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TRANSLATION OF FIVE-, SIX-AND SEVEN-COMPONENTAL ASYNDETIC SUBSTANTIVAL CLUSTERS It must be noted from the very start that the five-, six- and seven-componental asyndetic substantival clusters belong to rare or rather rare word-groups in English newspaper or scientific and technical matter texts. Nevertheless the approach to their translating does not differ practically from that of the four-componental asyndetic substantival clusters. It usually starts with the head noun. To render the meaning of any multi-componental asyndetic noun cluster, however, there should be identified first and foremost closer sense units within them. Thus, in a five-componental asyndetic substantival cluster its noun constituents may form the NN+NN+N, NNN+NN, AN+NN+NN, N+AN+NN+N-type, etc. sense units. For example: Covent Garden Opera House orchestra performance has the following closer or looser sense units: NN+NN+NN where Covent Garden is a close sense unit (proper noun) and functions as a single component. Translation of this and the like asyndetic substantival clusters should be started with the head NN component: виступ/гра оркестру (лондонського) оперного театру «Ковент Ґарден». Similarly with the cluster London County Council general purpose committee member член комісії із загальних питань Ради Лондонського графства; London District Woodworker Amalgamated Society committee комісія/комітет Лондонського окружного відділення об'єднаної профспілки теслярів. When the initial N component performs the function of a relative adjective, translating of the five-componental NNNNN-type asyndetic substantival cluster may start with this N component: the London sheet metal workers section Лондонська філія профспілки робітників металопрокатних підприємств. Translating of the five-componental asyndetic substantival clusters can also be started with the second sense unit initiated by a noun, functioning as a relative adjective: the Post Office Workers London district council Лондонська окружна рада профспілки поштових працівників. When the multi-componental asyndetic substantival cluster is of appositional nature, its translation starts either with the proper name, which is the apposition noun, or with its antecedent noun. However, translation may also start with some other component functioning as a relative adjective in a sense unit preceding the appositional nouns: world-mile record holder Peter Snell. 1. Пітер Снелл, 240 чемпіон світу з бігу на милю; 2. світовий рекордсмен з бігу на милю Пітер Снелл; 3. рекордсмен світу з бігу на милю Пітер Снелл. Multicomponental asyndetic substantival clusters designating some specific English notion, which is not revealed by direct rendering of the lexical meaning of its noun components, are translated in a descriptive way: the City Cooper Square Community Development Committee комісія (комітет) по переплануванню площі Купера лондонського Сіті. Translation of the six- and seven-componental asyndetic substantival clusters is realized according to the same principles and approaches as the four- and five-componental asyndetic substantival clusters. Pointing out the sense units, formed by the components usually helps find out the starting component and the correct way of translating the clusters. It must be borne in mind, however, that these multicomponental asyndetic substantival clusters may be translated by different approaches as well, each of which may faithfully render the clusters' meaning: New Zealand world mile record holder Peter Snell 1. новозеландський світовий рекордсмен з бігу на милю Пітер Снелл; 2. новозеландець Пітер Снелл, чемпіон світу з бігу на милю. On rare occasions one may come across asyndetic substantival clusters consisting of seven or more nouns. These semantically condensed noun word-groups are translated in accordance with the same rules, which are employed when dealing with the five- and six-componental noun clusters (by way of pointing out the sense units within the clusters and finding the necessary noun or sense unit for the translation to start). In such cases the multi-componental asyndetic substantival clusters, which are not preceded by attributive adjuncts, can be translated starting with the head noun: United Post Workers London district council postmen section chairman Mr. Harry Jones Гаррі Джоунз, голова Лондонської окружної/районної філії листонош об'єднаної профспілки поштових працівників. It should be added in conclusion, that many asyndetic substantival