are ….. Thank you for your work.

  1. Домашнє завдання.

Your hometask for the next time will be: learn vocabulary items for dictation, ex.2p.64, write the recipe of your favourite dish.


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