Кваліфікаційних завдань, який пропонується для проведення атестаційної

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подати:фрагмент, підкреслюючи дієслова, виражені у пасивному стані (ThePassiveVoісе)

  1. Time of Delivery

    1. The equipment is to be delivery with two months from the date of opening the Letter of Credit (акредитив).

    2. The delivery date is understood to be the date of the clean Bill of Lading (чистий коносамент) which is issued in the name of the Buyer.

в) Контракт

Спишіть поданий фрагмент, вставляючи у разі необхідності означені артиклі:

  1. Time of Delivery

    1. The equipment is to be delivery with ... two months from ... date of opening the Letter of Credit (акредитив).

    2. ... delivery ... date is understood to be the date of... clean Bill of Lading (чистий коносамент) .,. which is issued in ... name of... Buyer.

а) Лист-відмова від запропонованої роботи Перекладіть запропонований текст на українську мову:

Dear Sir,

I regret to inform you that I anrunable to accept the position you offer, 1 fill that my experience in this field would not be used to its full capacity in above position. Therefore I have to decline.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Diamond,

б) Лист-відмова від запропонованої роботи

Спишіть запропонований текст, підкреслюючи дієслова у формі інфінітиву: DearSir,

I regret to inform you that I am unable to accept the position you offer. I\fill that my experience in this field would not be used to its full capacity in above position. Therefore I have to decline.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Diamond.

в) Лист-відмова від запропонованої роботи

Спишіть запропонований текст, використовуючи the Present Indefinite Tense для дієслів у дужках

Dear Sir,

  1. (to regret) to inform you that I (to be) unable to accept the position you offer. I (to fill) that my experience in this field would not be used to its full capacity in above position. Therefore I (to have) to decline.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Diamond.

а) Лист-запит Перекладіть поданий фрагмент на українську мову:

Dear Sir,

We read your advertisement. We are interesting in buying your equipment for producing pet food. Would you kindly send us more information about this equipment:

  • price

  • dates of delivery

  • terms of payment

  • guarantees

  • if the price includes the cost of equipment installation and staff training.

б) Лист-запит

Спишіть поданий фрагмент, визначаючи у дужках видо-часову форму дієслів: DearSir,

We read your advertisement. We are interesting in buying your equipment for producing pet food. Would you kindly send us more information about this equipment:

  • price

  • dates of delivery

  • terms of payment

  • guarantees

  • if the price includes the cost of equipment installation and staff training.

в) Лист-запит

Спишіть поданий фрагмент, підкреслюючи граматичні основи:

Dear Sir,

We read your advertisement. We are interesting in buying your equipment for

producing pet food. Would you kindly send us more information about this equipment:

  • price

  • dates of deli very

  • terms of payment

  • guarantees

  • if the price includes the cost of equipment installation arid staff training.

а) Зразок анотації Перекладіть запропонований текст на українську мову:

The article is devoted to the problems of interpretation of the events in the Ukrainian Historiography if thirties in the works of domestic researchers. The author has proved that the views of Soviet historians in “vidliga” time at the state of the Ukrainian historical science in thirties had not changed in comparison with the previous periods.

б) Зразок анотації

Спишіть запропонований текст, підкреслюючи дієслова-присудки у the Present Perfect Tense:


The article is devoted to the problems of interpretation of the events in tlje Ukrainian Historiography if thirties in the works of domestic researchers. The author has proved that the views of Soviet historians in “vidliga” time at the state of the_, Ukrainian historical science in thirties had not changed in comparison with the previous periods.

в) Зразок анотації

Спишіть запропонований текст, вказуючи у дужках видо-часову форму дієслів- присудків:

The article is devoted to the problems of interpretation of the events in the Ukrainian Historiography if thirties in the works of domestic researchers'. The author has proved that the views of Soviet historians in “vidliga” time at the state of the Ukrainian historical science in thirties had not changed in comparison with the previous periods.

а) Текст (протокол)

Перекладіть запропонований текст на українську мову :

On January 21, 2004, the meeting of the Pedagogical Counsel will take place. The questions of progress in studies and pupil’s discipline will be discussed. Besides, the Director is going to discuss some financial problems.

б) Текст (протокол)

Спишіть запропонований текст, вказуючи у дужках видо-часову форму дієслів- присудків:

On January 21, 2004, the meeting of the Pedagogical Counsel will take place. The questions of progress in studies and pupil’s discipline will be discussed. Besides, the Director is going to discuss some financial problems.

в) Текст (протокол)

Спишіть запропонований текст, підкреслюючи граматичні основи:

On January 21, 2004, the meeting of the Pedagogical Counsel will take place. The questions of progress in studies and pupil’s discipline will be discussed. Besides, the Director is going to discuss some financial problems.

а) Фрагмент життєпису

Перекладіть запропонований фрагмент на українську мову:

Objective: Senior position in engineering management Highlights

  • Business oriented, able to understood and execute broad corporate policy.

  • Strength in analyzing and improving engineering and administrative methods.

  • Successful in negotiating favourable design and construction contracts.

б) Фрагмент життєпису

Спишіть запропонований фрагмент, підкреслюючи іменники:

Objective: Senior position in engineering management Highlights

  • Business oriented, able to understood and execute broad corporate policÿf

  • Strength in analyzing and improving engineering and administrative methods.

  • Successful in negotiating favourable design and construction contracts.

в) Фрагмент життєпису

Спишіть запропонований фрагмент, підкреслюючи означення:

Objective: Senior position in engineering management Highlights -

  • Business oriented, able to understood and execute broad corporate policy.

  • Strength in analyzing and improving engineering and administrative methods.

  • Successful in negotiating favourable design and construction contracts.

а) Зразок копії з диплома

Перекладіть запропонований текст на українську мову;

Diploma With Honor DE № 000555

The Diploma has been given out MelnikcAllaOlexandrivna that she entered the Cherkcassy Vocational Lyceum on September 1, 2002, and left the indicated Lyceum on June 29, 2005, by the profession “Computer Operator, Secretary of Office51, According to the solution of the State Commission on June 28, 2005, the qualification of “Computer Operator, Secretary of Office5“ was appropriated .

б) Зразок копії з диплома

Спишіть запропонований текст, підкреслюючи присудки, виражені у пасивному стані (thePassiveVoice)


With Honor DE № 000555

The Diploma has been given out MelnikcAllaOlexandrivna that she entered the Cherkcassy Vocational Lyceum on September 1, 2002, and left the indicated Lyceum

on June 29, 2005, by the profession “Computer Operator, Secretary of Office”.

According to the solution of the State Commission on June 28. 2005, the qualification of “Computer Operator, Secretary of Office” was appropriated .

в) Зразок копії з диплома

Спишіть запропонований текст, вставляючи у разі необхідності означений артикль:

Diploma With Honor DE № 000555

... Diploma has been given out .. .MelnikcAllaOlexandrivna that she entered the Cherkcassy ...Vocational Lyceum on ...September 1, 2002, and left the indicated Lyceum on June 29, 2005, by ... profession “Computer Operator, Secretary of Office”.

According to ... solution of the State Commission on June 28, 2005, the qualification of “Computer Operator, Secretary of Office” was appropriated .

а) Фрагмент тексту рецензії

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