Methodology of finance and accounting scientific research
Type of course (mandatory, elective)
ECTS credits
Student workload
5 weeks,
30 hours in class
90 hours (20 h. lectures, 10 h. seminars, 60 h.
self-study time)
Requirements for participation
Type of exam (oral, written, term paper etc.)
Methods of teaching and learning (lecture, seminars etc.)
Course Coordinator
Lectures, two in one week;
seminar / discussion, two in one week.
Lectures, seminars, discussions on the basis of lecture materials and students’ reading, presentations, project work, Internet search, self-study activities, tests, case studies.
Svitlana Kuznetsova, Doctor of Economics, Full Professor
Learning outcomes
The students should know:
financial system forming thinking and theoretical systematization of financial knowledge of modern scientific achievements in the financial sector;
how to use advanced technologies, methods and techniques to the students to form a systemic vision of the evolution of the global financial opinions.
By the end of the course the students should be able to:
analyze the stages of the global financial opinion;
practical skills to be able to use the system to adapt to business needs in today's chaotic structured economy.
Module 1.
Monetarism: M. Friedman
Financial Economics
Quantitative Finance
Development of Private Finance
Development of financial opinion on the stock market
Behavioral Finance
Finances economic reforms
Compulsory reading
Льовочкін С.В. Фінансова думка України / Київ: Кондор – Тернопіль: Економічна думка. – 2008. – 513 с.
М. Фрідман: про кооперацію учасників вільного ринку – Режим доступу до сайту:
Роберт Енгл.The Most Riskiest Global Banks – Режим доступу до сайту: :
Snowdon, B., Vane, H.R. (1997) Modern Macroeconomics and Its Evolution from a Monetarist Perspective: An Interview with Professor Milton Friedman, MCB University Press, 2002.- Journal of Economic Studies, 24, 4, 191–221.
Recommended reading
George A. Akerlof. The Market for "Lemons":Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism // The Quarterly Journal of Economics, v.84, August 1970, p. 488 - 500.
М. Фрідман «Методологія позитивної економіки» (1953) (The Methodology of Positive Economics)
М. Фрідман «Гроші: кількісна теорія» (1968) («Money: the Quantity Theory»)
М. Фрідман «Professor Pigou's Method for Measuring Elasticities of Demand From Budgetary Data» The Quarterly Journal of Economics Vol. 50, No. 1 (Nov., 1935), p. 151 - 163.
Type of course (mandatory, elective)
ECTS Credits
1, 3
16 weeks,
60 hours in class
210 hours (40 h. lectures, 20 h. seminars, 150 h. self-study time)
Requirements for participation
Type of exam (oral, written, term paper etc.)
Methods of teaching and learning (lecture, seminars etc.)
Course Coordinator
Lectures, once a week seminar / discussion, once in two weeks.
Lectures, seminars, discussions on the basis of lecture materials and students’ reading, presentations, project work, Internet search, self-study activities, tests, case studies.
Andrіy Kuznetsov, Candidate of Science, Associate Professor
Learning outcomes
Students should acquire knowledge in the field of control and revision work, organization and methods of verification of financial and economic activities in the institutions, organizations and enterprises of different patterns of ownership.
By the end of the course the students should be able to:
organize work of Control and Inspection Department;
organize an audit of a particular enterprise;
formulate plans and programs of audits and inspections;
detect errors and irregularities, both to their relying on normative documents;
prepare the working documents of the auditor;
formulate inventory acts and acts of revision;
provide recommendations on elimination of revealed violations.
