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Korniychuk Y. M., Gaevskaya A. V. 2004. The first record of Aphallus tubarium (Rud., 1819) Poche, 1926 (Trematoda: Cryptogonimidae) in the Black Sea.Vestnik zoologii. 38 (2) : 79-80. ___________________________________________________________________________ UDC 576.89:595.122:597.536(262.5) THE FIRST record of Aphallus tubarium (Rud., 1819) Poche, 1926 (Trematoda: Cryptogonimidae) in the Black Sea Y. M. Korniychuk, A. V. Gaevskaya Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, 2 Nakhimov Av., Sevastopol 99011, Crimea, Ukraine Accepted 18 February 2003 The first record of Aphallus tubarium (Rud., 1819) Poche, 1926 (Trematoda: Cryptogonimidae) in the Black Sea. Korniychuk Yu. M., Gaevskaya A. V. – The trematode, Aphallus tubarium (Rud., 1819) Poche, 1926 is found in the new host, a pipefish, Syngnathus typhle L. (Pisces: Syngnathidae) caught near the Crimean Black Sea coast. Morphological description and figure of trematode are given. The genus Aphallus is recorded from the Black Sea for the first time. K e y w o r d s: trematode, fishes, the Black Sea, fauna, Aphallus tubarium, new records. Первая находка Aphallus tubarium (Rud., 1819) Poche, 1926 (Trematoda: Cryptogonimidae) в Черном море. Корнийчук Ю. М., Гаевская А. В. – Трематода Aphallus tubarium (Rud., 1819) Poche, 1926 зарегистрирована у нового для нее хозяина – иглы-трубкорота (высокорылой) Syngnathus typhle L. (Pisces: Syngnathidae), пойманной у берегов Крыма. Приводятся описание и оригинальный рисунок мариты. Род Aphallus впервые отмечается в Черном море. К л ю ч е в ы е с л о в а: трематоды, рыбы, Черное море, фауна, Aphallus tubarium, новые находки. Introduction Long-termed parasitological investigations of the Black Sea fishes have revealed a reach trematode fauna of these hosts (Gaevskaya et al., 1975). Nevertheless, we continue the research of the Black Sea fishes trematode fauna and obtain new results. In 1996 we dissected one specimen of the Black Sea pipefish, Syngnathus typhle (total length 310 mm, male), and found four gravid trematodes in its middle intestine. The detailed study of these specimens revealed that they belong to Aphallus tubarium (Rud., 1819) Poche, 1926. The representatives of genus Aphallus are unknown in the Black Sea, therefore, our finding is the first record of this genus from this sea. Below we describe the morphology of A. tubarium from the Black Sea. Aphallus tubarium (Rud., 1819) Poche, 1926 (fig. 1). M a t e r i a l s t u d i e d: slides № 22.1/1055.1 and 22.1/1055.2, the Black Sea, Sevastopol (Streletskaya Bay), December 18, 1996 (Korniychuk), host – pipefish, Syngnathus typhle L. Slides are held in the collection of the Institute of Biology of the southern Seas, NAS of Ukraine (Sevastopol). ![]() Fig. 1. Aphallus tubarium (Rud.,1819) Poche from the gut of the Black Sea pipefish Syngnathus typhle L. – general morphology (ventral view). Scale bar = 1 mm. D e s c r i p t i o n. Large trematodes; body elongated, slightly enlarged at level of ventral sucker. Tegument spined. Two groups of pigment granules at level of anterior margin of pharynx. Oral sucker rounded, terminal, aperture subterminal. Ventral sucker slightly smaller than oral one. Forebody is about 20 % of body length. Prepharynx short, pharynx rounded, oesophagus moderately long. Intestinal bifurcation in the middle of forebody. Caeca broad, extents to posterior extremity, terminate blindly. Testes two, rounded or oviform; tandem or slightly diagonal; may be contiguous; in posterior half of hindbody. Posterior testis is larger than the anterior one. Vesicula seminalis tubular, very long, coiled. Genital pore median; at level of anterior margin of acetabulum. Ovary three-lobed; median or submedian; pretesticular. Loops of uterus in hindbody are laterally to testes and also in post-testicular region (testes may also be separated by uterine loops) and pre-ovarian region. Uterus forms the