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Англійська мова Клас 6 Вчитель Навроцька Любов Григорівна, спеціаліст вищої категорії, старший вчитель Тема. Магазини та покупки Мета: формувати уміння та навички усного мовлення, опрацьовувати в мові учнiв вживання лексичних одиниць теми “Покупки», вчити учнів сприймати іншомовне мовлення на слух з метою отримання основної інформації, практикувати учнів у читанні тексту з метою максимально повного і точного розуміння всієї інформації, що в ньому мiститься, вчити учнів доречно застосовувати граматичні форми Present Perfect, вживаючи активну лексику, розвивати логічне мислення , уяву, мовленнєву реакцію, готовність вступати в англомовне спілкування, вміння працювати в різних режимах навчання та контролю, тренувати учнів у презентації проектів, виховувати культуру спілкування. Тип уроку: урок формування умінь та навичок Обладнання: підручник А. Несвіт «English» для 6 класу, дидактичний матеріал (картки з індивідуальними завданнями), персональні комп’ютери, комп’ютерні програми, мультимедійна презентація з теми «Покупки», фрагмент з кінофільму «Home Alone», відео «Сlick On 3». Хід уроку 1.Організаційний момент Organizing the class: T: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you. How are you? T: I’m glad you are O.K. I hope, you will work hard and we will do a lot of interesting things at our lesson. 2.Повідомлення теми та мети Aim. T: I think, the topic of our lesson will be very interesting for you. But what we are going to speak out you have to guess. Please look at our screen, watch an episode from the film and try to guess the topic of our today’s lesson. (Pupils are watching an episode from the film “Home Alone”. Kevin is doing shopping at a toy shop). T: Have you ever seen this film in Russian or Ukrainian? Do you know the name of the boy? Where is Kevin? What is he doing? The boy is doing shopping. We do the shopping every day or almost every day. Can you guess what the topic of our lesson is? T: You are right. The topic of our lesson is “Shops and Shopping”. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: recognize new words in the texts, understand their meanings and use them discussing the topic; watch video for the main ideas and specific information; do tests on computers; саrry on a conversation about shops and shopping. 3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. Warm-up. T: Do you like doing shopping? Why? Why not? Possible answers. P 1: I like doing shopping because it’s interesting. P 2: I like doing shopping because I like to choose new things. P 3: I don’t like doing shopping because it’s boring. P 4: I don’t like doing shopping because it’s a waste of time. T: What things do you buy every day or very often? P 1: We buy bread every day. P 2: We buy milk almost every day. P 3: We buy fruit and vegetables very often? T: What things don’t you buy very often? P: We don’t buy furniture very often. 4. Контроль домашнього завдання. Check on homework. Група А представляє свої проекти та ставить запитання учням групи В. Мета – перевірити якість виконання домашнього завдання, а саме володіння відповідною лексикою та вміння висловлюватися з теми. Група В, слухаючи розповіді учнів групи А, заповнює таблички на картках та дає відповіді на питання. Мета – перевірити якість виконання домашнього завдання, а саме володіння відповідною лексикою, знання інформації теми та вміння давати відповіді на питання. Група С виконує тести на комп’ютерах. Мета – перевірити якість виконання домашнього завдання, а саме володіння відповідною лексикою, розуміння інформації тексту. T: What do we need to do the shopping? P: We need money to do the shopping. T: Of course, we can’t do the shopping without money. At our previous lesson we spoke about money of English- speaking countries and Ukraine. We worked in three groups and each group had different homework. Can you remind me what your homework was? Group A: Our homework was to learn new words, read the text (Ex.1, p.120), make up questions on the text and do our own projects about money of English-speaking countries. Group B: Our homework was to learn new words, read the text (Ex.1, p.120) and be ready to answer the questions on the text. Group C: Our homework was to learn new words, read the text (Ex. 1, p. 120) and be ready to do the test on understanding it. T: So, let’s see how you have done your homework. Now we are going to work in groups. Group C; take your places at the computers. Read the statements and click True or False. Group A, you have to present your projects and ask your questions. Group B, your task is to listen to the pupils of group A very carefully, complete the sentences on your cards and then answer the questions of your classmates. Pupils of group A are presenting their projects. While they are speaking in turns, slides are displayed on the screen. Possible answers. P1: Dear friends, we are going to tell you about money of English-speaking countries. Let’s start with Great Britain. In Great Britain people use pounds and pence. The coins are 1 penny, 2 pence, 