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Жубинська Маріанна Ігорівна

вчитель англійської мови

вищої категорії

гімназії «Ерудит»

Урок англійської мови у 8 класі
Тема: Спорт

Мета: Навчальна

  • Вивчення нових слів до теми; активізація засвоєної лексики; вивчення вживання прийменників з новими словами;навчитися розуміти значення нових слів з контексту;


  • Розвиток фонетичних навичок, навичок розуміти прослуханий та прочитаний текст, навичок діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, працювати індивідуально та в парах, навичок презентувати підготовлений матеріал;


  • Виховання здорового способу життя.

Матеріали: використання інтерактивної дошки \слайдова програма\, роздатковий матеріал.
Хід уроку

1. Організаційний момент. Перевірка наявності необхідних предметів у учнів.

2. Повідомлення теми та цілей уроку.

3. Слово вчителя

Sports and physical activities are crucial for a long healthy living. Sports and games improve our health and well-being, extend the life expectancy, and reduce the likelihood of such health problems as heart disease. Regular physical activities are essential for physical, mental, psychological, and social development. Good habits start early in childhood. The importance of physical education is demonstrated by the fact that children who exercise are more likely to stay physically active as adults. Sports plays a major role in our emotional health; sorts also build valuable social connections, offering opportunities for play, self-expression, and renewal of the spirit.

4. Мовленнєва зарядка

I would like to propose you some quotations. Comment them.

-If winning isn`t everything, why do they keep the score? Vince Lombardi

-If you watch the game, it`s fun. If you play in it, it`s recreation. Bob Hope

-Sports do not build character. They reveal it. Heywood Brown
5.Перевірка домашнього завдання \ в. 40, стр. 276 \

Учні повторюють вживання прийменників, які вживаються з вивченими дієсловами

6. Перевірка усного домашнього завдання.

Учні підготували проекти про Олімпійські ігри та Євро-2012

UEFA European Football Championship - the main competition of national teams, which is under the patronage of the UEFA every 4 years since 1960, and alternates with the World Cup. By 1968 Euro was called "European Nations Cup."

December 11, 2009 and October 4, 2010 after meeting the Executive Committee was adopted the final decision on the distribution of matches host cities in Ukraine and Poland to hold Euro-2012. In Ukraine, the tournament host four cities: Kyiv, Donetsk, Lviv and Kharkiv. The right to hold the European Championship Final will take Kiev NSK "Olympic". In Poland, the tournament host and four cities: Warsaw, Poznan, Gdansk and Wroclaw. The opening match will take Warsaw "National".
The Olympic Games

  • The Olympic Games is a major international event featuring summer and winter sports, in which thousands of athletes participate in a variety of competitions. The Olympic Games have come to be regarded as the world’s foremost sports competition where more than 200 nations participate. The Games are currently held every two years, with Summer and Winter Olympic Games alternating, although they occur every four years within their respective seasonal games.

  • Originally, the ancient Olympic Games were held in Olympia, Greece, from the 8th century BC to the 4th century AD. Baron Pierre de Coubertin founded the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1894. The IOC has since become the governing body of the Olympic Movement, whose structure and actions are defined by the Olympic Charter.

  • The Ancient Olympic Games were a series of competitions held between representatives of several city-states and kingdoms from Ancient Greece, which featured mainly athletic but also combat and chariot racing events. During the Olympic games all struggles against the participating city-states were postponed until the games were finished.

The most widely accepted date for the inception of the Ancient Olympics is 776 BC; this is based on inscriptions, found at Olympia, of the winners of a footrace held every four years starting in 776 BC. The Ancient Games featured running events, a pentathlon (consisting of a jumping event, discus and javelin throws, a foot race and wrestling), boxing, wrestling, pankration, and equestrian events. Tradition has it that Coroebus, a cook from the city of Elis, was the first Olympic champion.

  • Greek interest in reviving the Olympic Games began with the Greek War of Independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1821. It was first proposed by poet and newspaper editor Panagiotis Soutsos in his poem "Dialogue of the Dead", published in 1833. Evangelis Zappas, a wealthy Greek-Romanian philanthropist, first wrote to King Otto of Greece, in 1856, offering to fund a permanent revival of the Olympic Games.

  • From 241 participants representing 14 nations in 1896, the Games have grown to about 10,500 competitors from 204 countries at the 2008 Summer Olympics.The scope and scale of the Winter Olympics is smaller. For example, Turin hosted 2,508 athletes from 80 countries competing in 84 events, during the 2006 Winter Olympics.During the Games most athletes and officials are housed in the Olympic village.

  • Created by Pierre de Coubertin in 1914, the Olympic flag contains five interconnected rings on a white background. The five rings symbolize the five significant continents and are interconnected to symbolize the friendship to be gained from these international competitions. The rings, from left to right, are blue, yellow, black, green, and red. The colors were chosen because at least one of them appeared on the flag of every country in the world. The Olympic flag was first flown during the 1920 Olympic Games.

Учні розповідають, використовуючи інтерактивну дошку

7. Подача нового матеріалу

Вивчення нових слів(використання інтерактивної дошки, роздатковий матеріал)

Entire, to require, in a non-judgmental way, to channel excess energy, in combination with smth, in particular, the maturation of smth, to develop greater self-confidence, to push boundaries, to gain a sense of achievement
Робота з новими словами:

-Розуміння значень слів з контексту

-Виконання завдання (роздатковий матеріал, інтерактивна дошка)

A. Вставити cловосполучення в потрібному місці в тексті
Taking care of the house of you

Many people take pride in … . Choosing just the right paint colours and furniture style helps bring their entire home into focus. Think of your body like home - … , your `beautiful home`. It requires love and attention, and when you give it these things, you bring your body into focus.