cross loops above level of ovary, these loops dorsal to seminal vesicle. Eggs fine; extremely numerous. Vitellarium follicular; in lateral fields, dorsal to caeca; from level of middle of seminal vesicle to anterior boundary of posterior testis. M e a s u r e m e n t s (mm). Body length 2,553 – 3,243; body width 0,552; oral sucker 0,152 – 0,179 х 0,193 – 0,221; ventral sicker (diameter) 0,152 – 0,166; pharynx (diameter) 0,097 – 0,110; anterior testis 0,317 – 0,386 х 0,290 – 0,317; posterior testis 0,345 – 0,400 х 0,290 – 0,386; ovary 0,207 – 0,276 х 0,207 – 0,386; eggs (n = 12) 0,19 – 0,022 х 0,008 – 0,011; body length : body width ratio 4,63 – 5,88; oral sucker length : ventral sucker length ratio 1,0 – 1,2 : 1; oral sucker width : ventral sucker width ratio 1,16 – 1,33 : 1; forebody (% of the body-length) 17 – 19; post-testicular space (% the of body-length) 10 – 13. D i s c u s s i o n. The morphology of Black Sea specimens is very similar to that of the Mediterranean A. tubarium described by Bartoli & Bray (1987) and Dollfus (1952); it also corresponds to the description of Adriatic forms of this species given by Janiszewska (1953). The main difference is the position of the posterior boundary of vitellarium fields (they are less extensive in the Black Sea worms). Worth noting also what a small space approximately at the level of the ovary separating two groups of vitellaria on the two sides of the body presents in description of Janiszewska (1953) and Dollfus (1952) but is barely visible on our specimens. Nevertheless, it is difficult to evaluate the taxonomic significance of these features because we have got only four individuals from the Black Sea. These specimens have relatively bigger gonads than those described by Janiszewska (1953) and Bartoli & Bray (1987). The Mediterranean fishes of Sciaenidae, Scombridae, Sparidae Carangidae, Serranidae and Lophiidae families are known as definitive hosts of A. tubarium (see: Bartoli, Bray, 1987). The grass goby, Gobius (Zosterisessor) ophiocephalus is known as an intermediate host for A. tubarium (Dollfus, 1952). This goby is the common food for mentioned fishes. Because the pipefish, Syngnathus typhle, is also able to catch small gobies, for example, Aphya sp. (Andriyaschev, Arnoldi, 1945), it is possible to suppose that small juvenile grass gobies infected with A. tubarium metacercariae could be an infection source for pipefish. We would like to thank Dr. R. Bray (the Natural History Museum, London) for help with literature. Thanks are also due to Mr. A. Chernyshov for sampling of fish. Andriyaschev A. P., Arnoldi L. V. About feeding biology of some bottom-dwelling Black Sea fishes // Zhurnal obshchei biologii. - 1945. – Vol. VI (1). – P. 53 – 62. – Russian. Bartoli P., Bray R. A. Redescription of two cryptogonimid digeneans from the fish Dentex dentex (L., 1758) (Sparidae) in the Mediterranean Sea // Syst. Parasitol. – 1987. – 10. – P. 117 – 127. Dollfus R. P. La larve métacercaire d’Aphallus tubarium (Rudolphi, 1819) enkystée chez Gobius (Zostericola) ophiocephalus P.S. Pallas // Vie et Milleu. – 1952. – 2. – P. 350 – 358. Gaevskaya A. V., Gusev A. V., Delamure S. L. et al. Key to parasites of vertebrates of the Black and Azov Seas. – Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1975. – 552 p. – Russian. Janiszewska J. Some Adriatic fish trematodes // Zool. Poloniae. - 1951 - 1953. - 6. – P. 20 – 48. Перша знахідка Aphallus tubarium (Rud., 1819) Poche, 1926 (Trematoda: Cryptogonimidae) у Чорному морі. Корнійчук Ю.М., Гаєвська А.В. – Трематода Aphallus tubarium (Rud., 1819) Poche, 1926 зареєстрована в новому хазяїні – іглиці Syngnathus typhle L. (Pisces, Syngnathidae), виловленій біля берегів Криму. Приведено опис та оригінальний рисунок марити. Рід Aphallus уперше відзначено у Чорному морі. К л ю ч е в ы е с л о в а: трематоди, риби, Чорне море, фауна, Aphallus tubarium, нові знахідки. |
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