clusters are difficult for our students to translate because they mostly do not take into account their condensed semantic nature, due to which more words are usually needed to convey their meaning in the target language. And not only multi-componetal asyndetic substantival clusters. Very often two-componental asyndetic noun clusters can be semantically condensed: >4/DS drugs ліки/ пілюлі, що поліпшують самопочуття хворих на СНІД; fax brakes зриви/провали в зборі податків; Rome-based Food and Agriculture Organization Організація з питань сільского господарства і 241 виробництва продуктів харчування (зі штаб-квартирою в Римі). Semantically condensed may also be many three- and more componental asyndetic substantival clusters: World Health Organization (three words) Всесвітня організація охорони здоров'я (four words); government work offices урядові установи з питань працевлаштування населення. Here the number of components in all Ukrainian equivalents is larger than in their English originals. Sometimes, though rarely, however, the meaning of asyndetic substantival clusters can be rendered in Ukrainian by fewer words, than in English: the Turin public prosecutor прокурор Туріна; London building workers лондонські будівельники; the old books salesman букініст; the land improvement work меліорація; the crop farmers хлібороби, etc. Our students must be repeatedly warned, that the use of three-and more componental asyndetic substantival clusters is mostly restricted to the newspaper and scientific or technical matter texts. In spoken English and in belles-lettres texts preference is given to prepositional word-groups, which may easily be transformed into asyndetic substantival clusters. Cf.: Newspaper texts/styles Oral speech the plant shop-stewards the shop-stewards of the plant Labour housing policy the policy of the Labour Party in/concerning housing the Midlands car factory trade the trade union committee of union committee the Midlands car factory All translators, therefore, must bear it in mind, that in the process of rendering far from all Ukrainian substantival word-groups should necessarily be transformed into English multi-componental asyndetic noun clusters. Exception must be made only when dealing with the names of various former Soviet and today's Ukrainian public bodies, offices and enterprises, institutes, universities, former collective and state farms, plants and factories, publishing houses, firms, farmer cooperatives, etc., which bore or bear honorary names like: Львівський театр опери та балету їм. Заньковецької Lviv Zan'kovets'ka Opera and Ballet House; київська станція метро «Шулявська» the Kyiv Shulyavs'ka underground railway station; Харківський педагогічний університет їм. Сковороди Kharkiv Skovoroda Teachers Training University, колективне сільскогосподарське підприємство (КСП) «Пролісок» the Prolisok (Snowdrop) Collective Agricultural Enterprise, etc. 242 SUGGESTED TOPICS FOR SELF-TESTING AND CLASS DISCUSSION 1. The structural peculiarities of the word-combinations referred to as asyndetic substantival/noun clusters. 2The principle of identifying the number of componental parts in asyndetic substantival clusters. 3. The correlation between the position of N components and their functional significance in asyndetic substantival clusters. 4. The structural forms of the adjunct and head components in asyndetic substantival clusters. 5. The nature/kind of syntactic connection existing between the components of asyndetic substantival clusters. 6. Factors predetermining the approaches to equivalent rendering of meanings of two-componental (NN) substantival clusters into Ukrainian. 7. Ways of faithful expressing the meaning of the two-componental asyndetic noun clusters with extended/expanded adjuncts or heads of the NP+NP (noun phrase+noun phrase) type. 8. Approaches to rendering the meanings of the two-componental NN substantival clusters preceded by an attributive adjective, participle, pronoun, numeral or adverb. 9. Approaches to conveying the meanings of the two-componental NN asyndetic substantival clusters with attributes to the adjunct and to the head component (ANAN, ANQN, etc.). 10. The influence of semantic relations between the components of the asyndetic substantival clusters over the choice of an approach to a faithful rendition of their meanings. 11. Ways of extending two-componental asyndetic substantival clusters by adding adjuncts to each NN component. 12. The consecutive order of translation in the three-componental asyndetic substantival clusters of the N+NN and NN+N types. 