«Я, моя сім’я, друзі!»

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Урок 18

Підтема: Symptoms of diseases

Мета: Закріпити та удосконалити вживання вивченої лексики в різних граматичних структурах; тренувати учнів в усному мовленні в ситуаціях наближених до реальних подій, практикувати вживання Past Indefinite в заперечних і питальних формах у мові учнів; проконтролювати сформованість навичок аудіювання; виховувати інтерес до вивчення англ. мови.

Обладнання: роздавально-дидактичний матеріал; магнітофон з записами тексту

Хід уроку
І. Підготовка до сприймання іншомовного тексту
Aim1. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

T: The topic of today’s lesson is “Symptoms of diseases”. By the end of the lesson you should be able to give advice and recommendations concerning one’s health, to make an interview.

2. Уведення в іншомовне середовище

The teacher pretends to be unwell to provoke ps’ to ask questions about his (her) health



T: I am really unwell today. What should you advice me to do?

Start with: You should/You shouldn’t
P1: You should measure your blood preasure

P2: have a rest

P3: …

P4: You shouldn’t conduct lesson

P5: be nervous

P6: work hard etc.
II. Основна частина уроку

Language work1. Перевірка знання ЛО та тренування у вживанні ЛО теми
Let’s check on your knowledge of the words learned at home. Your task is to complete the sentences

  1. A sick person that a doctor look after is…

  2. A person who treats sick people is…

  3. A place where sick person is kept is …

  4. A special car that takes people to a hospital is…

  5. A place where sick people buy medicine is…

  6. A person who treats people teeth is…

  7. A person who operates is…

  8. A disease that many people in a place have at the same time is…

2. Match the expressions with their Ukrainian variants.

1) have a headache a) мати нежить

2) have a temperature b) кашляти

3) have a closed up nose c) задихатися

4) have a cough d) мати хворе горло

5) be shook of breath e) мати біль у грудях

6) have a sore throat f) мати головний біль

7) have a pain in chest g) погано спати

8) have an earache h) мати хворе горло

9) can’t sleep well i) мати біль у шлунку

10) have a stomach-ache j) мати температуру
Grammar review

Vocabulary practice

2. Практикувати вживання виразів по темі в мові учнів та повторяти вживання Present Simple в заперечних формах

a) T: Using the expressions in the left column make up your own sentences in the negative form of Pr. Simple.

Speak about the stage of your health today (in chain)

Start with: I don’t…


b) T: Say how you felt yourselves yesterday using the same expressions given above in the negative form of Past Indefinite

Start with: I didn’t… (in chain)
c) Pair work.

T: Ask your partner how he(she) felt when he(she) was last ill.

Practice your skill in forming interrogative sentences of Past Indefinite and answers


Did you have … ? Yes, I did … I had

No, I didn’t… I didn’t have
3. Перевірка домашнього завдання та практикування в мовленні.
Check on homework

Group homework (2 групи)

T. It’s time to check on our homework

a) Let’s organize our work as follows
Oral practice Step I

I group  representatives of our local polyclinic. You are making a report on medical services given to our population

II group  representatives of a local hospital. You are making a report on medical services we can get.
b) Step II

You are present of the press-conference with the authorities

1) our hospital

2) our polyclinic

Ask questions about the work and medical services provided

Group I  questions to the Group II

Group II  Group I

Listening 4. Пред’явлення тексту для аудіювання
Treating a patient

Last autumn my friend caught cold. The poor girl felt sick. She ran a high temperature. I called a doctor.

When the doctor came she examined her throat, felt her pulse, listened to her heart and lings, measured her blood pressure.

My girl-friend complained that she had got a pain in her throat when she swallowed. Then the doctor wrote out a prescription for some medicine. The girl had to take a tablespoonful of medicine three times a day. After the doctor had left I went to the chemist’s to buy medicine.

She followed the doctor’s directions and in a week the girl felt much better. Soon the recovered.