Being a teenager is a challenging time. The practice of yoga …. And your true self in a non-judgmental way, and find ways to channel your excess energy more productively.

Yoga is performed by a flow of Asanas ( poses ) in combination with breath work and deep concentration. One of the noticeable benefits or this practice is … . In particular, yoga can be a great support for the maturation of your inner organs. You will begin to feel more comfortable in physical strength and health.

Besides, the practice can be a wonderful and … . As you practise, you become aware of your own body`s intelligence, and of the focused, attentive power. You`ll develop greater self-confidence by discovering your inner resources, which will definitely help you deal with the dynamic daily experiences. Yoga can provide you with a way to connect with yourself, … . The practice of yoga offers you a healthy, challenging way to experiment, to push boundaries, and gain a sense of achievement in a non-competitive environment.

- your body is your temple

-the overall feeling of well-being

-decorating their homes

-can make your body more muscular

-can help you get to know you’re your body

-and with the beauty within and around you

-fun way of practicing discipline

B. Вставити необхідні прийменники
1. To take pride …

2. To bring smth … focus

3. To think … smth like smth else.

4. To be performed …

5. … combination …

6. To feel comfortable… smb`s physical strength and health

7. A great support … smth

8. To develop a greater sense … self-confidence … doing smth

9. To deal … smth

10. To provide smb … smth

8. Мовленнєва практика.

- Назвіть якнайбільше:

Summer sports and games

Sports done all the year round

Items of sports equipment

-опишіть одну з цих ігор



Table tennis

ice hockey




- учням пропонуються речення, в яких є незнайоме слово, вони повинні зрозуміти з його значення з пояснень.

  1. Ukrainian competitors were finally recognized internationally after World War II

To recognize means

  1. To know who someone is

  2. To officially accept that someone has legal or official authority

  3. To officially and publicly thank someone for smth they have done

2. In the 1956 Melbourne games, 34 Ukrainian athletes seized fourteen gold, four silver and eleven bronze medals.

To seize means

  1. To take hold of something suddenly and violently

  2. to take control of something suddenly and quickly, using military force

  3. to take legal possession of something

3. Volodymyr Holubnychy, a walker from Sumy, was the first Ukrainian track and field athlete to carry off a gold Olympic medal

To carry off means

  1. To make an official arrangement to do something or to use something at a later time

  2. to do something difficult successfully

  3. to hold something in your hand or arms, or support it as you take it somewhere

4. An outstanding sprinter in the 100m run, Valeriy Borzov, was recognized as an Olympiad hero.

A hero means

  1. A man who is admired for doing something extremely brave

  2. the man or a boy who is the main character in a book

  3. a man who is admired very much for a particular skill or quality

9. Граматичний матеріал

The Subjunctive Mood (інтерактивна дошка )

Constructions with the verb WISH

The Subjunctive mood is used in subordinate clauses after the verb WISH to express wishes about the situations that exist at the present time and about the situations that existed in the past.

I wish + Past Simple

I wish + Past Perfect

A conditional sentence is a complex sentence with a subordinate clause of condition with the conjunction if. They are usually divided into three main types: a) structure with real condition;

b) structure with unreal condition referring to the present or to the past; c) structure with unreal condition referring to the past.

If Present Simple \ Future Simple

If Past Simple \ Future in the Past

If Past Perfect \ would have V3

Учні виконуть письмово переклад речень.

Card 1

1. Якщо б хороший тренер тренував нашу команду, ми б вчора виграли кубок.

2. Якщо спортсмени не будуть тренуватись, вони не зможуть ставити нові рекорди.

3. Якщо б бадмінтон був таким популярним як футбол стадіони були б заповнені болільниками.

4. От якби мені виграти у цій грі.

Card 2

1. Якщо б я не любив так сильно коней, я б не займався конним спортом.

2. Якщо б Том не був таким хворим минулого тижня, він прийняв би участь у змаганні.

3. Якщо б Ганна захоче прийняти участь у змаганні, вона виграє приз.

4. От якби я вмів грати в теніс та їздити верхи.
Card 3

1. Якщо б ви ходили до спортивного залу та займалися б гімнастикою, ви б почувались краще.

2. Якщо я буду спортсменом, я прийматиму участь у великих змаганнях і, можливо, виграю.

3. Якщо б вчора ти розповів своїм друзям про свій улюблений вид спорту, вони б розповіли б тобі про свій.

4. Якщо твоя команда виграє кубок, я буду пишатися тобою.
Card 4

  1. Якщо б я була твоїм тренером, я б примушувала тебе багато займатися.

  2. Якщо Ран бігатиме скоріше, він буде в нашій команді.

  3. Якщо б вчорашній матч тривав би довше, гравці мали б шанс виграти.

  4. Шкода, що я вчора не ходив на футбольний матч.

Card 5

  1. Якщо б Ніна думала б про себе, вона б зайнялась би спортом та проводила б багато часу на свіжому повітрі.

  2. Якщо Гері буде грати з нами, ми переможемо.

  3. Якщо б Люсі пішла б з нами на концерт вчора, ми відвезли б її додому.

  4. Шкода, що я запізнився вчора на матч.

10. Домашнє завдання та інструктаж.

Стр. 176, впр. 38 письмово.

11. Оцінки.

12. Висновки учнів.

Учні відповідають на запитання:

What have you learnt, what can you do now?

користуючись інтерактивною дошкою, продовжують речення:
Talk about the role of …

Talk about popular…

Share the information about…

Inform others about…

Understand …

Use …

Find the right explanation to …


13. Висновок вчителя

I hope you understand the importance of sport in your life and you will train your willpower as well as muscles, because sports train both our body and spirit. As it is said : “A sound mind in a sound body”


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