«Я, моя сім’я, друзі!»

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III. Home Assignment

Make up a dialogue

Evaluation. Comments

Урок 15

Project work

Aims and objectives:

  • to develop basic skills;

  • to develop socio-cultural competence;

  • to develop student's creativity.

Lesson Procedure

1. Warm up

The teacher says she is hungry and asks the students to recommend her a good place to eat in one sentence giving reasons for choosing the place.

2. Introducing the topic

  1. After the pupils have given their ideas, the teacher tells they are going to create a restaurant of their own and arrange the pupils in groups of 3-4 supplying them with necessary paper, markers, glue and telling that their special sand witches they have created at home must be on the menu. The teacher walks around the class facilitating and monitoring the process and helps if necessary.

  2. Each group presents their restaurant to the others. The teacher should encourage asking and answering questions.

  1. Home assignment Revising the material

  2. lesson summary Evaluation. Comments



Meals in Britain

Level 1

True or False.

  1. You've heard about all English meals.

  2. Today many people have light breakfast.

  3. Marmalade and jam are the same product.

  4. Jam is made from oranges.

  5. Visitors like English coffee.

  1. Many children take sandwiches to school from home.

Level 2

Complete the sentences.

1. When people have a traditional breakfast they have

, ,

  1. When people have a healthy breakfast they have

, ,

  1. For quick lunch they have

, ,
Level 3

Answer the questions.

  1. What do the British have with tea?

  1. Where can office workers have quick lunch?

  1. Where can schoolchildren have a hot meal?

Урок 16

Write a few sentences about traditional meals in your country.

Meals in Britain
The usual meals are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.

A traditional English breakfast is a very big meal - sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms... But nowadays many people keep healthy lifestyle and just have cereal with milk and sugar, or toast with marmalade, jam or honey. Marmalade and jam are not the same. Marmalade is made from oranges and jam is made from other fruit. The traditional breakfast drink is tea, which people have with cold milk. Some people have coffee, often instant coffee, which is made with just hot water. Many visitors to Britain find this coffee horrible.

For many people lunch is a quick meal. In cities there are a lot of sandwich bars, where office workers can choose the kind of bread they want, and then all sorts of salad and meat or fish to go in the sandwich. School-children can have a hot meal at school, but many just take a snack from home - a sandwich, a drink, some fruit, and perhaps some crisps.

Урок 17

Підтема: Medical service (Медичне обслуговування)
Мета: Ознайомити учнів з новою лексикою теми „Здоров’я”; практикувати учнів у читанні тексту з метою одержання нової інформації; ознайомити з вживанням модального дієслова Should; розвивати навики діал. та монол. Мовлення, розширити знання учнів по темі; розвивати в учнів здогадну та інтелектуальну гнучкість.

Обладнання: роздавально-дидактичний матеріал.

Хід уроку
І. Підготовка до сприймання іншомовного тексту
Aim 1. Повідомлення мети уроку.

T: Today w’ll starts to learn new topic. It is connected with our life from the first moment of our life.

By the end of the lesson you will learn new words and words expressions on the topic; be able to use topical words in speech on the topic. During the lesson you’ll practice your skill in reading and speaking

2. Уведення в іншомовне середовище

1) Brainstorming

T: What does a man need to be a success in life? Express your ideas:


  • a good education

  • a friendly family

  • true friends

  • much money

  • a well-paid job

  • rich parents

  • health… etc.

2) Puzzle

T: You are quite right. All points you have mentioned can be very important for your successful life. But one thing is most important, most precious.

You will guess what it is if you complete the puzzle. The first column on the grid will tell you the name of the topic we are going to discuss.
(Учні працюють в групах. Виграє група, яка перша розгадала puzzle)







  1. a piece of clothes for a head /hat/

  2. a part of a man’s body /ear/

  3. a relative /aunt/

  4. a wild animal /lion/

  5. an object for having meals /table/

  6. a place for living /house/

T: What is the name of the topic?

Ps: …

3) Робота з виразами про здоров’я

T: Let’s see what people say about health

a) Read and translate the expressions written on the blackboard

  • He who has not health has nothing

  • Health is not valued [‘vælju:d] till sickness comes

  • Health is better than wealth

  • Health is great riches

b) Answer the questions


  • Who has nothing?

  • When is health valued?

  • What is better than wealth?

  • What is great riches?

  • What is the most valuable thing for all people on earth?

II. Основна частина уроку
Presenting vocabulary 1. Ознайомлення з новою лексикою уроку за допомогою наочної, мовної здогадки, перекладу .












Closed up nose

To take medicine

To take temperature

To have (run) temperature

To examine a patient

To stay in bad

To gargle a throat




To measure blood pressure

Food poisoning

Prescribe medicine





Pronunciation drill

2. Фонетичне опрацювання лексики

a) читання за вчителем

b) читання слів учнями і переклад (in chain)
Vocabulary practice

3. Опрацювання лексики

a) T: Sort out all words and expressions into 4 groups according to the plan:

  • General notions

  • Diseases

  • Symptoms

  • Treatment

(Учні працюють в групах. Групи по черзі зачитують свої вирази, уточнюють, доповнюють)

b) Активізація вживання ЛО теми в усному мовлення.