  1. Pre-listening activity

  1. Fill in the expressions with right verbs (in written from)

    1. … a blood pressure

    2. … to the waist

    3. … a throat

    4. … lungs and heart

    5. … a high temperature

    6. … a pulse

    7. … a prescription

    8. … doctor’s directions

    9. … a tablespoonful of medicine

(measure strip, examine, listen to, take, feel, write out, follow, take)

  1. Answer the questions

    1. When were you last ill?

    2. Did you call a doctor?

    3. How long did you stay at home?

  1. While-listening activities

Circle the number of the expressions of the girl’s symptoms mentioned in the text

  1. a headache

  2. a stomachache

  3. a backache

  4. a high temperature

  5. a sore-throat

  6. a high blood pressure

  7. a heartache

  8. a closed nose

  9. an appendicitis

  10. an earache

  11. sore eyes

  1. Post-listening activity

  1. Answer the questions

    1. What is the text about?

    2. What symptoms did the girl have?

    3. Did she go to hospital or call a doctor?

    4. How did the doctor examine her?

    5. What helped the girl to recover?

  2. Group work

Put the events in the logical order

  1. I made an appointment with a doctor

  2. She examined girl’s throat, felt her pulse, listened to her lungs and heart.

  3. The poor girl felt sick

  4. My friend complained that it hurt her to swallow

  5. The doctor wrote out a prescription for medicine

  6. My friend was taken ill.

  7. It was flu

  8. She followed the doctor’s directions

  9. I went to the chemist’s to take medicine

  10. Soon she recovered.

Oral practice


5. Практикування учнів у непідготовлених висловлюваннях

Situations. Group work

І група: Your classmates are going on the excursion to Sofievka park in Uman. All pupils are in bus already but your best friend is still absent. You speak with her (him) over a mobile phone to find out the reason of absence.

Step 1: Act out the dialogue

Step 2: Inform your classmates that your friend is ill. Describe his (her) state of his (her) health
ІІ група You are mother. You worry much because your son feels very bad.

You phone to the polyclinics to call a doctor
Step 1: Dramatize the talk between a doctor and a mother

Step 2: The doctor tells about her last call to a sick boy.
III. Заключна частина уроку


  1. Дом. завдання

Write a letter to your friend (Ти на канікулах збирався поїхати до друга, який живе в іншому місті. Ти не зміг поїхати, бо захворів. Напиши про це в листі.)

Підсумки уроку

  1. What have we done today?

  2. What was difficult for you?

  3. What did you like and dislike?

Урок 19

ПідтемаDifferent diseases

Мета: ознайомити учнів з новою лексикою, активізувати її вживання у мовленні. Навчити давати поради.

Обладнання: роздавально-дидактичний матеріал, магнітофон із записами тексту.
Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприймання іншомовного мовлення.


  1. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

T: At today’s lesson some more new words and expressions on our topic. By the end of the lesson you will be able to analyze the disease, to identify the disease and its symptoms


  1. Уведення в іншомовне середовище

Forming pairs. T: You all receive a strip of paper with a part of a sentence. Your task is to find the second part of your sentence. Walk round the room looking for “your other half”. If you think you have found a partner stay together

What’s the


I should gargle

a throat

I am

quite ill

I have a high


The tooth gives

me a sharp pain

I consulted

the doctor

I need to call

a doctor

I have

a nasty headache

My nose

closed up

I caught


II. Основна часина уроку.

Check on homework

  1. Контроль домашнього завдання

  1. T: Work in pairs. Read your letter to your partner

  2. Make up short dialogue with your partner and represent it to the class

Why … not come?  ill  he had (+ symptoms)  it’s a pity
Presenting vocabulary

  1. Ознайомлення з новою лексикою

T: We have spoken much about symptoms. But very little about diseases that cause them.

What diseases do you know?



