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Джерела довідкової літератури

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Джерела ілюстративного матеріалу

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www.bbc.com, John Petersberg

In July 2007 the Cabinet of Ministers approved a new space program for 2008-2012. Under the program, outlays for innovative activity are to increase up to UAH 300M. [$1 = UAH5.05 – A.B.] For the national space industry this may be a step from stagnation to forward movement. However, this sum is far smaller than in the countries that develop their space technologies more intensively. What achievements can be expected in the near future? Can space rocketry technologies become a locomotive of innovative development? What are the priorities of Ukraine’s astronautics? The key to answers is the awareness of the role played nowadays by space research and technology.
The modern world is witnessing rapid changes in astronautics, with pragmatism dominating the space activities of the major space nations. The general trend is “astronautics to serve economy”. In other words, governments fund space projects that promise consumers immediate and tangible effects. Aerospace companies are increasingly oriented at new consumer-oriented markets (telecommunications, navigation, weather forecasting, etc.). This fact plus “space tourism” and commercialization of space technologies produce an impression that astronautics is becoming just one of industries where results are translated into currencies and where space launches are becoming just a part of modern transport systems like modernized electric trains.
From this angle, new lunar exploration and interplanetary travel projects may seem paradoxical. Notably, such projects are announced by a dozen countries that have only just joined the space club. The EXPLORATION initiative that envisions flights to the Moon and Mars has an impressive number of participant countries, and more than 70 countries have subscribed to the GEOSS system. It looks like space explorers are confident in tremendous prospects, caring less about inevitable costs and failure risks. So far, the costs are covered by taxpayers while the share of commercial projects is rather modest. Many governments count on practical yields from long-term and very costly space research projects, and such reasons as “prestige” or international authority are secondary.
1. Information Society and Astronautics
The term “postindustrial society” came into being in the 1960s. In a postindustrial society information becomes the basic industrial resource whereas in “pre-industrial” and “industrial” societies the main resources were raw materials and energy respectively. Processing takes the place of extraction and manufacture. In terms of technology, science intensiveness takes the place of labor intensiveness and capital input. Hence, the well-known formula: “pre-industrial society is interaction with nature; industrial society is interaction with nature transformed by man; postindustrial society is human interaction”. According to D. Bell, in postindustrial economies priorities shift from production of commodities to production of services, research, organization of education, and welfare; the class of technicians becomes the basic professional group; innovative implementations increasingly depend on advances in theoretical knowledge.
In this regard, astronautics is the most “postindustrial” branch where all components, including the production one, serve one priority: acquisition of new knowledge and information.
At the dawn of the space era, this role was not even forecast. Outer space was seen as a field with unique research opportunities and a new resource base. Tsiolkovsky would have been surprised to know that the first commercial application of space technology was space telecommunications followed by navigation and geo-positioning services and surface sensing.
In the globalizing world, where demand for space information is growing and space services are increasingly commercialized, the value of space monitoring data becomes higher. Climate change research, estimation of damage from elemental and man-caused disasters, early emergency warning, management of natural resources, agriculture, and geological prospecting are the basic but not the only areas where space monitoring data already have practical applications. “Sustainable development is impossible without adequate information about the Earth’s surface,” says the resolution adopted by the WSSD in Johannesburg in 2002.
This motto is being materialized through the intergovernmental initiative GEOSS and its European component GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security). To implement these space monitoring initiatives, it is necessary to create a system of space-based systems. Those available today are unable to cope with the problems of environmental security. One of the feasible solutions lies through creation of cooperative consortiums that would comprise science, space- and surface-based surveillance systems, modeling, and organization of services. It means formation of a new type of data systems where the space segment is the basis predetermining a quality breakthrough in solving vital earthly problems.
2. Innovative Potential of Astronautics
There are about 40 key macro-technologies that determine a country’s economic level. Experts maintain that aerospace technologies top this list, owing to their powerful innovative impact. The development of aviation in the 20th century gave a strong impetus to radiolocation, light heat-resistant alloys, composite materials, digital engineering, engine-building, and navigation systems. The revolutionary impacts from modern astronautics are not less significant as they set the highest requirements to technologies and produce the highest innovative effects.
Not only analysts, but also political leaderships are aware of this fact and the term “space policy” has become conventional. In April, the European Commission and the European Space Agency presented their joint document – The European Space Policy – to the European Parliament. The document defines space technology as an instrument of competitiveness in the EU-US space race, envisions constantly increasing spending on new space projects, and correlates space activity tasks with political priorities. It places emphasis on space projects that are supposed to radically facilitate top priority tasks.