5 pence, 10 pence, 20 pence and 50 pence. There are also the one pound coin and the two pound coin. P2: The coins are round. But two coins have got seven sides. The little coin with seven sides is the 20 pence coin and the big one with seven sides is the 50 pence coin. There is a portrait of the British Queen on every coin. P3: There 5, 10, 20, and 50- pounds notes in Great Britain. You can also see the portrait of the queen on each note. P4: In the USA people use dollars and cents. American coins are sometimes called change. Each coin has its name. A one cent coin is called a penny. A 5 cent coin is called a nickel. A 10 cents coin is called a dime. A 25 cents coin is called a quarter. P5: There are 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100-dollar banknotes in the USA. You can see a portrait of an American president on one side and the picture of a famous building on the other. Pupils of group B are listening to their classmates and completing the sentences on the cards 1. In Great Britain people use pounds and _______ pence. 2. The coins are 1 penny, 2 pence, 5 pence, 10 pence, _____ pence and ______ pence. 3. The coins are round. But two coins have got seven_________ . 4. The little coin with seven sides is the ________ pence coin and the big one with seven sides is the _____ pence coin. 5. There is a portrait of ____________________ on every coin. 6. There 5, 10, 20, and _____- pounds notes in Great Britain. 7. In the USA people use dollars and ___________ . 8. American coins are sometimes called __________ . 9. Each coin has its _________ 10. There are 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100-dollar ________________ in the USA. Pupils of group B are answering questions of pupils of Group A. Possible questions:
Pupils of group C are working on computers. Computer Test 1
2. There are one pound and _____ coin in Britain. a) two b) three c) five 3._____coins in Britain have got seven sides. a) Two b) Three c) Five 4. There is a portrait of ______ on every coin in Britain. a) a famous person b) the members of the Royal family c) the British Queen 5. In the USA people use _____ . a) dollars and pence b) dollars and cents c) pounds and pence 6. American coins are sometimes called ____. a) price b) cash c) change 7. A one cent coin is called _____. a) a penny b) a cent c) a pence 8. A five cents coin is called ____. a) a nickel b) a dime c) a quarter 9. A ten cents coin is called _____. a) a nickel b) a dime
10. In the USA coins are made of _____. a) bronze, nickel and silver b) copper, nickel, and silver c) copper, bronze and nickel Key: 1- b; 2-a; 3-a; 4-c; 5-b; 6-c; 7-a; 8-a; 9-b; 10-a. 5. Активізація лексичних одиниць Vocabulary Practice Група А виконує завдання за комп’ютерами. Мета – перевірити рівень володіння лексикою та вміння застосовувати її у ситуаціях. Група В працює з індивідуальними картками. Мета – практикувати учнів у вживанні лексичних одиниць у типових ситуаціях. Група С працює з мультимедійною презентацією та вчителем. Мета – засвоїти лексичні одиниці теми та навчитися вживати їх у мовленні. T: You have done your homework well and now it’s time to review some words that deal with our topic “Shops and Shopping”. T: Group A, take your places at the computers and do the task. Computer Test 2
Key: 1-b; 2-c; 3-c; 4-b; 5-d; 6-a; 7-b; 8-b; 9-b; 10-a. T: Group B, you are going to do the task on your cards.
Group C, I want you to work with me. T: Group C, I want you to work with me. Look at our screen, please. Read a definition and name the shop. (Slides are displayed on the screen) A shop that sells bread and rolls The bakery A shop that sells fish The fishmonger’s A shop where you can buy meat The butcher’s A shop which sells newspapers The newsagent’s A shop where you can buy milk and cottage cheese The dairy A shop where you can buy vegetables and fruit The greengrocer’s A shop where you can buy rings, earrings, necklaces and watches The jeweler’s A shop which sells toys A toy shop A shop where you can buy things for doing sports A sports shop A shop which sells CDs and music instruments A music shop A shop where you can buy medicine The chemist’s A shop where you can buy clothes A clothes shop A shop where you can buy a present A gift shop A shop where people buy books A book shop T: Friends, now I want you to look at slides again. You can see a picture of some shop. Your task is to guess what kind of shop it is and think what you can buy there. Take it in turns around the group to repeat the whole sentence adding your idea. Possible answer P1: This is the grocer’s shop. We can buy sugar there. P2:. This is the grocer’s shop. We can buy sugar and tea there. P3:. This is the grocer’s shop. We can buy sugar, tea and cereals there. P2: This is the grocer’s shop. We can buy sugar, tea, cereals and coffee there. 