Heart attack











(учні навивають хвороби по-англійськи, якщо не знають, дають укр.. варіант, учитель –- англійський

Vocabulary Practice

  1. Активізація вживання ЛО теми в усному мовленні

  1. Pronunciation Drill. Фонетичне опрацювання лексики

T-Ps; P1-P2; P2-P3…









  1. Практикувати вживання ЛО теми

  1. match diseases and parts of the body

  1. migraine a) throat

  2. quinsy b) stomach

  3. food-poisoning c) head

  4. bronchitis d) lungs

  5. appendicitis e) disorder of nervous system

  6. insomnia f) appendix

  7. fracture g) a broken bone

  1. Read the expressions and translate them into Ukrainian

  1. a disease of lungs

  2. a disease of stomach

  3. a disease of throat

  4. a disease of appendix

  5. an infectious disease

  6. a catching disease

  7. a complication of flu

  8. a result of nervous disorder

  1. Say in English

  1. Бронхіт – це хвороба легень

  2. Кір – інфекційна хвороба

  3. Ангіна – хвороба горла

  4. Грип – заразна хвороба

  5. Пневмонія – ускладнення грипу

  6. Безсоння – результат нервового розладу

  7. Харчове отруєння – результат споживання зіпсованої їжі

  1. Практикування учнів у вживанні у мові вивченої лексики і структур

Match the symptoms and diseases

A man can’t swallow

he had a sore throat


A man feels weak

He has a stomachache

He’s eaten not fresh food


A man fell down some days ago. He has a sharp pain in his knee


A man has a high temperature and a terrible headache


A man is short of breath and he has a nasty cough

Flu (cold)

A man didn’t sleep a wink last night


A man has a sharp pain in the low right side


A man has a pain in his chest and high blood-pressure


b) Correct the following statements using one of the phrases:

You are wrong; You are mistaken

  1. We have a stomach-ache when having an insomnia

  2. She doesn’t feel any pain in her heart when she has a heart-attack

  3. It’s not dangerous to take care of a person who has got a catching disease

  4. If you have a sharp appendicitis you needn’t be operated on

  5. People usually have not got sneeze and caught when they have caught flu

  6. Probably you consult a dentist when you have food-poisoning

  7. When a man has a bronchitis he hasn’t got a nasty cough and short of breath

  8. You never have a sore throat when you have quinsy

  1. Make up your own sentences

T: You are a doctor

Give the right advice how to prevent oneself from different kinds of diseases

To prevent from






lung cancer


heart attack




eat much ice-cream

spend much time in crowded places

go out without a hat in cold weather

eat not fresh food

eat much chocolate

spend much time playing computer games

smoke too much

work hard

be nervous for a long time

  1. When people feel bad they call or go to the specialist. But before coming doctor people usually use the first aid measures to avoid some complications and to ease their unhealthy state.

Say what people do if

  1. they have a terrible headache

  2. they feel a pain in heart

  3. they can’t sleep at night

  4. they catch cold (flu)

  5. they have a toothache

  6. they have a pain in a chest

  7. they have a quinsy

  8. they have a fracture

You can use these expressions; you can add some other ones

Drink hot milk or tea with honey, take a sleeping pill, take a painkiller, gargle a throat, go to bed, go for a walk, go to a dentist, call a doctor

Oral practice

  1. Практикування учнів в непідготовлених висловлюваннях з опорою на текст та ЛО теми

Agree or disagree. Comment

Use the expressions: I agree…, I disagree…, because I think…, to my mind…, in my opinion…

  1. Your health shouldn’t be a concern for a doctor alone

  2. You shouldn’t take care of your health while you are healthy

  3. You should treat yourself when you are ill not go to the doctor

III. Заключна частина уроку

  • Learn words and expressions by heart

  • Read the text again at home and write down a plan of it in the form of questions

  • Speak about medical service in our district polyclinic.


  • What activities have we done today?

  • What do you like best of all?

  • What new information have you learned?
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