Astronautics is no longer just one of important branches determining a nation’s technological and defense potentials. A nation’s space activity is an essential prerequisite for its competitiveness as it is the most powerful internal source and factor of development and sustainability.
In this context, the EXPLORATION initiative is quite indicative, although it involves activities that may seem far from practically applicable.
This initiative consists in a coordinated system of space research from the circumterrestrial orbit and the near space to planets of the Solar System and farther astrophysical objects. It proclaims a new era of man’s presence beyond the Earth. After U.S. President George Bush suggested a “New Vision of Space Research” in October 2004, the leading space nations set up a working group to develop a joint strategy of space research. In late May 2007, 14 space agencies (including Ukraine’s) published a document titled “Global Research Strategy – Coordinating Principles”. It contains conceptual provisions regarding the objectives, tasks, and organization of joint complementary actions of the space nations. The signatories differed on the tactics, pace, and technological priorities, but they managed to work out common approaches to their future cooperation.
The document substantiates the necessity of exploring objects of the Solar System and “returning to the Moon”. The gist of this impressive international initiative is in a technological breakthrough along the most important destiny-making directions. One of them is the development of energy generation and accumulation technologies. Other directions are new means of transport, communications, navigation, robotics, and medicine.
The new program is also supposed to yield significant social effects. Space research is a powerful stimulator for the younger generation in setting career goals and matching them with vocations. Innovative development is not only a technological issue. It is also an important social problem, because effective education, proper conditions for creative work, and strong incentives for innovation are no less important than funding.
These aspects of innovative development explain why nearly a dozen countries are developing their lunar programs and why space programs stand prominent in their economic development strategies.
3. Necessity of New Approaches to Space Activity
Space technologies have a revolutionizing impact on defense, telecommunications, and fundamental space research. The dawn of the new millennium is witnessing a new quality of space activity and a rapid transition from the demonstration stage to targeted use of spatial resources. The space industry functions by the laws of real economy and the criteria of its efficiency are socioeconomic and technological outputs. Therefore, the space policy is among the top priorities in the developed nations’ policies.
The global development trends require that Ukraine search for its niche in space markets and for its part in the international division of labor. Ukraine objectively belongs to the club of space nations – not only by formal characteristics of its space potential, but also by the proven capability of implementing modern space projects, including the unique international project Sea Launch. Having renounced its nuclear arsenal, Ukraine retains its strategic weight in the world largely thanks to space technologies. Access to space objectively enhances Ukraine’s concernment in relations with its strategic partners and in its integration with European structures. Its space activity can and must become an instrument of its active regional policy.
The central problem in formulating the national space policy is harmonization of external factors with actual economic demands, scientific and technological development, security and defense, and social expectations. This can only be achieved through sustainable development of the country as a whole. At the same time, the available space technologies and craft and those being developed can determine feasible ways of ensuring national security, effective managerial solutions, optimal use of natural resources, further fundamental research, etc.
It is objectively impossible to solve a number of serious problems without using space means and data. The national space rocketry potential allows for effective solutions, but its structure and capabilities are below actual demands, thus limiting the search for optimal ways of developing Ukraine’s space activity.
In particular, the charged industrial branches have to undergo serious structural transformations. Another problem is that long-term projects, which are astronomically expensive, have limited budgets due to the country’s economic condition. Besides, none of them is feasible unless the leadership and taxpayers realize the vital need of using space technologies for solving essential economic and social problems.
4. 2008-2012 Space Program: Prospects for Intensive Development
A balanced national space program could solve most of the problems. Its success depends on adequate assessment of the actual state of the space branch and on innovative approaches.
The program approved by the government is yet to pass hearings in the new parliament. Its authors initially considered several variants of space activity. An expert analysis showed steady negative tendencies which, unless reversed, would lead to gradual (within 10-15 years) curtailment of Ukraine’s space activity. One of the variants consisted in intensive development and looked the most desirable for rapid development of space technology. Having considered GDP growth forecasts, the actual status of the space branch, and social expectations, the authors finally opted for this variant. It should be understood, however, that there are certain prerequisites for successful development of this branch, and these involve four interconnected fields of activity:
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ДИПЛОМНА РОБОТА На тему: «День вчителя,вечеря на 40 осіб»
Характеристика бенкету

Дипломна робота
Дипломна робота містить сторінки, 27 таблиць, 18 рисунків, список використаних джерел із найменувань, додатків
Професійна підготовка учнів старших класів засобами інноваційних технологій на уроках трудового навчання 1
Органи прокуратури їх значення і роль у здійсненні контрольно-наглядових функцій державних органів влади в Україні
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Техніко – криміналістичне дослідження підроблених документів на право водіння, володіння і користування автотранспортом”
Фактори, що визначали стан, структуру та динаміку злочинності в 2001 р виглядають наступним чином
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