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Факультет - металургійний

Кафедра - іноземних мов та перекладу

Індекс групи - МТ

Семестр - 3

Заключна форма контролю - залік

Кількість модулів - 1

Викладачи - Кобяцька І.О.

Укладач електронної версії - Кобяцька Інесса Олександрівна

2. Питання до заліку:

1. What country takes the world lead in the production of ferrous metals?

2. What will industry still largely depend on for many years to come?

3. What part of the world production of steel did the ex-USSR account for?

4. What was the only large metallurgical base in pre-revolutionary Russia?

5. Why did the old coal & metallurgical region of the Urals fail to compete with the

regions of the south?

  1. What may the Ural ferrous metallurgy boast today?

  2. What do you know of the Kachkanar deposits of iron ore?

  3. What iron ores are called poor?

  4. What can you tell of Siberia`s metallurgical industry?

  5. What do you know of Temirtau`s new plant?

  6. What can you tell of the KMA deposits of iron ore?

  7. What iron ores are called rich?

  8. What do you know of the Oskol Steel Works?

  9. What do you know of the development of ferrous metallurgy in the Ukraine?

  10. What are the hallmarks of Ukrainian metallurgy?

  11. Have you ever been to an iron & steel works? Describe it in details.

  12. What does the science of metallurgy deal with?

  13. What kind of processes does metallurgy concern?

  14. What laws is metallurgy based on?

  15. What does physical metallurgy deal with?

  16. How can the structure of a metal be revealed?

  17. What affects the properties of a metal?

  18. What operations does extractive metallurgy deal with?

  19. What is a blast furnace designed for?

  20. What is the product of a blast furnace?

  21. Which metallurgy, physical or extractive, does the process of steelmaking belong to?

  22. What is energy? What do you mean by work when defining energy?

  23. What is heat? Where is its capacity for doing work utilized in metallurgy?

  24. What is indicated by temperature? What instrument is it measured with?

  25. What is matter?

  26. Which changes of matter are called physical & which, chemical?

  27. What are chemical compounds?

  28. What are chemical elements & their atomic weights?

  29. What two kinds of chemical reactions do you know?

  30. What is oxidation? Is oxidation an exothermic or endothermic reaction?

  31. What is reduction?

  32. What rule is strictly observed in metallurgical processes to prevent undesired reactions?

  33. What do you know of metall corrosion?

  34. What properties of pure iron do you know? What states does it occur in?

  35. What iron ores are commonly found in iron ore deposits?

  36. What do you know of hematite? Where is it of wide occurence?

  37. What can you tell of magnetite? Where is it found?

  38. Where is siderite used? Is this ore poor or rich in iron?

  39. Why is the use of pyrite undesirable for the production of pig iron?

  40. What kind of iron ores must be subjected to concentration? Call to mind what iron ores are considered poor.

  41. What is concentration?

  42. How is concentration effected?

  43. What does a satisfactory operation of a blast furnace require?

  44. What iron ores must undergo the treatment of agglomeration?

  45. What is agglomeration?

  46. How is agglomeration accomplished?

  47. What does the production of iron & steel depend on?

  48. Why is the ore from the Scandinavian deposits exported?

  49. Why must a blast furnace coke be strong & porous?

  50. What kinds of fuel are used in ferrous metallurgy?

  51. Have you ever seen a sinter machine? What does it look like?

  52. What is the first process in the reduction of iron ore?

  53. What does the operation of smelting consist in?

  54. What is a typical pig iron analysis?

  55. Is carbon in steel considered as an impurity, like silicon, manganese, phosphorus & sulphur, or as an essential ingredient? Why is it considered that?