6. Перегляд відео та виконання завдань. Watching video. a) Pre-watching activity T: We have just spoken about different kinds of shops but there are some shops where you can buy almost everything. You can see such a shop on the slides now. (Slides are displayed on the screen) T: How do we call this shop? P: It’s a supermarket. T: We are going to watch a film about shopping in the supermarket. But at first let’s find out what sections are there and what they sell. Please look at the slide and fill in the table. (A slide is displayed on the screen) ![]() Fruit and vegetables section____________________________ Butcher’s section ____________________________________ Pulses section ______________________________________ Dairy section _______________________________________ Spices _____________________________________________ b) While-watching activity T: Watch the film very carefully and be ready to answer Luke’s answers. Fill up your basket with some super shopping. In Britain you can shop your grocery at your local shops. You can go to the butcher’s for meat, the greengrocer’s for fruit and vegetables and the news agent’s for magazines and newspapers. You can also go to a big supermarket and buy absolutely everything under one roof. Now supermarkets have different sections where you can get different kinds of food. You can find mushrooms, broccoli, cucumbers, kiwi fruit, aubergines, garlic, courgets in the fruit and vegetables section. You can buy lentils, beans and chick peas in the pulses section. But what you really need are herbs and spices to add some real flavour: salt, pepper, basil, parsley. Don’t even think of leaving until you’ve bought some delicious dessert: cheesecake, apple tart, chocolate mousse and of course fruit jelly. Just one more thing before you complete your supermarket shopping. You have got to pay for what you have put in your trolley. And to do that you have to go to one of the tills. At the supermarket till you can pay in cash, write a check or even use a credit card. Cucumber, kiwi-fruit, garlic, courget, chick peas, apple tart, chocolate mousse 3) After-watching activities Група А описує слайди із фільму з опорою на картки та за допомогою вчителя. Мета – перевірити розуміння переглянутого відео та формувати уміння та навички усного мовлення. Група В виконує завдання на комп’ютерами. Мета – перевірити розуміння переглянутого відео. Група С працює з індивідуальними картками. Мета – перевірити розуміння переглянутого відео. T local shops, a supermarket, under one roof, different sections, a fruit and vegetables section, a pulses section, a trolley, delicious dessert, a supermarket till, pay in cash by : Group A, get ready to describe slides from the film. You have to use the words from the cards. T: Group B, I want to check up how you have understood the information from the video. Take your places at the computers and do the test. Your task is to choose the correct item to complete the sentences. Computer test 3
4. You can find ____ in a fruit and vegetables section. a) mushrooms, broccoli and cheesecakes b) mushrooms, bread and cucumbers c) mushrooms, broccoli and cucumbers d) mushrooms, milk and cucumbers 5. You can go to ____ and buy absolutely everything under one roof. a) the local shop b) the baker’s c) the grocer’s d) the supermarket 6. You need some herbs and spices to add some real ____ . a) flavour b) taste c) liking d) love 7. You have got_____ for what you have put in your basket.
8. At the supermarket till you can ____. a) buy dessert b) see spices c) find mushrooms d) pay money 9. Luke has advised to ____ dessert. a) to look at b) to buy c) to make d) to sell 10. You can pay in cash or write ____. a) a card b) a check c) cash d) a letter Key: 1-c; 2-a; 3-a; 4-c; 5-d; 6-a; 7-b; 8-d; 9-b; 10-b. T: Group C, I want to you to do the task on the cards.
d) to pay for what you have put in your trolley. e) or use a credit card. f)for meat Key: 1) c; 2) f; 3) b; 4) b; 5) d; 6) e. T: OK. You all have done a good job. Group В, your time is up. Take your places at the desks. 7. Практикування учнів читанні тексту Reading. 1) Pre-reading activities. T: We are going to read the text “Susie Goes Shopping” (Ex.1. p. 122). There are some words in the text which are unknown for you. Let’s read the explanation of these words. (A slide is displayed on the screen) tiny – very small to hug - to put your arms around someone to show love or friendship T: Before we start reading a text you have to answer my questions.
2) While- reading activity T: Read the text and fill in the missing sentences from the list. There are two sentences which you don’t need. Susie Goes Shopping Mr, Mrs Bright and their little daughter Susie went shopping last Sunday. 1. ____ Mr. Bright put the vegetables and fruit in the big basket. 2. ____ Mrs. Bright put the bread, rolls and a cake into a trolley. 3. ____ The Brights went inside and bought a bag of jellies for Mr. Bright, caramels for Mrs. Bright and a big chocolate teddy bear for little Susie. “Can I carry them?” asked little Susie politely. “Yes, please!” said Mr. and Mrs. Bright. So little Susie put the jellies, caramels and the big chocolate teddy bear in her tiny paper bag and carried them all the way home. “Good thing you went shopping with us”, said Mr. and Mrs. Bright and hugged her daughter.
