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Міністерство освіти і науки України Приазовський державний технічний університет Лекційний курс: “Лінгвокраїнознавство” для студентів II курсу Для спеціальності 7.030507 “Переклад” Факультет гуманітарний Кафедра іноземних мов та перекладу Мова викладання: англійська
Укладач: ст.. викладач Чих О.І. м. Маріуполь 2004р. Змiст лекцiй по курсу “ Лiнгвокраїнознавство ” I The British People. Physical geography; human geography; weather and climate; energy and natural resources; national production. Symbols of the country; UK flag (Union Jack), Welsh flag, Royal Arms, emblems of England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and their patron saints and holidays; poetic names and symbols of the country (Britannia, Albion). Eisteddfod. Stonehenge. Realia. I I. Earliest times of the British History. Britain’s prehistory (Neolithic times and Early Bronze Ages). Tribal groups from Iberian peninsular. The Celts. Brythons, Gauls, Scots. The Romans: Julius Caesar (55-54 BC). Roman invasion (43 AD). The Romans and their life. Three things of importance left after Romans (407 AD). The Germanic invasion (Angles, Saxons and Jutes) (410-1066). The invaders. Government and society. Christianity: the partnership of Church and state. TheVikings. The Celtic Kingdoms (Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, Essex, Kent, Sussex and Wessex). King Alfred and his importance for the country (871-899). I I I The early Middle Ages. Conquest and feudal rule. The Norman Conquest (1066). A step forward in the history of England (much more centralized form of feudalism, stronger state, military organization). Feudalism. Trade. The Crusades (started in 1096). Charters. Role of Norman French. Kingship: a family business. Magna Carta (1215) and the decline of feudalism. Church and State. The beginnings of Parliament (1265, Simon de Montfort). Wars in Scotland and Wales. The grouth of towns as centres of wealth. I V. The late Middle Ages: the century of war, plague and disorder. The Hundred Years’ War (1338-1453). The century of plagues (the Black Death, 1348). Serfdom was practically abolished. The crisis of Kingship. The Wars of the Roses (1455-85). Government and society. Language and culture. Geoffrey Chaucer as “the father of English poetry (“Canterbury Tales”)”, who showed integration of Norman French and Anglo-Saxon in the English language. V. The Tudors. The birth of the nation state. The formation of a new dynasty (1485-1603). Henry VII (the end of the medieval period). Renaissance of learning. Alliance of the King with the new bourgeoisie. Printing brought to England by William Caxton from Germany (1476). The Reformation. The Protestantism (1543). Catholic struggle. Bloody Mary. Elizabeth I and the Golden Age of English history (1558-1603). Development of science, exploration, language culture. The new foreign policy. The new trading empire. A Scottish King for England. VІ.The Stuarts. Parliament against the Crown. (James І and Charles І ). Civil War (1642). Oliver Cromvell, Fairfax and the Parliamentarian Roundheads. Execution of Charles І (1649). Oliver Cromvell as Lord Protector (1653-1658). Republican Britain. The Restoration of the Monarchy (1660, Charles ІІ). The Plague (1665), the Great Fire of London (1666). The Whigs and the Toris. Joint sovereigns William of Orange and Mary Stuart («Glorious Revolution»,1688). Bill of Rights (1689) – new constitutional monarchy. Catholicism. VІІ. The eighteenth century. The political world. Politics and finance. Loss of the American colonies (1783). Ireland. Scotland (Act of 1707). Bonnie Prince Charlie (the Battle of Culloden, 1746). Industrial Revolution. Agricultural Revolution. Town life. The countryside. Change from rural and agrarian to industrial and urban life. Revolution in France and the Napoleonic Wars. VІІІ. The nineteenth century. The years of power and danger. The danger at home, 1815-32. The Battle of Trafalgar (1805, Admiral Nelson). The years of self-confidence. The railway. The rise of the middle classes. The grown of towns and cities. Colonization, Britain as an empire (the ”white man’s burden”). Population and politics. Education. Queen and monarchy (Queen Victoria, 1837-1901). Queen and empire. Wales, Scotland and Ireland (1800 – United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland). Social and economic improvements. Changes in thinking. The position of working class. ІX. The twentieth century. Britain in war (the First World War). Dominant economic powers in Europe. The bloodiest war for Britain (more than 10 million men were killed). Women’s contribution to the war effort. The right to vote (for women) in the 1919 election. The rise of the Labour Party. Trade Unions ( a General Strike, 1926). Disappointment and depression of 1930. The Second World War . The new international order. The welfare state. A popular monarchy. The loss of empire (India, Pakistan). Membership at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, April 1949. The affluent society. The common wealth. The 60s and 70s. Swinging sixties. Economic standstill. Britain’s entry into the EEC in 1973. The 80s and the Thatcher revolution. British institutions: the Constitution; the Monarchy; the Legislature; the Executive; elections and political parties; trade unions; education; the media; religion. |
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