Дружба та друзі 6 клас

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Дружба та друзі

6 клас

Тип уроку: урок-диспут.

Мета: — розвивати навички спонтанного мов­лення на основі вивченого матеріалу; - удосконалювати навички само­стійної роботи з незнайомим текстом; —сприяти налагодженню дружніх стосунків між учнями класу.

Обладнання: тематичні картки, пла­кати, музика, магнітофонні записи музичних творів, дидактичний матеріал.

Хід уроку

1. Повторення та закріплення вивченого матеріалу.

Teacher: Without friends life would be a lonely, unfulfilling existence. The purpose of our lesson is to use other children's views on friendship as a discussion starter; to in­troduce the idea of good and bad friends; to help children to think about good and bad friends; to help children to think about how they discern good and bad friends.

Look at the blackboard and try to dis­cuss these questions:

A friend in need is a friend indeed. (A proverb) \

Who's your best friend?

How do you know that he/she is your friend?

What kind of friend are you?

What happens if you argue?

What makes your friend a good friend?

2. Складання діалогу за темою "Дружба". (Діалог двох учнів.)

Pupil 1: What proverbs about friendship do you know?

Pupil 2: There are many proverbs about friendship:

"A friend in need is a friend indeed";

"Don't trust violent people, they will mislead you to do the wrong thing";

"A good friend is as the sun in winter”

"A friend is easier lost than found”

"A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody";

"A friend is not so soon gotten as lost”

Pupil 1: By the way, what is a proverb?

Pupil 2: A proverb is a well-known saying about everyday things, but with a deeper meaning.

Pupil 1: What is a sign of true friendship?

Pupil 2: It seems to me, honesty is the sign of true friendship.

Teacher: Try to make up your own proverbs about friendship and write them down.

3. Бесіда за ситуаціями (Т—Р).

Teacher: One of the most painful experiences in life is the situation when close friends let us down. Describe a recent situation in which your friend has been good to you, or let you down.

Read situations (see below) and ask the children to show how they might feel if thіs happened:

a friend forgets your birthday; fixes a time to come round and play, but then forgets;

tells another friend your secrets;

goes swimming with you;

goes off with another friend and leaves you on your own.

Add other situations.

Ask the children why it hurts so much when a friend lets you down.

Pupil: It hurts so much when a friend lets you down because we trust our friends and they get us into trouble.

Бесіда за темою "Хороший друг – Поганий друг" (Т—Р),

Teacher: Who is your best friend?

Pupil: My best friend is ... .

Teacher: How do you know that he (she) is your friend?

Pupil: We tell each other secrets and never give them away. Good friends stick up for me, respect me.

Pupil: When it's work time and she doesn’t understand a question I help her.

Pupil: When he plays football I support him. I pass the ball to him and he scores. He’s a good football player and we play together.

Pupil: She comes to my birthday party. We do everything together.

Pupil : I can tell him something and he'll understand.

Teacher: Do you argue?

Pupil: Yes, but we always make up af­terwards. If we don't agree we just leave it at that.

Pupil : We started shouting and push­ing each other, but the next day we apologized and made up.

Pupil: One friend tried to break my other friend and me up so we wouldn't play. But we made it up.

Teacher: "Be not deceived: evil com­munications corrupt good manners".

It says in my Bible.

Over to You!

Teacher: Is there such a thing as a bad friend? Are there some friends who get you into trouble? What kind of friend is Jesus?

Teacher: You must remember these sim­ple rules about how to choose good friends.

Pupil: Wise friends make you wise...

Рuріl: Don't make friends with any­one who has a bad temper.

(Демонстрація малюнка.) You might turn out like them.

Pupil: You hurt yourself by going around with fools (or stupid people).

Pupil: Don't be jealous of crooks or want to be their friends. All they think about and talk about is violence, and causing trouble.

Pupil: I am sure that Jesus is the best friend. He said: "You are my friends, if you do what I command you. This is my commandment. That you love one anoth­er as I have loved you".

Teacher: So, we can say: "And be you kind one to another, tenderhearted, for­giving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgive you".

And you must remember one rule too, that your parents are your best friends. .

4. Музична гра.

Діти називають пісні про дружбу, звучать записи цих пісень.

Teacher: What kind of friend are you? (Роздаються тексти.)

Teacher: Choose what would you do if...

I love daddy, he loves me.

We love daddy, yes siree;

He loves us and so you see,

We are a happy family.

I love sister, she loves me.

We love brother, yes siree;

He loves us and so you see,

We are a happy family.

5. Підбиття підсумків уроку.


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