Кваліфікаційних завдань, який пропонується для проведення атестаційної

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Спишіть запропонований текст., підкреслюючи іменники у формі множини:

On May 26, 2004 at 17 o’clock in SPA “Electron” the conference on questions of introduction new technologies into production of microprocessors “Alfa” will take place.

The Chief Eijineer ofуour association is Invited to take part in the work of the conference.

а) Інструкція

Перекладіть поданий фрагмент на українську мову:

  1. Regulation, storage and using the documents in the Secret Department are conducted according to the Ruels of Activity of archive departments of enterprises, establishments and organizations, this Instruction and other normal acts in questions of archive affairs and defense of State secrets.

б) Інструкція

Спишіть поданий фрагмент, підкреслюючи іменники у формі множини:

  1. Regulation, storage and using the documents in the Secret Department are conducted according to the Rules of Activity of archive departments of enterprises, establishments and organizations, this Instruction and other normal acts in questions of archive affairs and defense of State secrets.

в) Інструкція

Спишіть поданий фрагмент, підкреслюючи однорідні члени речення:

  1. Regulation, storage and using the documents in the Secret Department are conducted according to the Rules of Activity of archive departments of enterprises, establishments and organizations, this Instruction and other normal acts in questions of archive affairs and defense of Statu secrets

а) Текст (розпорядження)

Перекладіть запропонований текст на українську мову:

Order is an act of law which is issued by the leader or the collective body for decision of operative questions. It has limited term of action and concerns the limited number of organizations, officials and citizens (executors of the order).

б) Текст (розпорядження)

Спишіть запропонований текст, підкреслюючи граматичні основи:

Order is an act of low wichis issued by the leader or the collective body for decision of operative questions. It has limited term of action and concerns the limited

number of organizations, officials and citizens (executors of the order).

в) Текст (розпорядження)

Спишіть запропонований текст, підкреслюючи однорідні члени речення

Order is an act of law which is issued by the leader or the collective body for decision of operative questions. It has limited term of action and concerns the limited number of organizations, officials and citizens (executors of the order).

а) Зразок плану

Перекладіть запропонований зразок на українську мову:

The text “The environmental Protection”


  1. Mankind is worried about pollution of the nature.

  2. Ecology as a science.

  3. Different ways of saving environment.

  4. The duty of mankind is to save nature.

б) Зразок плану

Спишіть запропонований зразок плану, підкреслюючи іменники:

The text “The environmental Protection”


  1. Mankind is worried about pollution of the nature.

  2. Ecology as a science.

  3. Different ways of saving environment.

  4. The duty of mankind is to save nature.

в) Зразок плану

Спишіть запропонований зразок плану, вставляючи у разі необхідності відповідні артиклі:

The text “The environmental Protection”


  1. Mankind is worried about ... pollution of... nature.

  2. Ecology as a science.

  1. .Different ways of saving ... environment.

  1. 2 duty of... mankind is to save nature.

а) Текст (розписка)

Перекладіть запропонований текст на українську мову:

Receipt is a document which can be treated as a written confirmation of the activity of some kind - giving and receiving documents, goods, financial values of enterprises or persons.

All the receipts are divided into to main groups - private receipts and officialones.

б) Текст (розписка)

Спишіть запропонований текст, підкреслюючи дієслова-присудки у пасивному стані:

Receipt is a document which can be treated as a written confirmation of the activity of some kind - giving and receiving documents, goods, financial values of enterprises or persons.

All the receipts are divided into to main groups - private receipts and official


в) Текст (розписка)

Спишіть запропонований текст, підкреслюючи однорідні члени речення:

Receipt is a document which can be treated as a written confirmation of the activity of some kind - giving and receiving documents, goods, financial values of enterprises or persons.

All the receipts are divided into to main groups - private receipts and officialones.

а) Лист-рекламація

Перекладіть поданий фрагмент на українську мовv


Thank you for your delivery of men's silk shirts, which we ordered on 21st of

March 2004. But after examination of the shirts we .discovered some manufacturing defects:

  • there are oil stains on 12 shirts.

We are returning the defective shirts by separate mail, and would ask you to replace them.


Спишіть поданий фрагмент, підкреслюючи граматичні основи:

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your delivery of men’s silk shirts, which we ordered on 2jst of March 2004. But after examination of the shirts we discovered some manufacturing defects:

  • there are oil stains on 12 shirts,

We are returning the defective shirts by separate mail, and would ask you to replace them.

в) Лист-рекламація

Спишіть поданий фрагмент, використовуючи вказану видо-часову форму дієслів: DearSir,

Thank you for your delivery of men’s silk shirts, which we (to order - the Past Indefinite Tense) on 21st of March 2004. But after examination of the shirts we (to

discover - the Past Indefinite Tense) some manufacturing defects:

  • there are oil stains on 12 shirts.
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