13. The approach to rendering the meaning of the three-componental NNN asyndetic noun clusters preceded by attributive adjectives, participles, pronouns, numerals or adverbs. 14. The approaches to faithful translating of the four-, five-and more componental asyndetic substantival clusters with and without the preceding attributes to their component nouns. 15. The way of rendering the meaning of semantically con- 243 densed two-, three-, and more componental asyndetic substantival clusters. 16. The structure of the word-combinations preferred in spoken English and in belles-lettres works instead of the multi-componental asyndetic substantival clusters. EXERCISES FOR CLASS AND HOME TRANSLATION Exercise I. Define the structural form of the components in the two-componental asyndetic substantival clusters below. Suggest the possible ways of conveying their meaning into Ukrainian. 1. witness testimony; 2. skills analysis; 3. night shift; 4. debt trap; 5. Krasnodar Territory; 6. television network; 7. food prices; 8. job opportunities; 9. London docks; 10. Labour group; 11. sugar steamers; 12. oil paintings; 13. school leavers; 14. oil countries; 15. wage strike; 16. forestry products; 17. economy regime; 18. pay claim; 19. crop yields; 20. livestock products; 21. animal husbandry; 22. solid engine; 23. consumer demand; 24. wage cuts; 25. protest demonstration; 26. Midlands unemployment; 27. promotion limitations; 28. car thieves; 29. gun licence; 30. Labour backbenchers; 31. slave sailers (ships); 32. car bomb; 33. Sunday Express sellers; 34. non-smoker carriage; 35. electricity cuts; 36. «keep wages down» lobby; 37. government draft; 38. Management development; 39. a question and answer interview; 40. law and order advocates; 41. the IMF visit (to Kyiv); 42. an oblast capital; 43. a 44-hour week; 44. a team-contract method; 45. White House intern; 46. the Guardian International subscribers; 47. plan and production discipline; 48. Research and Development Society. 49. Notts County vs Bolton match; 50. Scotland Yard detectives; 51. Trafalgar Square rally; 52. the latest sun eclipse; 53. a welfare-reform plan; 54. government bond prices; 55. a «Buy America» (American cars) campaign; 56. a price-earnings ratio; 57. Tory failings; 58. contract killings; 59. the Osaca Summit; 60. John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library; 61. the Sea Owl submarines (USA). Exercise II. Find the starting component for translating into Ukrainian the following two-componental asyndetic substantival clusters with the attribute to the adjunct or to the head noun/nucleus: A) 1. Light music and drama programme; 2.the maximum end results; 2. the two-way trade exchanges; 4. Ukraine-British business partnership; 5. nuclear power stations; 6. the latest weather forecast. 7. Moscow-based industry analyst; 8. local sports clubs; 9. first-ever press conference; 10. our spring musical program; 11. Royal Court Theatre; 12. the main passenger section; 13. an in-house video specialist; 14. major ocean routes; 15. two-seater «city cars»; 16. three-party coalition government; 17. a Commercial production supervisor and technician; 18. larger-than-local sports projects; 19. good Ryder Cup start. 20. an island penal colony; 21. the next Cabinet meeting; 22. International Motor Show; 23. a former CIA official; 24. local education authorities; 25. off-shore oil deposits; 26. common profit aims; 27. British woman doctor; 28. meagre salary increase; 29. current wages negotiations; 30. the Scottish tartan Society; 31. intensive-type crop varieties; 32. the first NBA championship (U.S.A.); 33. (the) House Republican leaders; 34. the promising soccer club; 35. the public sector reform; 36. the modest «Santa Claus» rally; 37. a favourite harbour party. B) 1. Republican party leaders; 2. the Middle East process; 3. most City of London economists; 4. the National Bank activity; 5. Scottish Electrical Workers Union; 5. a police department lawyer; 7. primary school teachers; 8. Labour Party conference; 9. high quality second hand cloths and accessories; 10. political committee secretary; 11. civil defence organization; 12. social insurance expenditure; 13. pop music fans; 14. local government jobs; 15. Engineering Unions officials; 16. national protest day; 17. lightweight metal; 18. tourist class double rooms; 19. the five-party Cabinet Consultative Committee; 20. the Windows operating systems; 21. British postal service processes; 