  56. What effects have silicon & manganese upon steel?

  57. What effects have phosphorus & sulphur upon steel?

  58. What is a blast furnace?

  59. What are there near the bottom of the furnace?

  60. What is a passage near the top of the furnace designed for?

  61. Where is the air blown into the furnace preheated?

  62. What are the stoves like?

  63. How is the preheating of air accomplished?

  64. Could you tell of the principal chemical reactions which occur in the blast furnace when the iron is obtained?

  65. In what part of the furnace is the iron melted?

  66. How is the molten iron removed from the furnace?

  67. How is slag removed? Why is the hole for the slag placed above an iron tap hole?

  68. What is the pig iron cast into molds for? These castings are called “pigs”, aren`t they?

  69. Where is the pig iron more often taken to?

  70. What state is the pig iron in when it is directly taken to the refining furnace?

  71. When is the furnace shut down?

  72. What`s the difference between pig iron & cast iron?

3. Умови заліку:

Вважається , що залік є складеним, якщо студент:

  • демонструє теоретичні знання з граматиці анлійської мови;

  • практично аналізує мовні явища;

  • розуміє принципові риси сучасної англійської мови: правопису та вимови, лексичного складу, граматичної будови мови;

  • може дати розгорнуте діалогічне чи монологічне висловлювання з запропонованої теми;

  • успішно виконав усі запропановані письмові роботи та контрольні завдання;

  • успішно виконав усі контрольовані самостійні роботи;

  • успішно виконав модульну роботу.

4. Завдання для самостійного опрацювання.

The text-book by E.P.Kononenko:
- Additional Texts p.p.18-24;

- Home-reading Texts p.p. 24-27;

- Additional Text p.p. 39-43;

- Home-reading Texts p.p.43-44;

- Additional Texts p.p. 54-59;

- Home-reading Texts p.p. 59-63;

- Additional Texts p.p. 76-82;

- Home-reading Texts p.p. 83-85

The text-book by A.S.Belyaeva:

- Additional Texts p.p. 123-124;

- Ex.17 p.19; Ex.18 p.19; Ex.19 p.19; Ex.20 p.19; Ex.33 p.23; Ex.34 p.23;

Ex. 40 p.p. 26-27; Ex. 41 p.27; Ex.52 p.p. 30-31; Ex.17 p.41; Ex.18 p.41;

Ex.19 p.41; Ex.20 p.41; Ex.34p.46; Ex. 35 p.46; Ex. 41 p.49; Ex. 42 p. 49;

Ex .52 p.53.

5. Рекомендовані навчальні джерела:

1. О.С.Ахманова “Англо-русский словарь”. М., 1972г.

2. А.С.Бежева “Учитесеь читать литературу на английском языке”, М., “В.Ш.”,


3. О.С.Біляєва „Навчайтесь читати літературу за спеціальністю англійською

мовою”, М., „В.Ш.”, 1987р.

4. A.K.Ivanova,V.F.Satinova, “English Revision Course”, Мінськ,”В.Ш.”, 1991р.

5. “ Iron and Steel Engineer”, Pittsburgh

6. .”Foundry”, Pantone|IPC Publication.

7. М. Красинська ,,Посібник для розвітку навиків усної мови,, .

8. Т.Б.Клементьєва „Повторяємо часи англійського дієслова”, М., „В.Ш.”, 1990р.

9. Є.П.Кононенко „Англійська мова для студентів – металургів” , Київ, „В.Ш.”,


10. Методичні вказівки для спеціальності: „Металургія чорних металів”,ПДТУ,


11. Методичні вказівки для розвитку навиків читання літератури для студентів I-II –го курсів всіх спеціальностей: “Класифікація металів”, (ПДТУ, 1992р.).

12. Raymond Murphy “English grammar in use”, Cambridge University Press.

13.В.К.Мюллер “Англо-русский словарь”, М., “В.Ш.”.2000г.

14. Н.И.Перлов „Англо-русский металлургический словарь’’, М., 1974г.

15.Ю.Т.Поленова, Е.В. Синявская “Английский язык для инженеров”, М., “В.Ш.”,


16. А.Е.Чернухина “Англо-русский политехнический словарь”, М., „Русский язык”,


17. В.К.Шпак „Англійська мова”, Київ, „В.Ш.”, 1998р.

18. Eлектронна версія матеріалів до заліку.

6. Урахування рейтингу.

Залік може ставитись „автоматом”, якщо рейтинг протягом семестру був не нижче ніж 3,7 бала.


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