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Урок з використанням ІКТ у 10 класі: «Ми - лідери» Рівень: intermediate Підручник: «Opportunities New», Longman Автор: учитель англійської мови вищої категорії, старший учитель Савченко Н.М. НВК№16, м. Мелітополь. Актуальність: Наша школа з 2006 року бере активну участь у міжнародному проекті виховання лідерства за підтримки Британської Ради в Україні. За час роботи у проекті було встановлено зв’язки зі школою-партнером у Великій Британії, в Манчестері. Наші партнери зацікавились тим, як ми готуємось та проводимо свята спортивного та культурного напрямків в нашій країні, та звернулись з прохання поділитись досвідом. Так, перед нами постало завдання допомогти учням Манчестерської школи дізнатись більше про нас, нашу країну. Навчальні предмети: англійська мова, інформатика, фізкультура. Мета:
Очікуванні результати:
Вхідні знання та навички: Учні вже мають пройти тренінг з розвитку лідерських якостей та мати досвід роботи щодо проведення та організації заходів спортивного та країнознавчого напрямків. Учні повинні володіти іноземною мовою (англійською) на достатньому рівні, а також володіти відповідними комп’ютерними програмами. Матеріально - технічне, інформаційне та методичне забезпечення:
T: Hello everybody and welcome to our unusual lesson. I see that all are present and I am very glad to see you kick and dive. Our today’s lesson is unusual, because it’s connected with our partnership links with Brookway High School of Manchester, Great Britain. Let’s remember what their last e-mail was about? S1: As far as I remember our partner school members asked us to give them the essential points of our preparation for the Dreams and Teams Festival in our school. T: Well, and I like you to introduce the project D+T to our gests. What’s the mission of the project, who participates in it, what organization supports it? S2: As you know, our school in 2006 started in international project which is aimed at developing yuong Leaders and Global citizens through sport and cross-cultural awareness. S3: In fact, 40 countries of the globe participate in the project and our team is among them. S4: As for sponsors: the UK sponsors of D+T are Youth Sport Trust and the British Council, working in partnership. S5: Let me add, that one of the most important point of our team is this project is building international links between our school and Brookway High School as partners. T: My dear, what’s your mission in this project, who are you? S5: We are young leaders. T: So, how could we name our lesson? S7: Our project. S8: We are leaders S9: Dreams + Teams project T: What’s the best? S10: We are leaders. T: As you remember we have the great experience in preparation and organization of different festivals. But let’s revise the key- learning points, that’s what we need to arrange a good festival? I have prepared some pictures for you, they may help you to express your ideas. (slides with pictures) S1: We have to make up an announcement about our festival and place it on TV, on the radio or in put school web-site. S2: As a matter of fact we have to find sponsors who will help us to buy presents and different equipment for activities. S3: Besides, we have to make our festival site look as exciting as possible. S4: We should not forget to invite guests and look after the audience and VIPs during the festival. S5: One more thing we have to do is adopting activities for children with different abilities and different age. S6: The last but not the least thing is finding a suitable place for our festival. T: So, we have four main key – learning points, they are
( are written on the flipchart, wile the students name them) T: Well, my dear friends, all of you tried these activities earlier and you, of course have some experience in doing them. Firs, divide into groups of three. Choose your roles: student A, student B and student C. Student A come to me and take a sheet of paper with the numbers of the points you are going to present. You have 15 minutes for your work. Everything you need is over there. Feel free to come up and take anything you need. Choosing and creating games and activities think about SMILES. Divide your roles. You have two minutes to work in your teams and then student B has to change the groups to work there for two minutes. After that you should sum up all information you’ve had and in five minutes use it in your presentation. Let me ask Nikita Shulika to be the time-keeper and give you the signals to change your work. Have you got any questions? So, let’s start and good luck! Don’t forget about time-management. (during their work –teacher’s presentation about the Dream s+ Teams project in our school) T: Well, your time is over. Stop discussing. It’s higher time to introduce the results of your work. Be ready for back reflection. Use the Press Method in your discussion T:
Are their any questions? Do you have anything to ask? Would you like to add anything? Is everything all right with this point? Thanks a lot, groups, for your presentations. By the way, do we have enough information for your partner school? S1: I think, we have a lot of ideas, so we can send them everything we’ve done and give them some advices. T: OK, but first, please, take a little time to evaluate the lesson yourself. For each question you’ll be asked to circle a number to indicate your response. Choose the one that best reflects your opinion. 1-not at all 2- acceptable 3- good 4- excellent (self-evaluation cards: encl: 5) Well, next time I will use all these notes during my nest lessons preparations. But is it possible to send the e-mail just now? S2: No, we have to join all our presentations in one, may be change smth… T: Your home task will be to revise in your mind the strong and weak points of your partner’s group presentation. First group will analyze the second group work, second – the third, third – the fourth and fourth – the fifth (encl:6) As for me, I like you work very much, you were very active, enthusiastic and full of energy. You tried to give us a lot of information and I put S1 -10… The lesson is over. Turn to our gusts and say good-bye. See you soon. (encl 1) Group 2 We should not forget to invite guests and look after VIPs and audience during the festival. We have to think about the festival day from early morning until we have cleaned everything away. We’ll use the timetable like this: 7.30 – We’ll come to school and wear our uniform 8.00 – We start to decorate our gym 9.00 – We start the open ceremony, introduce VIPs, mass media and ourselves. 10.00 – 11.30 – It’ time for activities. 11.30 – We finish our festival, solve the result and award the winners. 12.00 – We have to clean up the gym 12.30 – We are free! And discuss our positive and negative parts of the festival. If we organize the festival for children, we have to know how many participants are going to take part in festival, because we need to make up a budget. First- we’ make a list of things that will cost some money. Then we should decide how much do we need?
