Insurance management
Type of course (mandatory, elective)
ECTS credits
Student workload
6 weeks,
36 hours in class
120 hours (18 h. lectures, 18 h. seminars, 84 h. self-study time)
Requirements for participation
Type of exam (oral, written, term paper etc.)
Methods of teaching and learning (lecture, seminars etc.)
Course Coordinator
Lectures, once a week;
seminar / discussion, once a week.
Lectures, seminars, discussions on the basis of lecture materials and students’ reading, presentations, project work, Internet search, self-study activities, tests, case studies.
Galina Kramarenko, Doctor of Science, Professor
Learning outcomes
The students will have an ability to analyze complex data on the activities of insurers to take decisions in insurance management.
By the end of the course the students should be able to:
- develop the mission, goals and strategic objectives of the insurer;
- justify the rational management structure of the insurance company;
- organize the budgeting process of the insurance company;
- research the insurance market;
- research the demand for insurance services and organize an effective system of selling;
- draw up insurance contracts and monitor their implementation;
- execute insured events and calculate the proper amount of insurance payments to victims;
- analyze the activities of the insurer and propose measures aimed at their improvement;
- determine the adequacy of insurance reserves for obligations to policyholders;
- determine direction of the effective use of insurance reserves and temporarily usable own funds of the insurer;
- ensure control over the financial reliability of the insurance company;
- verify the correctness of insurers’ financial transactions;
- carry out the financial monitoring of the insurance company.
Module 1. Theoretical fundamentals of insurance management
The essence and importance of insurance management
Resource potential, structure and management of the insurance company
Planning in the insurance company
Communication and information services of insurance management
Module 2. Areas of insurance management
Management of marketing activity in the insurance business
Management of insurance risk selection
Settlement of insurance claims
Management of insurers’ cash flows
Management of financial reliability of the insurer
Financial monitoring of insurance companies
Compulsory reading
Страховий менеджмент: підручник / [С.С. Осадець, О.В. Мурашко, В.М. Фурман та ін.]; за наук. ред. д-ра екон. наук, проф. С.С. Осадця. – К.: КНЕУ, 2011. – 333 с. – базовий підручник
Супрун А.А., Супрун Н.В. Страховий менеджмент. Навч. посіб. Львів: Магнолія, 2010.
Recommended reading
Леонов Д. А. Фінансовий моніторинг у небанківських фінансових установах : навч. посіб. / Д. А. Леонов, С. М. Яровий. – К. : УІРФР, 2006.
Internet Resources
Офіційний сайт Національної комісії, що здійснює державне регулювання у сфері ринків фінансових послуг. Режим доступу:
Офіційний сайт журналу «Фориншурер». Режим доступу:
Офіційний сайт Ліги страхових організацій України. Режим доступу:
Financial risk management
Type of course (mandatory, elective)
ECTS credits
Student workload
10 weeks,
30 hours in class
90 hours (20 h. lectures, 10 h. seminars, 60 h. self-study time)
Requirements for participation
Type of exam (oral, written, term paper etc.)
Methods of teaching and learning (lecture, seminars etc.)
Course Coordinator
Lectures, once a week;
seminar / discussion, once a week.
Lectures, seminars, discussions on the basis of lecture materials and students’ reading, presentations, project work, Internet search, self-study activities, tests, case studies.
Viktoria Varenyk, Candidate of Science, Associate Professor
Learning outcomes
The students will have an ability to analyze the given data about financial risks and find solutions to manage financial risks.
By the end of the course the students should be able to:
- quantify the financial risk;
- carry out qualitative and quantitative analysis of financial risk;
- develop measures to reduce financial risk;
- use the existing economic and mathematical models taking into account risk factors;
- build models of risk management for decision-making.
Module 1. Theoretical Foundations of Financial Risk Management
Risk as an economic category
The system of quantitative assessment of financial risk
Analysis of financial risk
Theoretical aspects of financial risk
Methods to reduce the degree of financial risk
Module 2. Practical aspects of financial risk management
Financial risk management of entities
Investment management and risk
Consideration of financial risk in management decisions
The system of financial risk management at the enterprise
Compulsory reading
Донець Л.І. Обгрунтування господарських рішень і оцінювання ризиків. Навч. посіб. / Л.І. Донець. – К.: ЦУЛ, 2012. – 464 с.