Key: 1-C; 2-A; 3-E. 3.Post-reading activities. Група А працює в парах (складає діалоги на основі тексту з опорою на вправу 2, стор.123) Мета - перевірити розуміння прочитаного тексту, формувати навички діалогічного мовлення. Група В виконує завдання на катках. Мета – перевірити розуміння прочитаного тексту, практикувати учнів у вживанні лексичних одиниць теми. Група С виконує вправу 3, стор. 123 під контролем вчителя. Мета – перевірити розуміння тексту, розвивати мовленнєві навички учнів. T: Group A, you have to work in pairs. Your task is to make up dialogues using questions of Ex.2, p. 123. Exercise 2, page 123 1. What did the Brights do last Sunday? 2. Where did they go first? What did they buy there? 3. Did the Brights go to the bakery or to the butcher`s? 4. Did Susie want to carry the things or not. 5 What made Susie happy? T: Group В, you you have to do the task. Some sentences are true according to the text, some sentences are false and some information is not given. Mark if the sentences are true, false or not given. 1. The Brights did shopping last Sunday. 2. They liked to go shopping very much. 3. The family visited the greengrocer’s, bakery, and confectionary. 4. Susie put the vegetables and fruit in a big basket. 5. Next, they went to the supermarket. 6. Susie’s mother put the bread, rolls and a cake into a trolley. 7. At the confectionary their daughter asked to buy her a big chocolate teddy bear. 8. Susie wanted to carry the things. 9. She put the things in her tiny paper bag. 10. It wasn’t good to do the shopping together. Key: 1-T; 2-NG; 3-T; 4-F; 5-NG; 6-T; 7-NG; 8-T; 9-T; 10-F. . T: Group A, you have to work in pairs and make up dialogues on the text. You can use Ex. 2, p. 123. T: Group C, do Ex.3, p. 123. Read and say: - who went shopping last Sunday; - who had a big basket; - what Susie had in her hands; - which shops the family visited; - what things the Brights bought that day; - why it is good to do the shopping together. 8. Робота над граматичними структурами в Present Perfect Grammar Review T: Read the postcard and pay attention to the grammar tense used in it. Dear Dad, We’ve been in New York since Sunday. We’ve seen all the sights and I’ve taken lots of photos. And of course, we’ve been shopping. I haven’t bought very much, but Suzie has spent a fortune on presents. She’s gone to Century 21, a huge clothes shop. She’s been there for hours! She’s just sent me a text message. She’s tried on four pairs of trainers and six jackets! Love Amanda P.S. Have you fed my fish? T: What grammar tense does Amanda use? Study the information on the screen. Complete the examples from the postcard. (A slide is displayed on the screen) Present Perfect a ![]() W ![]() S ![]() n ![]() I ![]() i ![]() ![]() ![]() T: Underline more examples of Present Perfect in the postcard. Look at the information on the screen. Let’s review when we use Present Perfect? (A slide is displayed on the screen) LEARN THIS!
T: Complete the text messages between Suzie and Amanda. Use the Present Perfect form of the verbs in brackets. 1 ![]() ![]() 2 ![]() ![]() 3 ![]() ![]() 4 ![]() ![]() 9.Домашнє завдання. Homework. Group A: Make a report about shopping in a supermarket. Write 10 sentences about your shopping habits. Group B: Ex.4, p. 125(read, complete and act out a dialogue) Group C: Ex. 4, p. 125(read and complete the dialogue) 9. Підведення підсумків. Summarizing. T: Was interesting for you to talk about shops and shopping? Which activities have we done? Which activities do you like best? Your marks are… Biblography 1.Alla Nesvit “We Learn English 6” 2. Газета «English» №35 2009, (стаття О. Масловської « Texts for reading») 3.”Solutions” Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book |
Магазини і покупки. Ми йдемо купувати Мета: практична – систематизувати лексико-граматичні знання учнів з теми “Магазини і покупки” англійською та німецькою мовами |
5: Одяг. Покупки |
Фонд Освітніх та Інформаційних Технологій Оголосите змінні, необхідні для обчислення вартості покупки, що складається з декількох зошитів, олівців і лінійки |
«Електронні послуги у сфері купівлі продажу (Інтернет-аукціони, Інтернет-магазини)» Мета роботи: ознайомитись та описати роботу Інтернет-аукціонів та Інтернет-магазинів |
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