Sometimes things in our plan go wrong. We should think about some of the points that might go wrong with the festival and plan what we should do to address them. And one more thing we should not forget about safeguarding children. There will be the nurse with a medical chest in the gym. Each class will have two tutors to look after the children. Their class-teachers will help them. And if during the planning the festival we’ll have problems within our team we should stop and think what actually makes a good team spirit and improve team work. (encl 2) Group 1 S.1 First of all before the festival we can write a short article to the local newspaper to discover the purpose of the festival, who will take part, where and when will it be held and who will be able to come to watch. S2 The great thing is to meet the audience and direct them to the seats, meet VIPs and look after them during the festival. It’s important to think about how we could gain the support of the audience and VIPs to help us with future festivals and to develop the Dreams and Teams program. Interview:
(encl 3) Group 3 Activities: 1). Shut in the hoop Size: 10m long Equipment: hoops, balls Rules: You need to through the ball in the hoop from the 10 m distance long. Number of hits will make number of points. 2). Dancing activity Size: 20m2 Rules: You need to make a short sport dance. You have only 5 minutes for preparing and 5 minutes for dancing. 3) Creative activity Size: 20m2 Equipment: Sheet of paper Rules: Imagine you are a poet. You need to make a short poem or motto about Dreams and Teams. You have 10 minutes for this activity. 4) Kazaks Size: 20m long Equipment: hoops Rules: This summer I was in Prague where we organized D and T festival. During the preparation I offered activity connected with our culture. So, you have to imagine yourselves as Kazaks and cross the river. You need to stand in hoop with your partner and run from one bank to other. You have to leave your partner on the opposite bank and run with hoop to the first bank again. Then we decided to think about the place where our sport festival is going to be. (encl 4) Group 4 First of all we have to think about the cultural program of our festival. This may include things like this:
We should think about the purpose of our program and the messages we are trying to give. It will cool of the reaction of children will be ” WOW” (hello everybody and welcome to our festival! It is organized by the team of Young Leaders of Education Complex 16) We start our festival with opening ceremonies and it should convey a message to the children about Dreams and Teams. It may be the festival poem, by the way, we have one: Once we were asked To take part in the project To show what we can And leader’s skills developed day by day Consolidated team we have got already Invite you to visit our D+T today (meet our guests: the head teacher of our school S.V.Kovpak, … great thanks to to our sponsors British Council in Ukraine and Youth Sport Trust) In addition we can create a TV advert, that will reflect the best of culture of our country. We can’t forget our audience has to go away full of enthusiasm. We should not forget about music during the opening and close ceremonies, and, of course, during the activities for children. It will be fun! As for the close ceremony we have to ask our guests to make a short speech about their impressions and it will be nice we’ll ask our fold dance group to perform the best Ukrainian dance. Because our jury has to think about winners, about giving presents and so on… Self- evaluation 1-not at all 2 -acceptable 3 –good 4 –excellent 1 How pleased were you with the teaching methods that we used on the lesson? 1 2 3 4 2. How pleased were you with the lesson materials? 1 2 3 4 3. How pleased were you with the problems you have solved? 1 2 3 4 4. How pleased were you with the grammar materials? 1 2 3 4 5. Which part of the lesson did you enjoy most? 6. Which part of the lesson did you enjoy least? Hometask
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