Module 1. Control and audit
Economic control, its subject and method
Organization and procedure of the control and revision work
The method and technique of checking accounting documents
Module 2 Control and audit
Control and inspection of money
Control and audit of settlement transactions
Control and revision of material values
Control and revision of the basic facilities and intangible assets
Control and revision of the production costs and the cost of products
Control and revision of revenue and financial results
Revision of equity funds and the financial state of the company
Control and revision of the status of accounting and reporting
Compulsory reading
1. Wall l. control and revision: Tutorial – 2-nd ed., pererob and Ext..: knowledge 2007-327 (basic textbook)
2. Control and revision: normative and practical materials.: educational guide/m. Novels, r. l. hamster, a. s. Moroz, v. Ozeran. – Lviv: Intellect-West, 2004. – 328 pp. (basic textbook)
Recommended reading
1. Germančuk p. k., Stefanyk, and b., Ruban n. State financial control: auditing and audit – k.: "AVT SEC 2004-424 c.
2. Usač. B. f. control and revision: tutorial – k.: Knowledge press, 2004-253 c.
International finance
Type of course (mandatory, elective)
ECTS credits
Student workload
1, 3
20 weeks,
60 hours in class
210 hours (40 h. lectures, 20 h. seminars, 150 h. self-study time)
Requirements for participation
Type of exam (oral, written, term paper etc.)
Methods of teaching and learning (lecture, seminars etc.)
Course Coordinator
Lectures, once a week;
seminar / discussion, once a week.
Lectures, seminars, discussions on the basis of lecture materials and students’ reading, presentations, project work, Internet search, self-study activities, tests, case studies.
Vakulich Maria, Candidate of Science, Associate Professor
Learning outcomes
By the end of the course the students should be able to:
– analyze current trends in global financial markets;
– investigate the regularities of formation and development of modern economies;
– assess the effects of changes in macroeconomic indicators on the economy of Ukraine quantitatively and qualitatively;
– apply economic laws to analyze problems related to the functioning of the modern economic and financial system.
Module 1. The nature and current state of international finance
Essence, structure and system of international finance
Globalization of world financial environment. Global financial crises
The international exchange market
The international securities market
International credit market
Module 2. The structural element of the system of international finance
Finance of multinational companies and their influence on world financial markets
International financial institutions and economic organizations
Financial and monetary policy of the European Union and peculiarities of the functioning of the European market
Ukraine in the global financial market
Compulsory reading
Dooley, Michael P., David Folkerts-Landau and Peter Garber (2003) – An Essay on the Revived Bretton Woods System, NBER Working Paper No. 9971
Dicks-Mireaux. Louis, Mauro Mecagni and Susan Schadler (2000) – Evaluating the Ef-fect of IMF Lending to Low-Income Countries, in: Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 61, pp. 495-526
Alesina, Alberto, Robert J. Barro and Silvana Tenreyro (2002) – Optimal Currency Ar-eas, NBER Working Paper No. 9072
Gertchev, Nikolay (2002) - The Case Against Currency Boards, in: The Quarterly Jour-nal of Austrian Economics, Vol. 5 (4), pp. 57-75
Krugman, Paul (1979) – A Model of Balance-of-Payments Crises, in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol. 11 (3), pp. 311-325
Fratzscher, Marcel (2003) – On Currency Crises and Contagion, in: International Jour-nal of Finance & Economics, Vol. 8 (2), pp. 109-129
Berkmen, Pelin and Eduardo A. Cavallo (2006) – Exchange Rate Policy and Liability Dollarization: An Empirical Study, draft working paper
Recommended reading
Booth, Laurence, Varouj Aivazian, Asli Demirgüc-Kunt and Vojislav Maksimovic (2001) – Capital Structures in Developing Countries, in: Journal of Finance, Vol. 56 (1); pp. 87-130.
Pagano, Marco, Ailsa A. Röell and Josef Zechner (2002) – The Geography of Equity Listing: Why Do Companies List Abroad?, in: The Journal of Finance, Vol.57 (6); pp. 2651-2694.
Meschi, Pierre-Xavier (2005) – Stock market valuation of joint venture sell-offs, in: Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 36 (6); pp.688-700.
Eden, Lorraine (2003) – A Critical Reflection and Some Conclusions on OLI, in: Cantwell, John and Rjneesh Narula (eds.): International Business and the Eclectic Para-digm: Developing the OLI Framework, Routledge, London and New York.
Markusen, James and Keith Maskus (2002) – Discriminating among alternative theories of the Multinational Enterprise, in: Review of International Economics, Vol. 10 (4); pp. 694-707.