Старостіна А.А. Ризик-менеджмент / А.А.Старостіна, Кравченко . – К.: Кондор, 2007. – 376 с.
Recommended reading
Вітлінський В.В. Аналіз, моделювання та управління економічним ризиком. [Навч.-метод. посібник для самост. вивч. дисц.]. / В.В.Вітлінський, П.І.Верченко. – К.: КНЕУ, 2001. – 360 с.
Пікус Р.В. Управління фінансовими ризиками: Підручник. / Р.В. Пікус. – К.: Знання 2010. – 560 с.
Пікус Р.В., Приказюк Н.В. Управління фінансовими ризиками: Робочий зошит. / Р.В. Пікус. – Кам'янець-Подільський: Аксіома, 2010. – 160 с.
Financial management (base)
Type of course (mandatory, elective)
ECTS credits
Student workload
10 weeks,
40 hours in class
150 hours (20 h. lectures, 20 h. seminars, 110 h. self-study time)
Requirements for participation
Type of exam (oral, written, term paper etc.)
Methods of teaching and learning (lecture, seminars etc.)
Course Coordinator
Lectures, once a week;
seminar / discussion, once a week.
Lectures, seminars, discussions on the basis of lecture materials and students’ reading, presentations, project work, Internet search, self-study activities, tests, case studies.
Svitlana Kuznetsova, Doctor of Economics, Full Professor
Learning outcomes
This course will introduce the fundamental basic knowledge of the financial decision-making process and the analysis of value creation, current discussions on corporate governance, ethical dilemmas, globalization of finance, strategic alliances and provide a more global perspective of financial management.
By the end of the course the students should be able to:
- design the financial management system in terms of the three major decision areas that confront the financial manager;
- generate the goal of the firm and summarize why shareholders' wealth maximization is preferred over other goals;
- calculate, implement and evaluate both the future and present value of: (a) an amount invested today; (b) a stream of equal cash flows (an annuity); and (c) a stream of mixed cash flows;
- summarize interest factor tables and judge how they provide a shortcut to calculating present and future values;
- clarify risk and return in a portfolio context, and predict between individual security and portfolio risk;
- define and explain the capital-asset pricing model (CAPM), beta, and the characteristic line. Calculate a required rate of return using the capital-asset pricing model (CAPM);
- define, calculate, and categorize (according to liquidity, financial leverage, coverage, activity, and profitability) the major financial ratios and generate what they can tell us about the firm, a firm’s operating cycle and cash cycle;
- reflect, differentiate ratios to analyze a firm's health and then recommend reasonable alternative courses of action to improve the health of the firm, a firm’s return on investment (i.e., “earning power”) and return on equity using a DuPont approach;
- design and prepare a cash budget from forecasts of sales, receipts, and disbursements know why such a budget should be flexible;
- differentiate and describe the relationship between profitability, liquidity, and risk in the management of working capital.
Module 1.
Introduction to Financial management
The Time Value of Money
Risk and Return
Financial Statement Analysis
Funds Analysis, Cash-Flow Analysis, and Financial Planning
Overview of Working Capital Management
Required Returns and the Cost of Capital
Capital Structure Determination
Dividend Policy
Compulsory reading
Van Horne, Wachowicz (2008) Fundamentals of Financial Management/13th Edition, Pearson Education Limited.
Recommended reading
Kuznetsova S. (2014) Financial management,Kyiv, CUL
Brigham E.F., Gapenski L.C. (2003). Financial Management. Theory and Practice. 6h Edition, The Dryden Press
Stanley B. Block, Geoffrey A. Hirt, (2009). Foundations of Financial Management (Including accompanying Cases text) 13th ed., New York: McGraw Hill, Inc
Ross, Westerfield and Jordan (2008), Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 8th Edition, McGraw-Hill.