1) Робота з підставними таблицями

T: make up your own sentences using substitutional tables

  • Symptoms





my mother

my friend











high temperature

terrible cough





  • Diseases




my mother

my friend



high temperature

nasty cough







when we










  • Treatment





my friend













stay(ed) in bed

take(took) a temperature

call(ed) a doctor

go (went) to hospital

take (took) medicine

drink (drunk) hot tea

  • Doctor’s actions

When a doctor






take (took) a temperature

measures(ed) blood-pressure

listens(ed) to lungs and heart

prescribes(ed) medicine

advices(ed) to take x-rays

to gargle the throat

to take medicine

to stay in bed

2) Practice
a) T  P

Вправи на питання-відповіді з метою закріплення вміння використовувати дану лексику в реченнях, ситуаціях.
Ask my questions

T-Ps What do(did) you feel when you have (had) flu?

How do(did) you treat when you … ?

What does (did) a doctor advice you … ?

b) P  P

Робота в парах. Складання міні-діалогів

Ask each-other questions using the target language.

Presenting grammar

3. Формулювання граматичних навичок

a) Вживання модального дієслова
should – слід інструкція вчителя.

shouldn’t – ну слід вживаємо коли даємо поради, пропозиції, висловлюємо побажання
b) Виконання вправ на активізацію дієслова should у мові учнів

1) Read and translate sentences into Ukrainian

  • You should stay in bed when you have a high temperature

  • A boy should go to a dentist when he has a toothache

  • She should gargle a throat when she has a sore-throat

  • Children shouldn’t go out when they catch flu

  • You shouldn’t miss the lesson when you are healthy

2) Read the sentences and circle Yes if the sentence is right, NO if it’s false.

  • A boy has a terrible headache

  1. He should go to bed and rest | YES NO

  2. He should play tennis | YES NO

  3. He should take a painkiller | YES NO

  4. He should listen to loud music | YES NO

  • A woman has caught flu

  1. She shouldn’t visit her friend | YES NO

  2. She shouldn’t stay at home | YES NO

  3. She shouldn’t go to a surgeon | YES NO

  4. She shouldn’t stay in bed | YES NO

Oral practice

4. Практикування учнів у вживанні модального дієслова SHOULD та ЛО теми в діал. мовленні
Pair work

Complete the dialogues

Act out the dialogue with your partner

Imagine your friend complains of his (her) feeling bad. Give him (her) a piece of advice using the modal verb “should”.

  1. I’ve got a terrible

(not to watch TV late)

  1. I’ve caught cold

(take a temperature first)

  1. I’ve got a stomachache

(examine your stomachache)

  1. I’ve got a sore-throat

(not to eat too much ice-cream)

  1. I’ve got a toothache

(wear a hat. It’s cold)

  1. I’ve got a toothache

(go to a dentists)

  1. Пред’явлення тексту для читання “Medical service”

If you want to be healthy you should take care of your health.

  1. Pre-reading activity

New expressions:

  • Are provided [prə’vaidid] – забезпечуватися

  • The network of - мережа

  • The prevention of disease [pri’venshn] - попередження хвороби

  1. While-reading activity

  1. Match the words in bold type with Ukrainian equivalents

Проблеми зі здоров’ям; слухати легені і серце; дотримуватися дієти; виписати рецепт; піклуватися про здоров’я

  1. Write down the sentences with a modal verb “should”

Medical service

Medical services are provided by the network of clinics, polyclinics and hospitals. The main principle of health protection is the prevention of disease. It is not a concern for doctors alone, but for everybody.

If you feel bad or you have some troubles with your health you should go to a specialist. In every polyclinic there are different doctors. They are surgeons, dentists, theraputists and so on

The doctor will feel your pulse, take your temperature, listen to your heart and lungs, examine your throat. Then he will prescribe you the treatment and write out a prescription for medicine.

Besides the doctor will give you certain directions as to your food and daily routine: to take a long rest, have regular meals, keep to a diet. After that you should go to the chemists and buy medicine.

  1. Post-reading activity

  1. answer the questions (текст відкритий)

  1. What are medical services provided by?

  2. What is the main principle of health protection?

  3. When should you go to a doctor?

  4. What should a doctor do when he comes to a sick man?

  5. Where should you go to by medicine?

  1. Choose the right variants to complete your sentences. (текст закритий)

  1. Medical services are provided by the network of

  1. schools

  2. hospitals and clinics

  3. cinemas and theatres

  1. The main principle of health protection is

  1. the prevention of disease

  2. the spreading of disease

  3. the treating of disease

  1. If you have some troubles with your health you should go to

  1. a teacher

  2. your parents

  3. a doctor

  1. When you come to the doctor he should

  1. examine you

  2. make you do exercises

  3. ask you to go out

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   23


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