22. Decimal Currency Board (Gr. Brit.) 23. a solid fuel system; 24. German Booksellers and Publishers Association; 25. a Health Sector Stream; 26. government and European Union decisions; 27. International Copyright Protection; 28. London Evening Standard. Exercise III. Analyse the three-componental asyndetic substantival clusters below. Point out the closer NN-type sense units in them and the starting components for their translation into Ukrainian. A) 1. a Bachelor of Music Education Degree; 2. Sunday afternoon concerts; 3. the supertanker collision drama; 4. a school football pitch; 5. Andrew Jackson Park and Museum; 6. Edinburgh Student Unions; 7. publications control board; 8. Essex Action Commit- 245 244 tee; 9. London Business School; 10. the Detroit motor show; 11. Cossack salt merchants; 12. school sports facilities; 13. State circuit court; 14. customer service laboratories; 15. City of London police force; 16. Westminster Defence Minister; 17. England team manager; 18. crime figures rise; 19. Labour majority group; 20. Tory leadership election; 21. the Natural Resourses Defence Council; 22. Local Government Officers Union; 23. New York State Governor; 24. the Youth Hostels Association; 25. V-E Day celebrations; 26. world without bombs conference programme; 27. the Kyiv Dynamo soccer club; 28. U.S. Civil War veterans; 29. Kyiv teachers and students demonstration; 29. sheep skin vests; B) 1. U.S. Administration official; 2. the world bagpipe championship; 3. the Tory selection procedure; 4. the world disarmament conference; 5. retail food prices; 6. New Zealand Golf Association; 7. White House press secretary; 8. New York State governor; 9. Shevchenko prize winners; 10. Manchester City Council; U.Stockport trade unionists; 12. depot mass meetings; 13. Pittsburgh steel works; 14. the U.S. Senate seat; 15. water conservancy constructions; 16. Park Royal Vehicle factories; 17. South-East (a London district) Sports Council; 18. appeal court judges; 19. the US Negro servicemen; 20. the Girl Guide Association; 21. sugar crop disaster (in Cuba); 22. the House of Commons committee room; 23. Medicare part В premiums; 24. the University of Toronto graduate student; 25. the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation) liberalization commitments; 26. a baboon bone-marrow transplant; 27. upperclass mass murderer; 28. the snap opinion polls; 29. the exchange rate level; 30. South Carolina State Museum; 31. the oblast government administration; 32. a health insurance programme; 33. the Air Force General Staff; 34. the Air Force Command; 35. the London Stock Exchange; 36. the World Trade Organization; 37. the morning and evening rush time; 38. the Buckinghamshire County Museum; 39. a $542 million stand-by arrangement; 40. the Hong Kong web developer. Exercise IV. Point out the sense units in the three-componental asyndetic substantival clusters below and render descriptively their meanings into Ukrainian. 1. the Fire Brigades Union; 2. land improvement measures; 3. the League management committee; 4. world light-weight title; 5. the Commonwealth sugar agreement; 6. vehicle repair industry; 7. post office employees; 8. trade union movement; 9. front line positions; 10. Ireland Civil Rights Association; 11. the London building workers joint sites; 12. car bomb explosion; 13. Nottingham autumn stakes; 246 14. Leeds Anti-Racialism Committee; 15. motor vehicle castings; 16. Thames Television interviewer; 17. school milk cuts (in Great Britain); 18. summer holidays vacancies; 19. a health insurance programme; 20. Jbkoda sports coupe; 21. the world cricket team; 22. Scots shipyards stewards; 23. Mersyside car workers; 24. Derbyshire and West Midlands police force; 25. a Ryder Cup golf series; 26. the Upper Clyde Shipbuilders shop-stewards; 27. the Ford joint shop-stewards committee; 28. Ashridge (settlement) executive development programmes; 29. the Saxony data-protection commissioner; 30. the voucher insurance company; 31 Public Sector Management Institute (UK) 32. the Oxford Strategic Leadership programme; 33. the Verdugo Hills Archery club (Cal., U.S.A) 34. the business development division; 35. United Nations Environment programme; 36. (Rural) Finance and Enterprise Support Project; 37. China familirization programme; 38. world stockmarket capitalization; 39. (Ukraine's) 1999 privatization efforts; 40. Itar-Tass news agency; 41. the UJS. Supreme Court decision. 42. Salary structure design. |
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